Be Kind

Be kind always

It’s world kindness day!

Here’s some gentle reminders about how we can be kind, however they shouldn’t be limited to just one day.

Let’s face it, there’s lots of simple things you can do- smiling at a stranger, saying thank you and being grateful are all acts of kindness.

One of my favourite quotes:

“Kindness is love with its work boots on”.

~The house bunny

5 ways to be kind to yourself:

So it’s Kindness week and Self care week, so i thought i would combine the tw and look at how you can be kind to yourself.

Oftentimes, you are the last person on the list. The last person that you think about. Why is this?

Well, life gets busy and we spend lots of time looking after the needs of other people, but what about you. Remember this, if you don’t look after yourself, you’ll not be able to look after others!

So here a 5 ridiculously easy ways that you can take care of you now!

  1. ️- Take 10 minutes out.

    Yes 10 minutes, no distractions, turn off your phone, lock yourself in the bathroom if you have to but 10 minutes where you do nothing!!! I find lying on the bed in a dark room is really beneficial, it only takes 10 minutes and you will feel recharged.

  2. Breathe

    Yes I know you do it anyway, but are you breathing properly?

    Stand upright, or lay flat, you need to practice diaphragmatic breathing. Place your hands on your abdomen and take a deep breath, if your abdomen moves your probably doing it ok. Breathe in and out for a counts of 4.

  3. Tell yourself its ok not being perfect

    We all try to do our best at everything we undertake. After all whats the point if you’re not doing it well. But sometimes things don’t go according to ‘the plan’. It is ok to mess up. It is ok to fail. See these as positives, use them as learning experiences and grow!

  4. Treat yourself

    Now this doesn’t mean an expensive shopping spree where you splurge on Jimmy Choos or Nikes’ (whatever’s your bag man). It could mean treating yourself to a facial, a walk in the country, a scented candle, a massage. Something that won’t break the bank but will give you a prolonged sense of improved wellbeing.

  5. Be kind to someone else

    This will come back to you. If you put it out there it will be returned.

    Even if it’s just a smile, a compliment ‘love the dress’ to a stranger, it will make you feel good and your paying it forward… the person you address is likely to perpetuate the cycle!





Be kind