Tracy Richardson MSc. in the Media

Features, Interviews, Expert Comments, Books & Podcasts


Expert Comments


Walking and Weight loss- Transform every walk you so into a weight loss opportunity 

Tracy Richardson MSc. of Serendipity Wellness® featured in healthline

Silent Walking- Commentary on the new Tik Tok trend.

Tech for Health- Commentary on Apple Devices to Boost Your Mental Health

Stylist Online Magazine

Shadow work- Commentary on what is it and how should we do it?

Moon Breathing- Can it help you get your best night’s sleep?


Pilates benefits- 22 Minutes to improve your wellness


The Importance of Posture- Based on Helen Mirren’s advice on posture


Articles & Features



Inspirational Female Founder Spotlight: Tracy Richardson



Tracy Richardson is a Therapist (MSc.), Wellness Consultant and Author at Serendipity Wellness® and understands the role that self belief has played in their business journey.


From Frenzy to Focus

Boundaries — imagine if you had an off switch or you could press pause, just to give yourself breathing space

Self Care & Mental Wellness

Breathe in and out through the nose and focus on how the breath feels as it moves in and out of the nostrils.

Beating Burnout

Energy can become stagnated, or what I term ‘energetic scars’ in tissues and organs

Optimise Total Health

Movement is far more inclusive, and involves being intuitive and what feels good to your body.

Social Impact Author

I used to want everything to be perfect, but you know it was exhausting

Women In Wellness

Embrace your imperfections- what you see as flaws are your special qualities

Slow Down To Do More

One of the easiest ways to disconnect, whilst still being connected.


Author Interview

I have always been a complete bibliophile to the point where I could lose days immersed reading

Siren stories… Get To Know Tracy Richardson

Get To Know Tracy Richardson, author of The Little Book Of Wellness, on The Table Read Magazine


Putting Mental Wellness Before the Hustle

Many people live with an elevated stress level, racing from deadline to deadline…

Tracy Richardson MSc. in The Wonderment

Escape into a Good Book

Here Tracy offers a recommendation for a most excellent book.

Begin the slow living journey with our three simple tips

…embracing living life in the slow lane, flipping the off switch, and implementing loving boundaries around when you’re ‘on’

Tracy Richardson MSc. in Belongly

Slowing Down to Speed Up

Life in a 24-7 society means demand for your attention is at an all-time high


Anxiety Busting Videos

Practical breathwork and body scan videos from Wellness Consultant Tracy Richardson

Cold Showers

Cold showers aren’t great for everyone. Here’s why they might not work for you…


20% of UK workers feeling stressed

… and 46% being close to burnout, that’s a huge chunk of the workforce verging on exhaustion

44% of people feel stress at work

… less of a focus upon external rewards and more emphasis upon the internal motivators…

Tracy Richardson MSc. in the Startup Observer

Perform Better at Work & Home

Have you ever got so busy at work that you forget to pee, eat lunch or move from your desk?


Is Your Computer Making You Dizzy?

After a period sat working at the computer, the individual was feeling their head starting to spin…

Woman's Bible

Unwind to Uplevel

Many business owners reach burnout, where they are physically and/or mentally exhausted…

Good Vibes Only

If you feel someone has ‘good vibes’, it means they are creating and transmitting positive emotions…


Life in the slow lane

How to take a step back and live in the present…

Entrepreneur Tribune online

Changing the Workplace

Work-related stress and anxiety accounted for half of illness absence in 2020-21…


Getting Grounded

More so now than ever, health is something that we should all be taking responsibility for.

Communication- It’s More Than You Think

You see to enable you to transmit information your body, especially your brain, needs to work to receive


Coherence, Order, Synchronicity

These are words the body likes, in fact, lives by… You are a finely tuned…


Rugby Entrepreneurs Featured in New Book

New book celebrating inspirational female achievers


Author- Published, Collaboration, Commissioned

The Little Book of Wellness: An A-Z guide to nourish body, mind + soul

The Little Book of Wellness- Companion Workbook

21 Day Wellness Kickstart journal

Wellness Journal 2024: Track the your cycles, moods, energy & more..

The Healing Power of Nature Contributing Author Tracy Richardson

The Healing Power of Nature

My chapter is all about the power of sunshine

Successful Women In Business Leadership Edition

My chapter is all about Prioritising you to avoid burnout

Pearson REVISE BTEC National Sport and Exercise Science Revision Guide


Creative Design Project: By small business owners

See my meditation & chakra design

Woman Who 2021 Edition

My story up to 2021