Self Care

Burnout and You

Sometimes, days go by without checking in with yourself and you end up sidelining your needs, sometimes this turns into weeks, or even years. What you don’t realise at the time is that this has a profound effect upon your wellness.

If someone had said to me before I turned 40 about life in the slow lane, I wouldn’t have listened, by then you don’t know what you don’t know.

Though it is something that I have had to embody, and it now feels totally aligned with me to live more slowly, because it means I can be present and live in the moment. I live my talk.

Working in the wellness space it just makes sense to advocate for slowing down, when it has so many benefits. Most of the women that contact me, do so because they are knackered, stressed, overwhelmed and close to burnout. I’m sure if you have ever been worn out, you will be able to relate!

I have literally lived it twice in different phases of my life, come through it and now actively implement strategies to avoid placing myself in that position again. So, now as a Therapist (MSc.) and Wellness Consultant, along with a whole host of qualifications in physical, mental and spiritual wellness stand me in pretty good stead to support others. Through gaining knowledge, interpreting it and sharing it in an accessible and understandable way, my clients become less reliant upon me and more trustful of themselves and their abilities to heal and optimise their wellness. So I see myself as a facilitator because wellness makes you a well-being, and I can support clients along the way and make their progress more straightforward, but I can’t do it for them.

Want to know my 5 top tips for beating burnout?

Time to put you first!

So this is a long BLOG but it’s pure gold… because by the end you will know all about how I utilise frequency you help normalise your body systems and diminish your symptoms.


So I mention frequencies A LOT- because we’ll they are everything.

When I was first told- everything has a frequency, it quite literally blew my mind… I mean I’d heard of sound and light waves and anyone who grew up in the 80’s has seen a graphic equaliser 😉 Think waves- amplitude and frequency!

But I didn’t really understand it. I mean who teaches you about quantum mechanics relative to the human body??

Everything is connected… hear me out it’s fact not a load of woo!

If we break it all down we are atoms… we are a tightly packed, highly attracted bundle of atoms, that are spinning super fast!

You can feel it when you listen to music that evokes a feeling in you, or when the sun comes out from behind a cloud and heats your skin- it changes your cellular vibration and frequency!

Everything emits energy, from our interconnected energy fields to our bio photons.

We are beings of light. Light emits energy. We emit light energy as biophotons. Light has both wave and particle duality- it can be a wave and/or a particle 😉

Each photon has energy that is in proportion with its frequency- light frequencies are measured in nano meters, so the energy is relative to its frequency.

We gain energy from sunlight!

Photons of light come to Earth in and our aromatic amino acids in tyrosine capture it. Cells use this to create dopamine. We also do the same with tryptophan to make melatonin/serotonin once light hits them in cells. So you see light is life!

All of our body structures have different frequencies- the wave and spin of the atoms determines this. But many areas have multiple frequencies- if we just ran on one frequency then death may be imminent if it were interrupted.

For instance did you know bone has been 14-19 resonant frequencies? (Harkanss, 1994). It’s not solid- it has a crystalline structure and so has piezoelectric properties- the electric charge contained is in response to mechanical loading applied to it- we can change this with tapping!

Our nerve cells or neurons also have frequencies- think fibre optic cables for internet- the frequency is determined by the interactions of the neuron. It has both active and passive interactions. The frequencies can be determined by recording the firing patterns (Hutcheon and Yarom, 2000). Tips is how we can target a neuron and influence it with exogenous (external) frequencies.

What exactly the ‘stickers’ do.

Sooo… it’s a bit of a paradigm shift!

The stickers or to be more accurate the bio frequency discs are Amino Neurofrequency (ANF) therapy- a class 1 medical frequency device.

We know that frequency is everything- it connects us to our environment, one another, and allows communication between things and information to flow. This helps us with regulation of our body systems, which is an essential part of our immune response.

You know that feeling, that gut instinct, that sixth sense… well this is an example of frequency information being transmitted from something through your senses to advise you of a potential threat. It’s like an inbuilt alarm system that when we listen to it, will never fail us.

So how does ANF fit in?

Well it works on our bio frequencies to support normal function. So it stimulates our nervous system signals (the fibre optic broadband) to become stronger and elicit the required effective responses. It helps tune us into the ‘right’ frequencies.

Here’s an example- when you tune in your TV, if the signal (frequency) is weak, interrupted or incorrect our picture on the screen is not optimal, but if we tune into the right frequency then bingo- perfect picture!

It’s the same with the body- if our nervous system cannot transmit strong frequencies because they are interrupted, weak or dysfunctional then we don’t get optimal responses and this can often manifest as unwanted symptoms. Like when we feel pain- often times this is due to faulty transmission due to inflammation of the nervous system aka invisible inflammation or the silent killer.

ANF Therapy stimulates the innate frequencies in the body to bring them back online and promotes restoration and normalisation- leading to a reduction in symptoms and an improvement in wellness and body function. Sounds good, huh?

We can observe the influence of the nervous system on our body systems through measuring its electromagnetic frequencies. We can do this with bioresonance.

This is pretty cool- exactly ‘How do the ANF discs work?’ Here we go…

ANF Therapy uses stimulation of the bodies innate nervous system frequencies to create its therapeutic effect.

A frequency is essentially the number of times the signal or wave oscillates per second- the wavelength is the space between oscillations.

Neurons can actually generate frequencies and receive frequencies- once they’re accepted, the neurons then copy them neuron to neuron- the all or nothing principle. Which is great if it’s an optimal frequency!

Each of the discs is charged with various frequencies and due to their structure they are able to transmit and reflect frequency into the body. There are lots of discs, over 300 in fact, each with different oscillation, speed and wave to target different areas of the body. There are millions of neurons that can receive and propagate these signals.

The body is pretty awesome… there are upwards of 5 million frequencies in the body that are literally sending information to run the ‘show’. When these frequencies become dysfunctional, and we elicit symptoms of dis-ease, the ‘show’ must go on, so the body will adapt… this is how we get accustomed to living with pain.

The primary aim of ANF Therapy is to reduce inflammation and promote the self healing processes

Have you heard of Sympathetic Resonance?

If you strike a tuning fork it vibrates relative to its composition and at its predetermined resonance (frequency)- just line the nerves or neurons have individualised frequencies depending upon their structure and function. If you strike another tuning fork and bring it near to the other, it influences its resonance/ vibration- the energy can literally change the vibration of the other.

The same happens with the discs- the frequencies that are emitted influence the neural oscillation to promote restoration and normal function. It the signals are weak, disrupted or incorrect we don’t get the desired action/response (see the TV tuning example from yesterday).

The discs may influence the action potential of the nerve (energy), the firing rate of the nerve (frequency), the all or nothing principle (wave), stimulate a compliant frequency to promote a neurons effectiveness. Essentially bringing the body back online and timing into the desired frequency.

We are electric!!!

“How can a ‘sticker’ have a frequency?” Is something I often get asked… like its magic, voodoo, hocum or could it be science?!

Well it’s quite simple, but also complicated.

The ANF Therapy discs have a 28.4% carbon metal alloy component, and we know that metals have thermal conductivity and energy storage capacity.

The frequencies are embedded within the metal alloy using a frequency generator in a controlled environment to avoid ‘interference’, so only what is intended is placed into the disc.

The result is a class 1 medical device that can store and emit a programmed frequency for 72 hours, after activation- the ANF discs!

What does this mean?

Unlike other ‘frequency modalities’ there is no ‘electricity’ required for treatment, it’s non thermal and is a discreet, convenient wearable device provides you with 3 days worth of ‘treatment’ following your consultation.

It’s amazing as a stand alone treatment to reduce pain and inflammation, but can also be used as a compliment to other treatment modalities and movement therapy.

It really is unlike anything you have ever used before.

So where’s the research then?

Bio frequency is definitely something that is backed by research. You only need to look at the history of the ECG measuring heart frequencies and EEG measuring brain frequencies and HRV as a measure of health to know… so there is evidence demonstrating that we ‘run on frequencies’.

So where the research for ANF Therapy? Well it has loads of case studies and practitioners all over the globe are experiencing results observed directly with their clients. So the proof is there… but often the wider acceptance comes when ‘clinical trials’ are documented.

ANF is a non-thermal bio frequency device that is able to use a frequency to stimulate a cells oscillation and promote normal function, thus providing energy and resources that the body systems require in order to function effectively. It cannot out anything there that shouldn’t be there, it can only help to normalise what should be there.

By provoking local cellular effects on a micro scale, this has huge potential benefits in a macro scale- we see this in clinic as reduced inflammation, reduced pain and improved function.

Results using similar technology have been demonstrated by Piven et al., (2014) who found a 100% reduction in pain from baseline measures. Nazeran et al, 2012, found an overall 89% improvement in organ function over 1 week compared to baseline. Nazaren et al., (2010) also demonstrated increased in key antioxidants- 22-46% increase Carnosine and 29-57% increase in Glutathione levels.

It is certainly an area becoming more widely understood and incorporated into the healing realm.

For now we are seeing the results in clinic and helping individuals with their wellness.

ANF Therapy is not just about the discs… it’s a whole different way of looking at assessment of what people present with in clinic.

The assessment process is methodical and comprehensive, all the way from our clients signs and symptoms, consultation process, to the physical assessment and palpation of the body.

ANF takes into account all of the body systems and as practitioners we are educated regarding the interactions of these- the body is a closed system and if there’s something manifesting it means that other areas may be influencing or affecting this. Oftentimes where the pain is, is not where the problem is. We recognise that everything affects everything and aim to locate the cause as well as educate our clients about the process and what they can do to support themselves- making the process more effective and efficient, plus you get ‘more bang for your buck’.

As humans we need to remember that the human body is a highly sophisticated system that encompasses systems, organs and cells that are ALWAYS working for us and trying to maintain the ‘status quo’. The primary aim is survival. It is only when the energy and resources are unavailable for it to perform it’s symphony of functions, that that we experience issues/ dysfunction. ANF Therapy looks to support the body systems and promote normal functioning so we feel optimal 💜

With any bodily dysfunction there is the need to reduce oxidative stress in the system- this has a huge effect upon inflammation and both physical and emotional symptoms. The main factor influencing many dysfunctions in the body is inflammation Franceschi et al. (2014).

Emotional attachment and influence plays a huge role in what may need to be addressed. We also have the ‘three amigos’ vascular, lymphatic and nervous systems- they impact one another hugely. Without these being addressed, resolution and restoration cannot be successful. And all this before we get to the muscle pain symptoms 🤓

Reducing accumulated inflammation is potentially a chronic concern and as such not a passive process. If the energy and resources are unavailable then the body needs additional support.

This is where we can look at necessary lifestyle upgrades, nutritional support, movement and mindfulness practices that make the process of healing all encompassing.

Your body didn’t get here by accident, you’ve trained it to perform a certain way- it adapts. But just like with any form of training, it can be changed 💜

When we think about the body- it’s not just biology and chemistry- it’s physics!!

Interested in learning more about frequencies and therapy and how it may benefit you?

Send me a message 💛





📜 Disclaimer: The content is intended for informational and educational purposes only. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition, and should not be used as a substitute for any and all professional and/or medical advice. Recipient of this notice so affirms before partaking in any and all information and related links, etc. 

Grief and you

Grief is a very individual thing to process.

Unprocessed grief can be re-triggered by unconnected events- if you are feeling grief at this time then know you are held 💕

From my perspective as a therapist and wellness practitioner grief can also manifest in the physical as well as the mental.

If we go to eastern medicine and meridians, the triple warmer is linked to the vagus nerve and the HPA axis but not a specific organ. It has a role in the circulation of qi, or energy flow in the body.

The HPA axis is what governs our stress response- and is linked to sadness and grief.

There are 3 burners or parts to the triple burner- upper, middle, and lower burners.

The upper burner, above the diaphragm regulates intake and incorporates the head, heart, pericardium, throat, and lungs.

The middle burner is from the diaphragm to the naval and controls transformation which includes the stomach, spleen, liver, and gallbladder.

The lower burner which regulates elimination, is located below the diaphragm and includes the kidneys, bladder, large and small intestines, uterus/testes, and genitals.

The triple warmer also regulates our stress and immune system responses. Having excess heat in the triple warmer meridian indicates over-activation of our fight-or-flight response and chronic inflammation.

If you are experiencing and issues with your back teeth or any mid- lower back ache then the triple warmer is connected to the 4 back molars, or wisdom teeth, and much of the middle and lower vertebrae starting with the 9th thoracic vertebrae and ending with the coccyx.

These teeth and vertebrae are connected to our glands:

• Adrenals

• Hypothalamus

• Ovaries

• Parathyroid

• Pineal gland

• Pituitary

• Thymus, and

• Thyroid

Hence why the triple warmer plays such a large role in our stress response.

If you have noticed any issues with breathing or aggravation of symptoms know that the lungs attract grief when you experience a cognitive shock. You may also notice issues around specific areas if the back- Left lung (T1, T8, L2) and Right lung (T2, T9, L3).

Emotionally, the triple warmer is strongly connected with fear, greed, and grief. A balanced triple warmer promotes a stable mind, kind heart, and feeling of joy.

The vagus nerve, one of the main parts of the parasympathetic nervous system which is directly linked to our bodily functions and the gut-brain axis.

So by supporting and activating your vagus nerve you can calm the body and mind and support the processing of grief.

The HPA axis is involved in your response to a stressful event, if this event is triggered by something happening in the environment that seems to be everywhere it can be overwhelming. If you have felt stressed or frightened, you may experience an increased heart rate and perspiration.

You may also experience issues with digestion, the immune system, mood and emotions, pain and energy.

Grief is processed in the frontal lobe of the brain, which requires selenium to process. Grief is a very powerful stimulator of the frontal lobe and uses up a lot of the body’s selenium. You need selenium to support the conversion of thyroid hormone- T4 into T3. This regulates your basal metabolic rate, including the amount of calories at your body burns while it is at rest. So if you are experiencing grief you may also find you add a few pounds- totally normal response.

So to support your vagus nerve and triple warmer and calm the nervous system to help calm the body, so there is enough energy and resources to process grief here’s a few things you can try:

* Gently tapping on the outside of the hand, the collar bone or sternum

* Place one hand on the forehead and the other behind the head and gently press for 10 seconds

* Place one hand on the base of the skull and the other on the sacrum

* Singing

* Laughing

* Gently pulling on your earlobe

* Nasal breathing

* Being barefoot on in a natural surface

* Walking in nature

They all help us to regulate our body systems so we can process better.

Above all create space for yourself to go deeper inwards and allow yourself time if you are experiencing grief 🫶🏻

Love + wellness




📜 Disclaimer: The content is intended for informational and educational purposes only. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition, and should not be used as a substitute for any and all professional and/or medical advice. Recipient of this notice so affirms before partaking in any and all information and related links, etc. 

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

We need minerals- but no body really talks about them, certainly not as much as they do about vitamins.

It is important to recognise that minerals are essential to life. But what do we need? You may know that some minerals are good for you, but you may not know that some minerals can be toxic. Even too much of minerals like calcium and copper can cause issues if they are in your body in the wrong ratio or they are accumulating.

A mineral essential elements hair test can not only reveal your levels, deficiencies and toxicities, but also provides a framework to increase your wellness, enhance your energy and boost your performance. Many underlying causes of the symptoms we have can be explained through minerals and the test can revel all kinds of things about your body.

What exactly is it?

A hair tissue mineral analysis or hair toxic essential elements test is essentially a non invasive biopsy that uses hair as the sample. 

The test itself measures around 30 minerals in the hair tissues and has a 3%+/- accuracy- similar to most blood tests. It has in fact over 40 years of research behind it!

How well your cells function is determined by your mineral levels and their ratios and this affects both mental and physical performance. 

The aim of the HTMA is to be able to individualise what is required by the individual with regards to nourishing their body.

Why use hair?

Hair is essentially an excretory tissue rather than a functional tissue. Hair element analysis provides important information which, in conjunction with history, symptoms and other laboratory values, can assist with identification of underlying causes associated with deficiencies and excesses of essential and toxic elements.

Protein is synthesised in the hair follicle, so the mineral elements are incorporated permanently into the hair with no further interaction with other tissues. 

Is it current or old news? Well, scalp hair grows an average of one to two cm per month, it contains a "temporal record" of element metabolism and exposure to toxic elements- so it is pretty current and also provides a picture over time.


What can it tell you?

It is a screening test, not used to diagnose dis-ease, and provides a window into the whole body system- including information about the body and its chemistry which can reveal various mineral imbalances or deficiencies that indicate a tendency for various dysfunction.

The test actually reveals our:

  • Mineral levels

  • Mineral ratios

  • Simple and complex patterns, and

  • Changes over time when tests are repeated.

It can provide indicators of things like:

  • Heavy metal toxicity

  • Mineral deficiencies and imbalances

  • Metabolic rate (fast/ slow)

  • Thyroid function

  • Adrenal fatigue

  • Inflammation

  • Energy level

  • Nervous system imbalances

  • Liver and kidney stress

  • Carbohydrate tolerance

It is interesting that toxic elements may be 200- 300 times more concentrated in hair than in blood or urine, so can detect exposure to elements such as arsenic, aluminium, cadmium, lead, antimony and mercury. Many conditions are caused or exacerbated by heavy metal toxicity.

Why do you need to know about minerals?

Minerals are the ‘spark plugs’ of the body. They are needed in every reaction and action that takes place in the body and they also act as the building blocks for our cells- everything contains minerals.

Without minerals, life does not exist. The foundation of wellness lies in sufficient mineral intake and ideal mineral ratios. 

If your minerals are imbalanced you are fighting the tide- it’s like using a mop on the shoreline or or fighting the tide with the face cloth. It’s obviously great to do things to support your wellness, but minerals are the foundation and should be a priority. Some minerals need to be replenished and some need to be detoxed.

Once minerals are balanced, many symptoms diminish.

What can cause a mineral imbalance?

Lots of things can contribute to mineral deficiencies and imbalances, including:

  • Stress- this has a huge effect upon our minerals and they become depleted- mostly magnesium and zinc.

  • Toxic metal exposure- these can accumulate and also mimic and replace essential minerals in enzyme binding sites and interfere with mineral absorption.

  • Food- what we put in matters. Our food and soils are depleted of minerals, which is why everyone needs nutritional supplements- fulvic acid and cell salts are a decent start.

  • Drinking Water- the added toxic elements such as chlorine, aluminium, fluoride and sometimes copper cause toxicity or displace other minerals- do not drink the tap water- get a distiller.

  • Chronic systemic infections- things like gut issues and Lyme can subtly stress the body over time and continually deplete minerals.

  • Lifestyle- Poor sleep, limited movement, blue light at night, too much screen time and a lack of connection all act as stressors and deplete our minerals.

How can you balance your minerals?

Everyone id individual and it s NOT a one size fits all solution.

All minerals have a complex relationship with one another, so any excess of one can cause a deficiency in another. For example too much calcium can suppress magnesium and cause low blood sugar, a loss of mineral balance has a knock on effect on your wellness and the symptoms you experience.

The best thing you can do for your wellness is to work on your health BEFORE you get sick- I know it’s a radical concept. But the saying “preventions better than cure’ is so true. So the earlier you start balancing your minerals, the better!

A hair mineral analysis is like seeing into the inner world of your wellness and can give you a starting point and a plan to improve your wellness.

The majority of you are mineral-starved, so even though you may be ‘eating clean’ thanks to modern agricultural practices, stress and processing of foods- they have become depleted and nutrient deficient over the past 100 years. So it is about more than food.

Some general hints to support you;

Get your hair mineral analysis here!

  • Eat cooked vegetables daily- steamed is a great way to do this.

  • Eat animal protein- if you are vegan or vegetarian this is not ideal for healing. (I do appreciate and understand this is a choice and having been both vegetarian and vegan in the past for a number of years I do understand, but I cannot provide alternatives where they do not exist).

  • Reduce/ limit sugar- they can feed inflammation.

  • No processed foods- this speaks for itself.

  • No liquids during meals- it affects your hydrochloric acid necessary for digestion- better to drink beforehand.

  • Ensure you have a little sea salt- NOT table salt.

  • Use IR/NIR light

  • Get some ANF Therapy

Obviously there is a lot more involved- but this is a good start.

If you would like to find out more about the HTMA or book yours you can go to the website here




📜 Disclaimer: The content is intended for informational and educational purposes only. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition, and should not be used as a substitute for any and all professional and/or medical advice. Recipient of this notice so affirms before partaking in any and all information and related links, etc. 

Do you like stories?

Read All About It


Read All About It 〰️

What does your hair say?

Well your hair tells a story, a tale about you and what’s going on in your life.

We can look at this with a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis or HTMA.

But, why would you bother when you can just go see your doctor and get a blood test free on the NHS (In The UK)?

Well, when you are told by your doctor that your blood tests results are 'within normal range all is fine’ , but you actually feel like sh*t, then this is when your discernment needs to factor in.

Blood tests are not the gold standard when ot comes to mineral levels. If we just take calcium, most of this is found in your cells, not in the blood. So you can in fact have super low levels, which triggers the body to release calcium from your bones and into the blood stream, so if your levels are coming back ‘normal’ then we need to look at other levels in conjunction with your symptoms and your history.

Blood tests within normal range, does not mean much to a holistic health practitioner, it’s the patterns that need to be observed.

Sometimes you just know yourself that ther is something 'going on' and you potentiallly can recognise the symptoms as 'warning signs’. Just like a holistic health practitioner will observe and listen to you and your body.

Your blood is a homeostatic tissue and loves balance- so it strives for ti. So if there is something out of balance in a blood panel it usually means that the issue has been there for sometime. 

If you wake up feeling knackered, generally feel a bit meh, are constantly hungry, wake up sweating at night or are putting on weight with no obvious reason (i.e. you are eating excessively) then it may be wise to do some further investigating. 

These are manifestations of other stuff going on- can be for many reasons- but a lot can be attributed to the actions you take regularly- things like wearing sunglasses all the time, watching TV into the small hours and waking up for a midnight snack. These are common ways to progress yourself into leptin resistance, insulin resistance and pre diabetes… amongst other things.

When the blood test results are 'within normal range' but …you aren’t well, then don’t believe the testa and listen to your body. 

You are likely NOT a hypochondriac.

One way you can look a little deeper into is with HTMA.

  • A HTMA is not simply about identifying toxic elements and doing a detox.

  • It is not about looking at which mineral is low, and so just to add that one in or which one is high and take that one out.

  • It is also not about a computerised report with a stack load of synthetic supplements.

  • It is a test that gives a picture of the WHOLE person. 

From here you are able to determine what is interacting with what and work on a pathway forward- looking to the long term resolution, where possible.

Remember your body does not lie… its just under no obligation to make sense to you!

Sometimes you need an interpreter.

Love + wellness


If you would like to know more about HTMA click here


Do You Feel Dizzy At The Computer? 💻

With all the increased screen time of late is it any wonder that you may be feeling the effects?

I recently had a question in my coaching group about screen time.

After a period of screen time, the individual was feeling their head starting to spin, feeling unable to focus with blurred vision and felt as though they were inebriated. Obviously a little concerned they reached out for help.

So, why this would happen and how could they prevent it from happening again?

I thought this was a really interesting topic, and so i wanted to share with you all, as it could potentially help you too.

This happens because the blue light exposure from the screen time actually starves the mitochondria (the power houses that create energy in your cells) of oxygen. It gets used up more quickly in the process of producing energy.

The blue light weakens the photon (light) receptors in the retina of your eyes and in your skin and this affects the energy production, messes with the CO2 sensors throughout the body, which stimulate oxygen absorption and also messes with your circadian biology and all that goes along with hormone production.

The dizziness/ drunk feeling is due to the reduced amount of glucose going to the brain for 3 main reasons: 

  1. The reduced energy production in the mitochondria, and

  2. The increased energy use/ requirements- the optic nerve uses a lot of energy, and the brain using 22% of all the energy in the body, so it’s all getting used up.

  3. Blood pressure is influenced by the the glucose requirements (energy). If there’s not enough then the blood becomes ‘coagulated’ and can’t flow as readily and so the pressure needs to increase for the same volume to circulate at the right speed- to transport the oxygen and nutrients.

So what are the best short term ways to mitigate this:

  1. Download Iris onto your monitor- It is a filter for your screen and his will also mitigate the need for blue blocking glasses which are more expensive, especially when need prescription lenses. The iris filter is a game changer- you can adjust the levels to suit the environment and time of day. If you have A LOT of screen time it's always my first go to recommendation for my clients. It does look a little weird to start off, but you get used to it and it's much better for your long term wellness. It has many many other wellness benefits too. I like this in favour of the clip on filters or the blue blocking glasses, because they are easy to forget or are inconvenient. One if the additional benefits is you can add this to all your tech- tablets, laptops, phones, PCs and it’s inexpensive- at about $10 for life.

  2. Take regular breaks from the screen- I would certainly recommend 10 minutes every hour if you are there for a long while. When you take breaks from the screen try to get into natural light and take off your glasses if you wear them as they block the photon receptors in the eye from receiving the natural light.

  3. Whilst your on a break, re orient yourself to your environment. Move your eyes, your head, see what’s around you. Stretch, move and you’ll find this helps reset the nervous system. Blue light is a stressor to the nervous system so this helps to reduce its impact on the body. You should also try to look away from the screen when you can during your work time and re orient yourself for 30 seconds.

  4. Ensure you are hydrated- blue light dehydrated cells. So drinking good quality water that is either distilled, filtered or reverse osmosis water is a pre-requisite for you. I highly recommend the Berkey gravity water filters and the Pure water distiller. What I will say is that where possible also try to cortex your water- essentially this is bringing life back to the water- I like the annelema or adding fulvic acid (You’ll need the Practitioner code: ZYxEAFq5)

  5. Good nutrition and being hydrated will help, structured water form fruits like berries can support your hydration levels and ensuring that you are eating enough calories and nutrients, as its easy to forget when you’re working hard.

The best thing you can do is to reduce the screen time where possible, if you can’t then don’t go sit and watch TV or stare at another screen after- get outside and go for a short walk- helps to reset system.

In the longer term there is lots more I can advise- honestly there is a great deal involved, and I could tell you all about the cellular interactions, as a total geek this is what I love… but you don’t want to know all about that. 

Anyway, let me know if you found this helpful.

If you’re interested in discovering how you can enhance your own wellness then message me back.


Cold shower anyone?

Cold showers/ plunge baths/ open water swimming

They’ve all become über cool and everyone seems to be advocating them as the panacea to improving your heath and wellness.

Yes, there are indeed benefits. But you can Google those, or I’ll post later.

In fact I have been known to take the odd cold shower or three.

But not in recent years.

And here’s why…

Let me start by saying I was doing regular cold showers in the 90’s. Yes the 90’s. That’s the 1990’s. I know it’s hard to believe I am in fact that old, but here we are.

I’ve taken them on and off since.

Most recently in 2019 for almost the whole year. My wellness was awesome!!

But over the last few years, since a miscarriage in 2020 and then haemorrhaging for 8 months straight, my body was dysfunctional. It had become out of sync, severely and chronically and to be honest I didn’t think I’d see Christmas 2020 (that’s a fact not me being melodramatic or looking for sympathy).

So when in 2021 I tried a cold shower again, I felt like I’d been shot!! Literally shooting pain and I couldn’t catch my breath.

I was like, WTF???

So obviously I stopped, but it made me curious.

My time of ‘pushing in through’, just ‘getting on with it’ and ‘ploughing on’ is over. It’s not a mind over matter thing, it’s a f*cking trauma response.

I am not HER anymore.

I started to investigate.

My body was in a super stressed out state. The LAST thing it needed was shock treatment or any more stress.

I LOVE a warm shower- it’s one of my favourite things… and I gained much more benefit from this in relaxing my sympathetic nervous system than being frozen.

So if someone tells you- oh cold showers they’re the bomb and everyone should be doing them… just take a pause.

They may not be be serving YOU.

Chronic activation of your sympathetic nervous system (your fight/flight/freeze response to something fearful) triggers chronic activation of your HPA (hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal) axis and is a huge contributor to the dysregulation of your autonomic nervous system (the automatic stuff you don’t control) and your immune system.

This leads to you feeling tired and sometimes tired and wired. Your system is always ‘ON’ and looking for danger.

So if you’re like me and you are still working through some dysregulation in your system, the last thing you need is to amp it up.

Wellness is NOT a one size fits all experience.

If your body is in a good state and you love the cold experience, then more power to you.

If you experience anxiety, are highly sensitive or super stressed then it may not be for you… right now.

The last thing you want is to repeat patterns and stay stuck in your inner conditioning.

If you’re interested in discovering how you can enhance your own wellness then drop me a Message


📜 Disclaimer: The content is intended for informational and educational purposes only. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition, and should not be used as a substitute for any and all professional and/or medical advice. Recipient of this notice so affirms before partaking in any and all information and related links, etc. 

Intentions 2022

I first wrote about this on my Facebook page in 2018, and it is something I’ve been doing ever since.

Setting intentions!

Ok so it’s that time of year where we start thinking about change in January…. and the whole new year… new you band wagon... (which there is nothing wrong with)

It’s often a period of reflections, growth and change. And, after this last year, intentions may be the better route to take.

✿.。.:* ☆:**:. Have you resolved to change something for your new you? .:**:.☆*.:。.✿

I haven’t... but I’ll explain shortly. There nothing wrong with wanting to change something... but resolutions also place lots of pressure on us, especially if it’s something big and/ or really important to us.

We’ve all been there though and fallen off the wagon. So how do you feel? I mean, you skip a gym session, you eat a packet of hob nobs, you sprain an ankle and can’t do your daily runs? Pretty crappy, right?

⭐️ Well there is no need to feel this way... and here’s why…

A resolution is something that can often make us feel like we haven’t achieved what we set out to do and we have failed at something. Can be pretty discouraging and disheartening, there’s that crappy feeling.

⭐️ So here’s what I do instead of resolutions I put out intentions! Yep I put them right out there in public, into the door inverse and feel all the feels.

⭐️ So why don’t choose intentions over resolutions? An intention, is where you are a little kinder to yourself, so if you miss gym session, it’s ok, you just pick up where you left off. It’s not the end of the world. You still have the same motivation, but if you mess up, you just simply start again. Sound better? Let’s face it life happens when we are just making plans... so we have to adjust and adapt!

⭐️ Remember goals are not set in stone- there needs to be wiggle room and flexibility... so long as you’re trying your best, who could ask for more? 

⭐️ How many times have you thought, if I could just do/ have/ be this one thing my life will be so much better? Think back... was it actually better when you got there? More often than not, it hasn't made a difference to bettering your life, or you have already moved onto the next thing!

⭐️ So I recommend putting your intentions out there... and intend rather than resolve to accomplish your targets!

⭐️ So in 2022, the start of a new year, here are my 5 recommendations to help you implement positive intentions, be kinder to yourself and love the process and journey to reaching your targets and not just getting to the end result.

1️⃣️- ᕼᗩᐯE ᔕOᗰETᕼIᑎG TO ᗩIᗰ ᖴOᖇ- TᕼIᑎK ᗩᗷOᑌT ᔕOᗰETᕼIᑎG TᕼᗩT YOᑌ’ᗪ ᒪIKE TO ᗩᑕᑕOᗰᑭᒪIᔕᕼ. 

2️⃣️- Iᖴ ᒪIᖴE ᕼᗩᑭᑭEᑎᔕ, TᕼEᑎ ᗪOᑎ’T ᗷEᗩT YOᑌᖇᔕEᒪᖴ ᑌᑭ- ᔕTOᑭ ᗩᑎᗪ ᔕTᗩᖇT ᗩGᗩIᑎ ᗯᕼEᖇE YOᑌ ᒪEᖴT Oᖴᖴ, ᗩᑎᗪ ᑕOᑎTIᑎᑌE ᗯITᕼ YOᑌᖇ IᑎTEᑎTIOᑎᔕ. 

3️⃣️- TᗩKE ᗩ ᔕTEᑭ ᗷᗩᑕK- Iᖴ IT’ᔕ ᑎOT ‘ᒪIᖴE Oᖇ ᗪEᗩTᕼ’ Iᔕ IT ᗯOᖇTᕼ ᗷEIᑎG ᑌᑭᔕET? ᒪET IT GO, ᗩᑎᗪ ᗰOᐯE Oᑎ. 

4️⃣️- ᗷE KIᑎᗪEᖇ TO YOᑌᖇᔕEᒪᖴ- ᔕTOᑭ ᗯITᕼ TᕼE ᑎEGᗩTIᐯE ᔕEᒪᖴ TᗩᒪK- YOᑌ ᗩᖇE ᗩᗯEᔕOᗰE, YOᑌᖇ ᑕEᒪᒪᔕ ᒪIᔕTEᑎ ᗩᑎᗪ ᖇEᔕOᑎᗩTE- ᔕO TEᒪᒪ YOᑌᖇᔕEᒪᖴ ᗩ ᑭOᔕITIᐯE ᔕTOᖇY! 

5️⃣️- ᗩᑎᗪ ᔕO ᗯᕼᗩT Iᖴ YOᑌ ᗪOᑎ’T GET TO TᕼE Eᑎᗪ ᖇEᔕᑌᒪT- YOᑌ ᗰᗩY ᒍᑌᔕT ᕼᗩᐯE ᗩᑕᕼIEᐯEᗪ ᔕOᗰETᕼIᑎG ᗷETTEᖇ ᗩᒪOᑎG TᕼE ᗯᗩY!

⭐️ Hybrid Therapy UK wishes you all a fabulous new year and hope that you have your intentions set for 2022 💜

You know what I’m using to help me set my intentions for 2022?

A journal/planner to support being able to organise and track things without becoming overwhelmed, I just created a daily journal to creatively organise and nourish your body, mind + soul.

Intentions, Actions & Reflections Daily Journal Planner: Creative Organising to Nourish the Mind Body & Soul



Where’s all my perimenopausal/ menopausal friends at??

Menopause is one of those things where the conversation has only just started…

But the allopathic way women with menses are treated quite frankly appalls me!! There is not a F*cking pill for every ill 🙄

There’s a school of thought that actually says that menses are a vital sign and a vital part of womanhood. Not just a monthly annoyance. 

One of the WORST things we can do is mess around with this cycle.

Every month women have a way of excreting toxins that men don’t have- via the menses. This is acts as a way of clearing, and a way of filtering and blood letting. It helps to support our liver- the great detoxifier. So when this ceases it actually means the liver needs to work harder, but if it’s already overloaded with toxicity then we will see lots of symptoms manifest.

Lads, unfortunately you don’t have this option, and so your prostate takes a battering… be mindful of that when they start giving you exams and testing PSA 🙄

Just give your liver some love 💜

When menses stops this detox route is no more… 

Did you know that the body increases its temperature to create sweating- a detox pathway!! This is the hot flushes you’re experiencing and indicates an overloaded liver… so gotta give it some love 💜

Other ways to help support you… mineral imbalances are a huge contributor to how we feel and our symptoms- after all it’s the trace elements that govern our energy production 😉 So get yourself some fulvic acid (ask me!!).

A big factor- ensure you are eating adequate calories and healthy fats!! You can’t make hormones without fat!

Get into an infrared sauna, have an Epsom salt bath, increase your fruit and vegetable intake, cut out alcohol, drink good quality water- not tap water (ask me for recommendations).

ANF therapy to support your body systems and organs, reduce inflammation and get your body back online!

Your liver is called the liver cos it literally means LIVE! It controls your reproductive system amongst many other things!

So give your liver some much needed love 💜




📜 Disclaimer: The content is intended for informational and educational purposes only. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition, and should not be used as a substitute for any and all professional and/or medical advice. Recipient of this notice so affirms before partaking in any and all information and related links, etc. 

What are your non negotiables?

What are non negotiables?

When it comes to health and wellness there are many people who tell you that this is the way you have to do things. I am not one of them. Let me elaborate. You are all individuals and you don’t fit into neat little boxes! Everyone if you has different needs and wants- this is where you need to decide what it is you need and want. What I can do is educate you as to a better way relative to you, educate you as to how things will enhance and promote your wellness and support you along your journey.

It’s always best to keep things super simple- this way you’re more likely to stick to things.

This is where your non- negotiables come in- things that you don’t or won’t compromise on as they set the foundations for your health and well-being.

So here’s what I practice:

  • Drink minimum 2 litres fluoride filtered/ distilled water a day

  • Drink my fulvic acid at least once a day

  • Start the day with a blended smoothie or juice (sometimes with added collagen)

  • Walk my dog for an hour

  • Ensure I have a ‘to do’ list to work through

  • Listen to binaural beats as I work

  • Research/ learn/ study something new for 1 hour a day

  • Wear blue blockers after sundown

  • Turn my tech off at 9

  • Read for 20-30 min before bed.

There’s probably a few more that I’m forgetting… but these help me build my daily routine.

When I go off track as inevitably we all do at times, I come back to these and it ‘rights’ me.

If you’ve followed my journey, you’ll know I had some health complications out if the blue last year, which knocked me for six for months- I have spent time working back to these basics and it has helped me to build my foundations again.

I do practice what I preach.

If you want further support please reach out.