Hey there, I’m Tracy.

I’m Tracy Richardson founder of Serendipity Wellness®, an award winning multi-disciplinary Therapist (MSc), Wellness Consultant, and Claircognisant based in Warwickshire, UK. I am also the Author of The Little Book of Wellness: An A-Z Guide to Nourish Your Body, Mind + Soul, founder of the Wellness Alchemy® process and an Angelic Reiki Teacher.

😢 Do you often find yourself knackered, stressed, overwhelmed and close to burnout?

😢 Would you like some help with that? Perhaps some easy-to-action solutions that simultaneously enhance health, performance & business life?

I help female entrepreneurs and business owners to rekindle their connection with their mind, body and soul, to improve their health and wellness, by working from the inside out.

I do this by working with Wellness Alchemy®; an integrative holistic process that works with the body hierarchy, blending science and spirituality, to reclaim your awesome and optimise your personal potential.

I still believe that Wellness starts with YOU.

Tracy Richardson BSc., MSc.

Therapist MSc. • Energy Healer • Medical Intuitive • Author • Educator (PgDip)


With over 25 years of experience in the health, fitness and education sectors, Tracy specialises in wellness- pain relief, energy renewal and wellness restoration and optimisation. She uses a unique modern approach that is bespoke to the individual, combining various therapeutic modalities to nourish the body, mind + soul.

Tracy aims to inspire and educate you to care for and value yourself, to focus on positive behavioural changes and optimal quality of life. Education promotes a sense of empowerment and improved awareness for taking control of your own healing of both body, mind and soul for better physical and mental wellness.

Tracy uses various therapeutic modalities at Serendipity Wellness®, working both in person and online.

She takes proactive approach to wellness, whereby you will be actively involved in the process, receive a customised treatment plan, with the goal of resolving symptoms by addressing the root causes of the disorder and dysfunction in the body.

Tracy provides comprehensive and effective support to her clients, by consistently enhancing her own education and skills- you can never stop learning, and she firmly believes that education and consistency will always be the keys to offering outstanding client care.

Tracy also hosts professional development training for wellness professionals, and online and in person talks for private and corporate groups.

Her aim is to to provide wellness solutions for as many people as possible. Different options for different people just works- we’re all different.

When she’s not working you can find her walking her dog, spending time with friends and family and geeking out studying the body and it’s inner workings- from cellular energy to the influence of the universe.

Clinics run in Rugby, Warks, London- NW1 and via virtual consultation services.


Serendipity Wellness® has evolved in 2023 from Hybrid Therapy originally established in 2018, it is an integrative holistic wellness practice that provides a whole person centred approach to facilitate healing and restore/ optimise your wellness- all so you can do the things that you enjoy.

Tracy established Hybrid Therapy to bridge the gap in supporting people with chronic pain and wellness concerns, which soon grew to supporting local, national and international clients. Serendipity Wellness® has come about as a natural evolution into a body, mind + soul approach to you and combines body, mind and soul therapeutic modalities- blending the spiritual and the science!

Bridging the science & the spiritual, to take care of you!

If you are ready to take control of your wellness? You need to know, the key to wellness is that it starts with you!

It starts with YOU taking responsibility for YOUR wellness.

If you are you ready to transform your wellness and create the freedom to live life the way you want- Serendipity Wellness® can help.

Promoting wellness for life, because 'Wellness makes you a Well-being'.

Serendipity Wellness® has introduced internationally recognised medical science in the form of Amino Neuro Frequency (ANF) Therapy to the UK complementary and holistic therapies market and offers ANF Therapy by providing treatment clinics, and accredited training to practitioners in the UK and internationally.

Serendipity Wellness® Core Values

Tracy’s Serendipity Wellness® Ethos

Wellness is paramount to everything else in life- without wellness you can’t enjoy life to its fullest.

But, with so many methods, concepts and fads, it can become confusing to know what to do when there’s so much inconsistent information on offer. 

This is where I come in!

After nearly 25 years of education and experience, and seeing many things work or ail, come and go. An integrative approach that is fundamental to underpinning the basis for wellness has evolved.

Through nourishing the body, mind and soul we can bring ourselves into alignment and support lifelong wellness.

This includes;


The Mission

Tracy’s mission is to help you feel better.


And it really is simple… but it’s not always easy!

Healing and wellness takes effort and it’s not a passive process.

You need to be actively involved.

Are you ready to work with me and embody the best version of you, yet?

Want to know more?

    • As a holistic wellness practitioner, Tracy at Serendipity Wellness® focuses on keeping the body well all the time so that the body is less susceptible to illness and injury. Tracy takes a holistic approach to wellness and self care by incorporating an integrated view and a whole person centred perspective of wellness for body, mind + soul.

    • The aim being to find the root cause, promote short term care and work towards long term long term resolution and not to just treat your symptoms.

    • You will receive a bespoke holistic assessment and an integrative holistic treatment plan designed around you, to support restoration and regeneration of your body systems, normalise function and support your body’s performance. 

    • You are a sum of all your parts…. which is the reason for the focus on integrative holistic wellness, and an individualised approach, incorporating individualised treatment that influences the whole person.

    • Tracy understands there are many influencing factors to pain and dysfunction such as emotions, organ function, nervous system function, range of motion, injury and health and lifestyle history.

    • Which is why she considers a variety of approaches and modalities to promote, maintain and restore wellness.

    • Everyone has the potential to feel awesome!

    • Pain and dysfunction are often symptoms and not the root cause of your issues.

    • The amount of pain you feel often doesn't correlate with tissue damage.

    • Pain is telling you that your body is unhappy or that something is dysfunctional and needs to change- but it doesn’t tell you what!

    • Your body is amazing at healing itself, the aim is to help your body to resolve, restore and normalise- to get you back to doing what you love!

    • Facilitating management, restoration and maintenance of your body, to improve your function, and reduce the impact of pain, dysfunction and problem areas upon your life.

    • Providing high quality therapy, support and education to help you listen to your body, so you can achieve what is possible.

    • Whether you want to be able to do more of the day to day activities you enjoy, or to perform in your next competition, Serendipity Wellness® can help!