
Tuesday morning thoughts…

Frequencies are everything.

Everything is frequencies.

Things we encounter daily affect our vibrational frequency.

We are vibrant beings- notice how when we are vibrating at a higher resonance how awesome we feel!

Frequencies influence is in more ways than you realise.

Every thought we have emits a frequency out into the universe. This creates resonance. And every frequency returns to source. So essentially what we think about, we bring about- so every thought we put out there comes back to us. 

We are highly influenced by the people around us- via their energy field. Did you know you have an every field that extends outwards around 2m? Well this affects us. We have energy radiators and energy drains- think about how you feel when around people in your life. When you are around those vibrating at a lower resonance you can feel drained of energy and not able to reach your potential.

Words matter, particularly when they’re in the form of lyrics in music. Consider what you listen to, as this has a direct impact upon what you attract. Also the frequency of the music- as in the rpm, amplitude, volume also directly affects cellular resonance and your own frequency vibration.

Visual stimulation via the things we see/ watch programmes the brain- we become accepting of what we see... it can become reality. Look and watch things that enhance your mood and help you vibrate at a higher frequency.

Your environment affects your mood- surrounding yourself with disorganised, cluttered, dirty workspaces will lower your vibration and your mood. So tidy up and get organised. It’s amazing how much better you feel after a spring clean! 

Be mindful of what you say. Speaking badly, blaming, complaining and moaning becomes a habit and lowers your vibration. Start the day with a positive word and make this a habit. We get to choose what we say. 

Attitude of gratitude... being grateful influenced our vibration... sometimes it may feel difficult to find things to be grateful for, but when we flip our perspective, we often find there is much to be grateful for. Start being thankful for things and open the door to higher vibrations and positive things happening. 

What we think about we feel, what we feel we attract.

Thoughts are electric.

Emotions are magnetic.

Be the kind of magnet you want to be


Happy bank holiday... Here's some wellness tips

Happy bank holiday... Here's some wellness tips

happy bank holiday! Here are some of the things may help with general health.