Seven Week Summer Reset with Tracy Richardson MSc. of  Serendipity Wellness®

Introducing the Seven Week Reset

A transformative journey designed for busy freelancers, founders, and solopreneurs, to boost health & wellness and stave off burnout. 

This reset focuses on:

  • Achieving micro wins in your health and wellness 

  • Creating sustainable, enjoyable wellness routines  

  • Finding balance and mental clarity in your daily life

The 7 Week Reset: A Wellness Programme for Those Who Dislike Programmes

  • Are you exceptional at what you do but struggle to maintain a balanced lifestyle?

  • Do traditional wellness programmes feel rigid and uninspiring?

  • Are you frustrated seeing others thrive in their health journeys while you feel stuck?

If any of this resonates, the 7 Week Reset is crafted just for you.

Does Your Health & Wellness Journey Feel…

  • Boring?

Are you tired of monotonous routines that fail to spark joy or motivation?

  • Annoying?

Do you find typical wellness advice unrelatable and unappealing?

  • Intimidating?

Does the idea of a strict regimen with intense workouts and restrictive diets overwhelm you?

But what if health and wellness could be:

  • Enjoyable and sustainable, with  bitesized trainings and actionable steps, that excite and inspire you.

  • Help you grow personally and professionally by boosting your energy and mental clarity.

  • Create a supportive, engaging community where you feel motivated and encouraged every day.

That's exactly what the Seven Week Reset offers. 

Join us and transform your health and wellness experience into one that is vibrant, fulfilling, and perfectly tailored to your lifestyle.


What will you learn?

This programme never goes out of date –  I update your course when current wellness practices change.
Plus, you get lifetime access– so it’s here to use whenever you need.

1. 🧘🏼‍♀️ Week 1 ➡️ Emotional Harmony: Cultivating Inner Peace

   - Learn strategies to cultivate emotional harmony and find inner peace amidst the demands of a solopreneur.

2. 🧘🏼‍♀️ Week 2 ➡️ Mind Mastery: Boosting Mental Clarity and Focus

   - Enhance mental clarity and sharpen focus through proven techniques tailored for female solopreneurs.

3. 🧘🏼‍♀️ Week 3 ➡️ Lifestyle Revamp: Creating Healthy Habits

   - Practical steps to establish and maintain healthy habits that support your journey as a solopreneur. 

4. 🧘🏼‍♀️ Week 4 ➡️ Sleep Sanctuary: Optimising Rest for Vitality

   - Transform your sleep habits and environment, and optimise rest to boost vitality and productivity as a solopreneur.

5. 🧘🏼‍♀️ Week 5 ➡️ Healthy Spaces: Enhancing Your Surroundings

   - Create nurturing environments that support your well-being and productivity in both work and personal spaces.

6. 🧘🏼‍♀️Week 6 ➡️ Move with Purpose: Energising Your Body

   - Discover movement practices designed to soothe and energise your body and enhance overall wellness amidst your busy schedule.

7. 🧘🏼‍♀️ Week 7 ➡️ Nourish to Flourish: Fueling Your Wellness Journey

   - Learn how to nourish your body with the right nutrients to thrive physically and mentally in your life and business.


What do people say about the 7 week Reset?

Feedback Jo, Summer Reset 2024

Jo, Summer Reset 2024

Tracy Richardson Msc. Seven Week Reset

Who am I to be giving out Health & Wellness advice?

  • I am someone with over 25 years experience in the health, wellness and education arenas.

  • I am someone who totally gets where you are now and where you want to be.
    I am somone who was in the same situation 4 years ago, when I burned out from overworking- even though I loved what I did.

  • I am someone who has supported hundreds of people with improving their health and wellness

  • I am someone who cares deeply that you put yourself back on the top of your priority list.

I don’t believe in ‘hacks’, I stand for sustainability and longevity for health and wellness. And building positive habits to achieve this.

My biggest achievements are the hundreds of people, just like you, who I’ve helped see incredible results with their health and wellness.

What this programme isn’t:

It is NOT a follow my system and in seven weeks you will have the perfect life.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but life just isn’t like that. 

Here’s a recap

Recap of what is involved in the Seven Week Reset

By the end of the program, you will:

  • Have a balanced and sustainable self-care routine that enhances your physical and mental health.

  • Develop mindfulness and stress management techniques to maintain a positive mindset.

  • Gain increased energy and productivity to tackle both personal and professional tasks with ease.

  • Build a supportive network of like-minded female solopreneurs to share experiences and strategies for ongoing success.

  • Experience a renewed sense of clarity and purpose, enabling you to function better in both life and business.

I know you don’t need just more information!

Who has time for endless online training, tick box activities and another ‘guru’ telling you they know exactly what you need?

The 7 Week Reset is specifically designed NOT to be just another thing you sign up for.

It’s about providing you with an opportunity to implement some self care, build some positive habits and learn what works for you.

Yes there will be some accountability, but only if you want it.

You’re smart enough to go it alone and implement stuff that works and is going to help you… sometimes it’s just better knowing that someone’s checking in on you and doing it with others.

Next 7 Week Reset is Autumn 2024- we start October 2nd

Join us for a total of 8 weeks (including the kick off call and the wrap up) for ONLY £149

7 Week Reset with Tracy Richardson MSc. of Serendipity Wellness® Autumn 2024


  • Is it a lot of work?
    Like anything you get out, what you put in- but this isn’t about creating work for you to do. This is about you implementing things within your everyday life that will help you move the needle to achieving improved health and wellness over the seven weeks, so that you can perform better in life and business.

  • How long does it take?

    The programme is over seven weeks, and there’s a different theme every week. But, you will begin implementing all the content as you go, meaning you see results faster. You can do a seperate theme each week, or build on the week before, or mix and match- whatever suits you!

  • Is there a guarantee?

    As with anything there are no guarantees, but the strategies that are provided will help you improve your health and wellness, if you implement them. If you can prove that you have participated fully in the programme and still have not noticed any difference, then I will offer 100% refund.

    But I’ll be checking to make sure you've actually put in the work 😉

  • Do you have to spend hours a day implementing the stratrgies and tips for them to work?

    No. You’ll learn how to implement the strategies for each themed week in as little as 10 minutes, but then you ned to implement them daily.

  • How long do I have to finish the course?

    You get lifetime access and as I update the programme you get the updates too. The only thing you won’t get included are the accountability calls with each new cohort- though there will be an additional option for you to join these.

  • How long are the videos?

    Each video is around fifteen minutes, making it easy to focus on and… fun!

  • What if I’ve got more questions?


Terms & Conditions of Sale- For full terms and conditions of sale click here


Can’t make the Autumn Reset?

Add your details and be the first to know about the Winter Reset.


The details provided is intended for informational and educational purposes only. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition, and should not be used as a substitute for any medical examination, diagnosis or treatment and that nothing detailed should be construed as such. Recipient of this notice so affirms before partaking in any and all information and related links, etc. 

  • When you attend a session, I trust that you are committed and motivated to make a change in your life and do the work that it requires.

  • Whilst many people notice a significant and rapid change, the final result varies from person to person.

  • As an ethical practitioner Tracy is committed to delivering the results that you need in the shortest time possible.