Heavy Metal Toxicity?




Do you know anyone who may have heavy metal toxicity?

Have you experienced weight gain or loss, deficiencies, anxiety, gut issues, high blood pressure, respiratory issues…

Toxic metals can accumulate and remain within our body systems indefinitely. They can deposit themselves anywhere, in organs, halves and body tissue. But, they prefer fat cells and the liver- where they become encased and ‘stored’.

So being overweight could be due to toxicity on and above anything else- this leads to chronic inflammation and a whole host of other symptoms.

The fat acts to protect the nervous system and the brain, and adapts to the situation to protect us… but to the detriment of our health.

Once in your cells, they cause chaos! They lower the pH of the cell, which affects its permeability, ion flow and energy production.

Once compromised- the toxic metals are stored with other minerals we use as nutrients because they have a similar ionic charge. They are an irritant to the tissue surrounding it and this produce inflammation and other symptoms.

The toxic metals inhibit it prevent enzymes from connecting with our nutrient minerals by blocking their receptor sites- so we become nutrient deficient. It changes the carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen composition- chronically this may directly affect our DNA. Enzymes are the catalyst in cell reactions, they help things to work efficiently.

It has to be said that done heavy metals actually promote fungal, bacterial, and viral infections, which become very difficult to remove until the metal issue has been resolved.

Toxic metals like lead, fluoride, and aluminium have an affinity for bone tissue, that's where our blood and immune cells are made, and also weakens the bone itself.

They may become can weaken arteries, joints, connective tissues, and muscles, over time.

Toxic metals impact digestion, glands, especially the adrenals and thyroid glands, damage organs such as the kidneys and liver.

They are all are neurotoxic, which means they damage the brain and nervous system. Many mental and emotional health issues involve excess toxic metals and nutrient deficiencies.

We are now exposed to more toxic metals than ever- from air, to food, to water…

Interested to know if this affects you?

Get in touch to book your hair analysis to help get to the root cause of your health issue.