Notes to self

💫 Get up before the rest of the world - start with 7am, then 6am, then 5:30am and watch the sun rise.

💫Fall asleep earlier - start with 11pm, then 10pm, then 9pm. wake up in the morning feeling re-energized and comfortable. Stand or sit barefoot in the garden, feel nature around you- get grounded.

💫Cook a beautiful breakfast. Fry tomatoes and mushrooms in real butter and garlic, fry an egg, slice up a fresh avocado and sit and eat it- enjoy.

💫Stretch up and reach for the sky, stretch your fingers, then roll gradually forwards and downwards towards your toes. Stretch everything out.

💫 Purchase a 1L water bottle- aim to drink the whole bottle, then try refilling it and drink it.

💫Buy a beautiful notebook and a beautiful pen. Write down everything you are grateful for- starting a gratitude journal and writing in it daily will help you to stay present.

💫Organise, clean and tidy! Tidy your room, fold all your clothes, vacuum the floor, light an incense stick. (You can always donate anything you don’t need to charity).

💫Breathe- practice breathing in with your nose and from your diaphragm- belly breathing rather than chest breathing- fill your abdomen and lungs and let it go.

💫Go for a walk, smile at strangers walking the other way, appreciate your surroundings, take in the smells, take in the sights, take in the sounds. Be present.

💫Read a book. What interests you? Read about something that ignites you and inspires you. Read something that lets your mind wander off into a different realm. Take tine out and read.

💫 be the person who you would fall in love with. Be kind. Be courteous. Pay it forward. Listen to people. Smile. Compliment people. Buy a coffee for a stranger. Walk tall. Talk to acquaintances so they become friends. Ask people about their story. Daydream. Open your eyes.

Take steps to make it happen for you 💜 @Hybrid Therapy UK
