hybrid therapy uk

Resolution or Intention?

Ok so it’s that time of year where we start thinking about change in January…. and the whole new year… new you band wagon...

It’s often a period of reflections, growth and change. And, after this last year, intentions may be the better route to take.

✿.。.:* ☆:**:. Have you resolved to change something for your new you? .:**:.☆*.:。.✿

I haven’t... but I’ll explain shortly. There nothing wrong with wanting to change something... but resolutions also place lots of pressure on us, especially if it’s something big and/ or really important to us.

We’ve all been there though and fallen off the wagon. So how do you feel? I mean, you skip a gym session, you eat a packet of hob nobs, you sprain an ankle and can’t do your daily runs? Pretty crappy, right?

⭐️ Well there is no need to feel this way... and here’s why…

A resolution is something that can often make us feel like we haven’t achieved what we set out to do and we have failed at something. Can be pretty discouraging and disheartening, there’s that crappy feeling.

⭐️ So here’s what I do instead of resolutions I put out intentions! Yep I put them right out there in public, into the door inverse and feel all the feels.

⭐️ So why don’t choose intentions over resolutions? An intention, is where you are a little kinder to yourself, so if you miss gym session, it’s ok, you just pick up where you left off. It’s not the end of the world. You still have the same motivation, but if you mess up, you just simply start again. Sound better? Let’s face it life happens when we are just making plans... so we have to adjust and adapt!

⭐️ Remember goals are not set in stone- there needs to be wiggle room and flexibility... so long as you’re trying your best, who could ask for more? 

⭐️ How many times have you thought, if I could just do/ have/ be this one thing my life will be so much better? Think back... was it actually better when you got there? More often than not, it hasn't made a difference to bettering your life, or you have already moved onto the next thing!

⭐️ So I recommend putting your intentions out there... and intend rather than resolve to accomplish your targets!

⭐️ So in 2021, the start of a new decade, here are my 5 recommendations to help you implement positive intentions, be kinder to yourself and love the process and journey to reaching your targets and not just getting to the end result.

1️⃣️- ᕼᗩᐯE ᔕOᗰETᕼIᑎG TO ᗩIᗰ ᖴOᖇ- TᕼIᑎK ᗩᗷOᑌT ᔕOᗰETᕼIᑎG TᕼᗩT YOᑌ’ᗪ ᒪIKE TO ᗩᑕᑕOᗰᑭᒪIᔕᕼ. 

2️⃣️- Iᖴ ᒪIᖴE ᕼᗩᑭᑭEᑎᔕ, TᕼEᑎ ᗪOᑎ’T ᗷEᗩT YOᑌᖇᔕEᒪᖴ ᑌᑭ- ᔕTOᑭ ᗩᑎᗪ ᔕTᗩᖇT ᗩGᗩIᑎ ᗯᕼEᖇE YOᑌ ᒪEᖴT Oᖴᖴ, ᗩᑎᗪ ᑕOᑎTIᑎᑌE ᗯITᕼ YOᑌᖇ IᑎTEᑎTIOᑎᔕ. 

3️⃣️- TᗩKE ᗩ ᔕTEᑭ ᗷᗩᑕK- Iᖴ IT’ᔕ ᑎOT ‘ᒪIᖴE Oᖇ ᗪEᗩTᕼ’ Iᔕ IT ᗯOᖇTᕼ ᗷEIᑎG ᑌᑭᔕET? ᒪET IT GO, ᗩᑎᗪ ᗰOᐯE Oᑎ. 

4️⃣️- ᗷE KIᑎᗪEᖇ TO YOᑌᖇᔕEᒪᖴ- ᔕTOᑭ ᗯITᕼ TᕼE ᑎEGᗩTIᐯE ᔕEᒪᖴ TᗩᒪK- YOᑌ ᗩᖇE ᗩᗯEᔕOᗰE, YOᑌᖇ ᑕEᒪᒪᔕ ᒪIᔕTEᑎ ᗩᑎᗪ ᖇEᔕOᑎᗩTE- ᔕO TEᒪᒪ YOᑌᖇᔕEᒪᖴ ᗩ ᑭOᔕITIᐯE ᔕTOᖇY! 

5️⃣️- ᗩᑎᗪ ᔕO ᗯᕼᗩT Iᖴ YOᑌ ᗪOᑎ’T GET TO TᕼE Eᑎᗪ ᖇEᔕᑌᒪT- YOᑌ ᗰᗩY ᒍᑌᔕT ᕼᗩᐯE ᗩᑕᕼIEᐯEᗪ ᔕOᗰETᕼIᑎG ᗷETTEᖇ ᗩᒪOᑎG TᕼE ᗯᗩY!

⭐️ Hybrid Therapy UK wishes you all a fabulous new year and hope that you have your intentions set for 2021 💜

#hybridtherapyuk #intentions #2020vision #2020 #NYE #anftherapy #selfcare #bekindtoyou #mindhealth #universeneverlies #intentionsoverresolutions #startagain #pickupwhereyouleftoff #beanactiontaker #rugbytown

Resolution versus intention

Detoxing… it’s not what you think


It’s not what you think it is... 

So you want to detox... do you actually know that your body is actually detoxing you all the time?

I actually cringe when I hear people saying they’re doing a detox!

A detox is not a ‘diet’ that you go on, it’s a process within the body that is naturally occurring! #fact

So screw your skinny teas and detox supplements- this is how your body detoxes!

The 5 major ways your body uses for detoxification:

Your liver- your liver actually has over 500 roles in the body, it detoxes you by changing fat soluble toxins to water soluble toxins so they can be easily flushed out of your system. This has two stages, the first stage requires lots of B vitamins and glutathione to facilitate this process, the second stage needs B vitamins, glutathione, magnesium and amino acids.

Your kidneys- they act as a filtration system, and help to regulate your body’s pH, electrolytes, and detoxification- once the toxins are filtered it allows them to be flushed out in your urine.

Your skin- your body excretes toxins in your sweat. Your skin is semipermeable and the largest organ in the body, it’s a great way to get rid of toxins, it’s not just about cooling down.

Your digestion- your gastrointestinal tract (GI) is a huge way to detoxify your system- when all is running smoothly! If you suffer from constipation then this is causing toxins to build up in the system.

Your lungs- every time you exhale you are breathing out the gases that the body cannot utilise, namely nitrogen and CO2, but also you are excreting toxins!

This is how you should think about detoxification!

If any of these systems are dysfunctional or ineffective then your system becomes more toxic. Your body undergoes oxidative stress, which creates free radicals, the body combats this by neutralising them with antioxidants, however when the energy and resources are waning and there’s not sufficient supply the free radical- antioxidant balance is tipped in favour of free radicals and these play havoc in our body in the long term. The detoxification process is inefficient as the organs are overwhelmed- but help is at hand!

If your organs are not optimally functioning or production of free radicals outweighs the resources to neutralise them, issues start to occur. Thesee range from low level symptoms like frequency colds, fatigue and general unease, to in the longer term chronic fatigue, depression and SIBO.

This means that the resonance of the organ, the frequency of the organ is sub- optimal. So this is why I use ANF Therapy to enhance the natural frequency and stimulate the body into healing itself. 

#hybridtherapyuk #anftherapy #holistichealth #frequency #resonance #freeradicals #antioxidants #detox #organhealth #innerhealing #detox


Is your thyroid puling its weight?

Is your thyroid puling its weight?

The thyroid and how it functions within the body involves a cascade of events that commence in the brain and target the cells. This all happens before your body acknowledges how your thyroid is functioning.

If we only look at the symptoms, it may seem like the thyroid is a problem… but like anything we need to ask, is it actually the root cause? How do we know which part in the chain is dysfunctional? Symptoms can often be non- specific in nature, and everything in the body affects everything else- its a closed system!

Ten Days of Gratitude

Ten Days of Gratitude

This is a challenge to improve your level of gratitude in life… but why would you need that?

Well we can all be a little more grateful, its easy to sit there and think about the things we don’t have and our lack in life… its actually the way our brain is programmed, we all have a negativity bias… but we can work on it!

What can Tracy Richardson MSc. do for you and why should you care!

What can Tracy do for you and why should you care?

The likelihood is that your on this page because you are struggling with your health and wellness, if so then you sound like the perfect client me! 
I’m betting that you have tried a million things, potions, pills, gimmicks, and other treatments to no avail, from the cheap and cheerful to the über expensive... if this sounds like you then I reckon I just may be able to help. 


Happy bank holiday... Here's some wellness tips

Happy bank holiday... Here's some wellness tips

happy bank holiday! Here are some of the things may help with general health.

CranioSacral Therapy (CST)

CranioSacral Therapy (CST)

CST is a very gentle, light touch therapy that can be very powerful and effective.  It can help to release tensions deep within the body which in turn can help to relieve pain and dysfunction and improve whole-body health and performance. It is a wonderful addition to our current therapies.

Everyday chemicals and your thyroid

Thyroid disorders affect 1 in twenty people in the UK, it’s quite common and often goes undiagnosed, or misdiagnosed. Check back to out previous blog for more details on the symptoms, but you may often struggle with low energy, unexplained weight gain/ loss, muscle weakness, hair loss, insomnia and altered mood states.