Heavy Metals

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What does your hair say?

Well your hair tells a story, a tale about you and what’s going on in your life.

We can look at this with a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis or HTMA.

But, why would you bother when you can just go see your doctor and get a blood test free on the NHS (In The UK)?

Well, when you are told by your doctor that your blood tests results are 'within normal range all is fine’ , but you actually feel like sh*t, then this is when your discernment needs to factor in.

Blood tests are not the gold standard when ot comes to mineral levels. If we just take calcium, most of this is found in your cells, not in the blood. So you can in fact have super low levels, which triggers the body to release calcium from your bones and into the blood stream, so if your levels are coming back ‘normal’ then we need to look at other levels in conjunction with your symptoms and your history.

Blood tests within normal range, does not mean much to a holistic health practitioner, it’s the patterns that need to be observed.

Sometimes you just know yourself that ther is something 'going on' and you potentiallly can recognise the symptoms as 'warning signs’. Just like a holistic health practitioner will observe and listen to you and your body.

Your blood is a homeostatic tissue and loves balance- so it strives for ti. So if there is something out of balance in a blood panel it usually means that the issue has been there for sometime. 

If you wake up feeling knackered, generally feel a bit meh, are constantly hungry, wake up sweating at night or are putting on weight with no obvious reason (i.e. you are eating excessively) then it may be wise to do some further investigating. 

These are manifestations of other stuff going on- can be for many reasons- but a lot can be attributed to the actions you take regularly- things like wearing sunglasses all the time, watching TV into the small hours and waking up for a midnight snack. These are common ways to progress yourself into leptin resistance, insulin resistance and pre diabetes… amongst other things.

When the blood test results are 'within normal range' but …you aren’t well, then don’t believe the testa and listen to your body. 

You are likely NOT a hypochondriac.

One way you can look a little deeper into is with HTMA.

  • A HTMA is not simply about identifying toxic elements and doing a detox.

  • It is not about looking at which mineral is low, and so just to add that one in or which one is high and take that one out.

  • It is also not about a computerised report with a stack load of synthetic supplements.

  • It is a test that gives a picture of the WHOLE person. 

From here you are able to determine what is interacting with what and work on a pathway forward- looking to the long term resolution, where possible.

Remember your body does not lie… its just under no obligation to make sense to you!

Sometimes you need an interpreter.

Love + wellness


If you would like to know more about HTMA click here


Heavy Metal Toxicity?

The toxic metals inhibit it prevent enzymes from connecting with our nutrient minerals by blocking their receptor sites- so we become nutrient deficient. It changes the carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen composition- chronically this may directly affect our DNA. Enzymes are the catalyst in cell reactions, they help things to work efficiently.