holistic health

What are your non negotiables?

What are non negotiables?

When it comes to health and wellness there are many people who tell you that this is the way you have to do things. I am not one of them. Let me elaborate. You are all individuals and you don’t fit into neat little boxes! Everyone if you has different needs and wants- this is where you need to decide what it is you need and want. What I can do is educate you as to a better way relative to you, educate you as to how things will enhance and promote your wellness and support you along your journey.

It’s always best to keep things super simple- this way you’re more likely to stick to things.

This is where your non- negotiables come in- things that you don’t or won’t compromise on as they set the foundations for your health and well-being.

So here’s what I practice:

  • Drink minimum 2 litres fluoride filtered/ distilled water a day

  • Drink my fulvic acid at least once a day

  • Start the day with a blended smoothie or juice (sometimes with added collagen)

  • Walk my dog for an hour

  • Ensure I have a ‘to do’ list to work through

  • Listen to binaural beats as I work

  • Research/ learn/ study something new for 1 hour a day

  • Wear blue blockers after sundown

  • Turn my tech off at 9

  • Read for 20-30 min before bed.

There’s probably a few more that I’m forgetting… but these help me build my daily routine.

When I go off track as inevitably we all do at times, I come back to these and it ‘rights’ me.

If you’ve followed my journey, you’ll know I had some health complications out if the blue last year, which knocked me for six for months- I have spent time working back to these basics and it has helped me to build my foundations again.

I do practice what I preach.

If you want further support please reach out.


Healing takes time

Remember healing takes time 🖤

The terrain of your body sets the landscape for your health- to enhance the la da wow you need to remove what’s not serving your best interests. 

This process is referred to as detoxification. Although the body is undergoing detoxification all the time as a part of cellular renewal, this can be a more intense period.

Some of the most common detox symptoms people can experience range from:

• headaches

• nausea

•runny nose

• bloating

• acne flare-up 

• emotional purging

• random rashes

• aches

It doesn’t sound great- but it’s actually the process of the body getting rid of the sh*t it doesn’t need.

You don't have to feel terrible during your detox, you can feel fantastic!! But you really need to listen to your body. ONLY you know your whole health story. I can only help facilitate the journey but you are your best advocate

There are lots of natural ways to support your body through this process and know you are doing something SO AMAZING!!!! 

Definitely drinking more good quality water, organic fruits and vegetables, fulvic acid and liquid zeolite are some of the things that spring to mind.

In fact whilst you’re replenishing depleted minerals that support effective body system function, you are also removing the junk with fulvic acid!

Feel free to message if you have questions 


Here are some of my favourite links to the recommendations I regularly make. 

▶️ For ANF Therapy- contact me for a consultation: 


▶️ PBX detox- nano zeolite cellular cleanse:

(£/$50 off first time purchase 😉)


▶️ Black oxygen organics- fulvic and humic acid: https://www.blackoxygenorganics.com/products/hybridtherapyuk

▶️ Vitamin D spray (for the winter) https://www.hybridtherapy.uk/shop/vitamin-d

▶️ Blu blox- blue light blocking glasses:

Use code Hybrid for 15% discount.


▶️ Blue light filter for your computer screen: https://iristech.co/?ap_id=Hybridtherapyuk

▶️ Water distiller- Make Water Pure: https://www.makewaterpure.co.uk/?cmid=THVmWlZFWFJYRVk9&afid=bUthbXpwOWlDR1U9&ats=bEVlajlYR0lLaUk9

▶️ Berkey water filters:


▶️ Plant based meal planner and recipes:



All information, content, and material herein is for informational purposes only and are not intended to serve as a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment of a qualified physician or healthcare provider.

Any products detailed is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Oxalates- what the h*ll are they?

Food can be the greatest healer, or the worst poison!

We are all truly individual, and what suits one person will not suit the next- the blanket statement that fruits and vegetables are good for you still stands… but with a caveat- some of these pant foods may be signalling your body to defend itself. Yes that’s right, activating your immune system! Some of these highly nutritious foods may in fact be ‘poisoning’ your body- enter the oxalates.

Inflammatory conditions, immune symptoms and mineral deficiencies can all be influenced by oxalates.

So what is an oxalate?

They are naturally occurring compounds that the body is also able to synthesise from various dietary sources. 

So where do we find them?

  • Fruit- although mostly low in oxalates, some have higher concentrations than others. Citrus and raspberries are high when compared to apples and melons.

  • Vegetables- Root vege like beetroot and turnips, rhubarb, spinach and artichokes are high in oxalates, with lower levels in things like broccoli, cucumber, mushrooms and spring onions. Super high in the leafy parts!

  • Dairy- mostly low in oxalates.

  • Grains- Whole-wheat, oats, brown rice and cows cows are all high in oxalates. Whereas flaxseed and at bran are much lower.

  • Meat & Fish- most meats and fish are low in oxalates- except Tuna which os high. Meat substitutes like soy and tofu are super high.

  • Seeds & nuts- Super high in almonds and most other nuts and seeds.

Oxalates are also in lots of processed foods and beverages.

Some key points

Oxalates taste chalky- the oxalate in the plant is activated as a defence against predators- that’s why its so high in the leafy parts.
Oxalates are highly reactive with minerals including sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium and can combine with calcium and solidify in the kidneys and urinary tract- think kidney stones and urinary tract infections. In fact 75% of kidney stones are actually derived from calcium oxalate. 

The thyroid can become a point of storage when the body cannot break down oxalates- like saving it for a rainy day! Unfortunately it bonds to T3, a hormone released form the thyroid and disrupts its function, like controlling body temperature, metabolism and heart rate.

So how can we remove/ reduce oxalates?

If you have healthy body systems, then you’ll most likely be able to cope with oxalate foods- think gut and immune systems. Though reducing or removing oxalate sources may benefit some people.

So minimising things like spinach, beetroot, grains, nuts, sweet potatoes and chocolate for 90 days will help. Then gradually reintroducing them over 90 days.

Are you sensitive to oxalates?

  • Inflammation and joint/ muscle stiffness

  • Kidney stones

  • Frequent UTI

  • Urgency incontinence

  • Vulvodynia

  • Constipation/ diarrhoea

  • Vitamin/ mineral deficiencies

  • Sleep issues

  • Histamine reactions

Dysfunction associated with sensitivity to oxalates:

  • Respiratory issues

  • Thyroid issues

  • Connective tissue issues

  • Immune system issues

  • Gut issues

    So, what can you do to support yourself?

  1. Avoid antibiotics where possible- they disrupt the microbiome so only use in emergencies.

  2. Rotate your nutrition- ensure that you eat from different sources.Don’t eat the same things all the time!

  3. Avoid nuts and grains- they’re high in oxalates so it makes sense.

  4. Err on the raw side- overcooking vege reduces the valuable nutrient content- but blanching and sautéing will help to reduce the oxalate content.

  5. Optimise vitamin D- set out in the sunshine and expose your skin daily. Obviously use sensible precautions like avoiding midday sun.

  6. Look after your gut- Fulvic acid will support your gut health and works as a binding agent. Take first thing in the morning.

  7. Drink- ensure that you are drinking good quality water to dilute oxalate concentration in the kidneys.

  8. Zeolite- also liquid zeolite is a great way to reduce binding and to promote removal.


Tuesday morning thoughts…

Frequencies are everything.

Everything is frequencies.

Things we encounter daily affect our vibrational frequency.

We are vibrant beings- notice how when we are vibrating at a higher resonance how awesome we feel!

Frequencies influence is in more ways than you realise.

Every thought we have emits a frequency out into the universe. This creates resonance. And every frequency returns to source. So essentially what we think about, we bring about- so every thought we put out there comes back to us. 

We are highly influenced by the people around us- via their energy field. Did you know you have an every field that extends outwards around 2m? Well this affects us. We have energy radiators and energy drains- think about how you feel when around people in your life. When you are around those vibrating at a lower resonance you can feel drained of energy and not able to reach your potential.

Words matter, particularly when they’re in the form of lyrics in music. Consider what you listen to, as this has a direct impact upon what you attract. Also the frequency of the music- as in the rpm, amplitude, volume also directly affects cellular resonance and your own frequency vibration.

Visual stimulation via the things we see/ watch programmes the brain- we become accepting of what we see... it can become reality. Look and watch things that enhance your mood and help you vibrate at a higher frequency.

Your environment affects your mood- surrounding yourself with disorganised, cluttered, dirty workspaces will lower your vibration and your mood. So tidy up and get organised. It’s amazing how much better you feel after a spring clean! 

Be mindful of what you say. Speaking badly, blaming, complaining and moaning becomes a habit and lowers your vibration. Start the day with a positive word and make this a habit. We get to choose what we say. 

Attitude of gratitude... being grateful influenced our vibration... sometimes it may feel difficult to find things to be grateful for, but when we flip our perspective, we often find there is much to be grateful for. Start being thankful for things and open the door to higher vibrations and positive things happening. 

What we think about we feel, what we feel we attract.

Thoughts are electric.

Emotions are magnetic.

Be the kind of magnet you want to be


Free radicals man!

So what is a free radical?

We think of free radicals as the waste products from chemical reactions that take place in the body, when the body doesn’t possess the resources to deal with them they can build up in the body. They become a concern when there are too many as they can cause damage to lipid (fat) structures, protein structures and can also alter our DNA molecules.

How are they produced?

Now this is a bit sciencey… during our metabolism, electrons and hydrogens are transferred from coenzymes to oxygen within the electron transport chain. The end result of this is H2O, but along the way, free radicals are produced.

During this process, sometimes oxygen can gain an electron, this generates a free radical called a superoxide, which has an unpaired electron (electrons are unstable when they are unpaired- they don’t like it). The superoxide can gain another electron form the ETC- this will react with 2 hydrogen ions to form hydrogen peroxide- this can then react with an electron forming a hydroxyl radical (another unpaired electron).

How is damage caused?

Hydroxl radicals are very reactive! They do not like to be unpaired and so they scavenge, to find another electron. However, they are indiscriminate and can take electrons from healthy cells, such as lipids in cell membranes, this damages the cell and can lead to degeneration or disease. When a hydroxyl radical takes a hydrogen atom from a lipid, like a polyunsaturated fatty acids, it produces a lipid radical and water. This lipid radical is then free to react with oxygen to form another lipid radical, removing hydrogens from other lipids and forming free radicals- a chain reaction. This chain reaction and damage links to ageing  disease, DOMS and influences recovery after exercise.

The immune system

When exercise is heavy, intense and overly stressful, the immune system is suppressed. Injury to muscle cells occurs from training and pro-inflammatory cytokines, anti-inflammatory cytokines and cortisol levels increase. (Cytokines are proteins produced by cells and interact with the immune system to regulate the body’s response to diseases/ infection by altering cellular behaviour). 


Pro-inflammatory cytokines stimulate neutrophils and monocytes to the site of damaged tissue. They are often produced in response to local injury.

The production of IL6 levels in the blood increases in response to the perceived threat (injury) but is counterbalanced by the release of cytokine inhibitors (IL1ra and TNF-R) and the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL10. These inhibit the  duration of the inflammatory response.


The production of free radicals has already been briefly described, with the most common being; Superoxide radicals, Hydrogen Peroxide, Lipid radicals, Nitric oxide, Singlet oxygen  (closely associated with the oxidation of LDL), Hydroxyl radicals (HO• – A superoxide combined with nitric oxide)

Free radicals may damage cell membranes through lipoperoxidation and damage DNA.

The body has a defence system to combat this, the antioxidant system, which naturally up-regulates in response to a stressor. The main ones are;

  • Enzymes-  Catalase (CAT), Superoxide dismutase (SOD), Glutathione peroxidase (GPX) and Glutathione reductase.

  • Non-enzymatic- Vitamins A, E, and C, Glutathione, Ubiquinone and Flavonoids – quercetin, resveratrol

  • Trace elements- Selenium, Copper, Zinc, Manganese, Uric acid, Albumin, Ferritin and Bilirubin

An imbalance occurs when these defences is outweighed by the production of free radicals, the body is then undergoing “oxidative stress”. This can be due to an increase in free radical production, a decrease in antioxidant levels or a combination of both. 

If you would like to know more about oxidative stress, then please contact me, there are some sneaky signs and symptoms that may give an indication to this.

Pay attention

Pay attention

Holistic health and wellness looks at the whole person... I try to cover everything with my clients. In fact you could probably say that in addition to the hands on therapies I practice that most of the work goes on away from the treatment session in between treatments- after all we heal ourselves from within, I am merely a facilitator 💜

Hormone health

Women’s hormone health is key.
What I have found affects this more than anything else is lifestyle and environmental factors, that are mostly modifiable.

Chronic stress literally affects us at a cellular level, this affects all of our body systems- everything is connected.

Your endocrine system works in multiple areas of the body and depending on the info it receives, it dictates what hormones and the quantities that are released. This can screw with your hormone levels that affect everything from your mood to your weight!
Once the hormones get screwed up it’s often a perpetual cycle of shitty symptoms and poor medical care!

I’ve been in this cycle, I couldn’t see it at the time, but in retrospect all the signs were there. If I hadn’t found ANF I’d be really ill right now!

Like anything, treatment is a process, I have had chronic stress for decades- from being bullied as a child, to being an athlete that was hospitalised, crappy relationships, to a long career in a toxic environment... but to me this was normal, because it was my life!

I’m a pure example of what 25+ years worth of pain and symptoms becoming ‘normal’ life were! Yes I know hard to believe I’m that old 😂

I knew nothing about poor lighting- blue light from the tech I was using affecting my health.
I knew nothing about how stress is stress and the body doesn’t recognise the source just that there is stress and deals with it the same.
I thought hammering myself in the gym was helping me, not adding to my dysfunction.
I thought that climbing the career ladder, that stress and lack of sleep and working harder was necessary.
All of this was BS!

I am not mostly recovered- I had chronic CNS stress and inflammation for years, it’s a process and healing is happening.

What I can say is this...
After having ‘hormonal trouble’ since age 14 and being prescribed the pill for my symptoms!!!! Since my PCOS diagnosis in my 20’s, I’ve had zero conventional treatment as doctors go to is the combined pill or progesterone only pill for symptom relief, they don’t have a clue about causality! And neither did I.. until my late 30’s!!!!

I’ve had no pain medication in a long while- almost 2 years, and I used to chew naproxen like sweets.

Know there is a better way.

Just because pain is common, doesn’t mean it’s normal 💜

Detoxing… it’s not what you think


It’s not what you think it is... 

So you want to detox... do you actually know that your body is actually detoxing you all the time?

I actually cringe when I hear people saying they’re doing a detox!

A detox is not a ‘diet’ that you go on, it’s a process within the body that is naturally occurring! #fact

So screw your skinny teas and detox supplements- this is how your body detoxes!

The 5 major ways your body uses for detoxification:

Your liver- your liver actually has over 500 roles in the body, it detoxes you by changing fat soluble toxins to water soluble toxins so they can be easily flushed out of your system. This has two stages, the first stage requires lots of B vitamins and glutathione to facilitate this process, the second stage needs B vitamins, glutathione, magnesium and amino acids.

Your kidneys- they act as a filtration system, and help to regulate your body’s pH, electrolytes, and detoxification- once the toxins are filtered it allows them to be flushed out in your urine.

Your skin- your body excretes toxins in your sweat. Your skin is semipermeable and the largest organ in the body, it’s a great way to get rid of toxins, it’s not just about cooling down.

Your digestion- your gastrointestinal tract (GI) is a huge way to detoxify your system- when all is running smoothly! If you suffer from constipation then this is causing toxins to build up in the system.

Your lungs- every time you exhale you are breathing out the gases that the body cannot utilise, namely nitrogen and CO2, but also you are excreting toxins!

This is how you should think about detoxification!

If any of these systems are dysfunctional or ineffective then your system becomes more toxic. Your body undergoes oxidative stress, which creates free radicals, the body combats this by neutralising them with antioxidants, however when the energy and resources are waning and there’s not sufficient supply the free radical- antioxidant balance is tipped in favour of free radicals and these play havoc in our body in the long term. The detoxification process is inefficient as the organs are overwhelmed- but help is at hand!

If your organs are not optimally functioning or production of free radicals outweighs the resources to neutralise them, issues start to occur. Thesee range from low level symptoms like frequency colds, fatigue and general unease, to in the longer term chronic fatigue, depression and SIBO.

This means that the resonance of the organ, the frequency of the organ is sub- optimal. So this is why I use ANF Therapy to enhance the natural frequency and stimulate the body into healing itself. 

#hybridtherapyuk #anftherapy #holistichealth #frequency #resonance #freeradicals #antioxidants #detox #organhealth #innerhealing #detox


This one's for the ladies!

This one's for the ladies!

This is one for the ladies!

Do you know your cycle? 

How well do you know your body's rhythms?

Something I wish that I knew dunce I was a teenager is the importance of understanding what my cycle was trying to tell me!!

I’m becoming more in tune with this. So, I think it’s important to share the importance of educating yourself with how your body moves through it’s ‘monthly’ cycle, the miracle that is your body, and the signs that help you to recognise what it needs and when it needs it.

Is your thyroid puling its weight?

Is your thyroid puling its weight?

The thyroid and how it functions within the body involves a cascade of events that commence in the brain and target the cells. This all happens before your body acknowledges how your thyroid is functioning.

If we only look at the symptoms, it may seem like the thyroid is a problem… but like anything we need to ask, is it actually the root cause? How do we know which part in the chain is dysfunctional? Symptoms can often be non- specific in nature, and everything in the body affects everything else- its a closed system!