Hormones, Health & Happiness




Hormones, Health & Happiness 〰️ NOW AVAILABLE ON DEMAND 〰️

Next Level Wellness with Tracy Richardson MSC. from Serendipity Wellness® - Hormones, Health & Happiness

Next Level Hormones, Health & Happiness

When: RIGHT NOW!!! It’s on demand so access whenever you like

Where: Online- virtually- on your phone, tablet or comupter

only £59- lifetime access*

All in a PRIVATE community channel.


Join Tracy and discover how to use your divine feminine gifts to your advantage, how to harmonise your systems and start feeling great.

  Do you want to work smarter, not harder, and feel more in tune?
  Do you want to gain a deeper understanding of yourself, and the way you think, feel and behave?
  Do you want to know the best times to be social, do business or take a time out?

This masterclass WILL assist you in mastering your energy, improving your mood and enhancing your overall wellness, ensuring you are supported to keep fulfilling your potential and performing.

Learning about your nervous system will provide you with a deeper understanding of yourself and of the way you think, feel, and behave. You can then use this information to inform your personal strategy for life and business.

If you want to ensure you know how best to support yourself for your individual needs then this is the place to start.

DO YOU... ?

  Feel like you don’t have enough ENERGY?
  Feel like your brain is in a FOG?
  Feel like your MOODS fluctuate wildly throughout the month?
  Feel like you have ZERO energy?
  Feel like there is something MISSING or there has to be something better than this?


  Like to discover how you could change this and work with simple easy to action steps to shift your energy and leverage your hormones to optimise your wellness and daily performance?  

Like to do all this through rebalancing of your body systems by reducing internal inflammation and making simple changes, without being on a restrictive regime.

Like to be able to use this to help inform your own wellness blueprint for life and business?

Here's something just for you!  

💖  Discover the optimal times to do things for maximum impact

💖  Discover your FOUR innate superpowers

💖  Discover how to tap into these so that you can plan ahead



Let's work smarter NOT harder!

  Are you tired of trying to fit into the mould?
  Do you want to optimise your performance in life and business, without compromising on yourself?
  Do you want to honour your body, mind + soul, whilst performing your best everyday?

online- on demand- start right now!



Hi, I’m Tracy a Therapist (MSc), Wellness Consultant and the Founder of Serendipity Wellness® and author of The Little Book of Wellness: An A-Z Guide to Nourish Your Body, Mind + Soul.

I work with female business owners and entrepreneurs, who find themselves knackered, stressed, overwhelmed and close to burnout, to support them with easy to action solutions that simultaneously enhance health, performance & business life.

I’ve also experienced hormonal issues, PCOS and miscarriage, so I know what you're going through. I went to endless doctors and hospital appointments, experienced pain every month, have been through amenorrhoea (zero periods) and menorrhagia (excessive bleeding), and was given various prescriptions and very poor advice. So I started to do my own research, tried out a bunch of stuff and eventually found things that not only worked, but that meant my periods were no longer painful. As a wellness facilitator, I aim to inspire and educate you to care for and value yourself, to focus on positive behavioural changes and optimal quality of life. Education promotes a sense of empowerment and improved awareness for taking control of your own healing of both body, mind and soul for better physical and mental wellness.

My aim is to to provide wellness solutions for as many people as possible. Different options for different people just works- we’re all different, with an option for everyone who needs wellness support, that's the dream.

When I’m not working you can find me walking my dog, spending time with friends and family and geeking out studying the body and it’s inner workings- from cellular energy to the influence of the universe.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • This workshop is perfect for any of you ladies out there that have been struggling with chronic health problems and symptoms that have either contributed to hormonal imbalance or are attributed to it. It’s perfect for you if you want that critical piece of the conversation that is overlooked. If you are looking for change, and are looking at the bigger picture and the longer term goals, rather than a short term fix.

    This is for you if;

    👍 You have heard about things like circadian rhythms, photobiomodulation and frequency medicine, but are not sure how it applies to you

    👍 You want to learn more about hormones like oestrogen, progesterone, estosterone, DHEA, thyroid and vitamin D

    👍 You are interested in wellness, longevity and ageing well

    👍 You have struggled with your sleep, energy levels and mood

    👍 You have struggled with your wellness and fitness

    👍 You are done with endless regimes, supplements and expense

    👍 You want to know more about health from a different perspective

  • Yes! This workshop is 100% online so you can do it no matter where you are in the world. Although the LIVE timings will be in GMT/BST, London, UK time, once you are all signed up, you will receive your link (put this in your calendar) and prior to the event you will gain access to the private group channel. 

  • No.

    Although nutrition will be discussed, and general recommendations made with regards to whole food and anti inflammatory nutrition, this is not like many other programmes you may come across. It’s not a way of sucking you in and getting you to spend extra money with upsells and add ons. It’s about educating you, so you are able to make informed decisions and better choices.

    Making shifts to your health is like playing the long game, it’s not a sprint, and it will never be done through diet alone. Diet is like the tip of the iceberg- I use the example that it doesn’t matter whether you are putting in 2 stroke, diesel or premium fuel into the Ferrari, if the engines on fire, you’ll get the same result. So although diet plays a role, there is way more to the picture. There will most certainly be changes to make, but it’s never a one size fits all approach.

    There will be general recommendations I am able to make, but they will only ever be recommendations, though much depends on what your current health status is as your starting point. Remember it is all about wellness, and wellness makes you a well-being.

  • None of this is specifically for vegetarians or vegans, and recipes/meal plans may include animal products. I do not advocate for any ‘restrictive diet’, and in my experience, many women do better when they incorporate some high quality animal proteins in their diet, especially when it comes to hormone balancing, because our hormones are made from the building blocks we provide the body with.

    I fully respect your choices to be vegetarian/ vegan but I can only talk about the research and learning I have with regards to happy hormones and health.

  • Hey I get it, we’re all busy people. But here’s the thing, if you don’t make time for your wellness and put yourself first now, then when will you? Trust me, the time will never be right. Of course we all have lots to fit in, but from my perspective your health SHOULD be a priority, because without it you have nothing anyway.

    For things to work there does need to be a commitment form you to yourself and to the workshop.

    BUT… The really great part is… this masterclass is available on demand, so you can watch it whenever you like!


📜 Disclaimer: The content is intended for informational and educational purposes only. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition, and should not be used as a substitute for any and all professional and/or medical advice. Recipient of this notice so affirms before partaking in any and all information and related links, etc. 

*Lifetime access is for the life of the Serendipity Wellness® brand availibilty.