Morning Routines of Successful People

I’m sure you’ve read somewhere that all successful people are up at 3am meditating, drinking green juice, working out and have completed 4 hours of work before most of you have even brushed your teeth.

Well, I’m calling BS.

Knowing what I know about circadian biology and biorhythms of the body, this is one of the quickest ways to a dysregulated body and a whole host of consequences, otherwise known as symptoms, like fatigue, unexplained pain and poor sleep to name a few.

As a Therapist (MSc.) and Wellness Consultant I work with clients regularly on what they can do to support themselves and specifically why they should be doing it- because when you know better you can do better. It’s often the seemingly unconventional that gets us the desired result, so I'd love to offer some input into the morning routine of a somewhat successful therapist, who places huge value upon wellness and longevity.

You name it, I’ve likely tried it, in the name of wellness and optimising it… so not only do I walk the walk, I also research like crazy to for out the pros and cons from a therapists perspective. As a previously fully paid up member of the 5am club, I now ascribe to a slower pace and ease into the day to support both my physical and mental wellness. 

I believe that the morning is a golden time that can impact so many people with their wellness, and performance in life and business. One of the key areas I have noticed with my clients is supporting them with changes is in their morning routines, and it is never a one size fits all solution.

For myself the morning consists of waking when my body clock tells me, though usually this is around 7.30am, I snuggle with my doggie Raven and we both have a drink of water. My husband usually works away so mostly it’s just us. Then we’ll scroll through the Gaia subscription channel and put on a documentary or interview, and I’ll make a smoothie with fruit, collagen powder and coconut water and Raven gets chicken or lamb and either veggie or biscuits. We then settle down for 30 minutes or so. Then it’s showered and dressed and out for our morning dog walks to meet the ‘wolf pack’ our doggie friends and my parents. After this it’s home usually to start work around 11am. As every day can be different depending on client work, sometimes we modify this, but generally our days are the same. It works for us and is a stark contrast to the 4.30am starts and power walking I used to do when, followed by and hours commute to work every day.

If you are seriously looking to make changes to enhance your wellness, but you are not quite sure where to begin, then leas get in touch and see if I can help

Love + wellness

Tracy x

Morning routines- Serendipity Wellness, Rugby

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