Ten Days of gratitude challenge
Are you in?
This is a challenge to improve your level of gratitude in life… but why would you need that?
Well we can all be a little more grateful, its easy to sit there and think about the things we don’t have and our lack in life… its actually the way our brain is programmed, we all have a negativity bias… but we can work on it!
We actually all have a set point of where our bias lies, for some of us we will be eternally optimistic, for others of us, we’ll be more like Eyore for the Winnie the Pooh tales!
But like anything if you practice it, you get better at it, and now with the advances in neuroplasticity, we know we can actually change the way the brain functions. Our neutrons can change… and in physiology we know that neutrons that fore together, wore together… and so if we practice something that becomes habitual to stands to reason we can change the way we think on a cellular level!
The 10 days of gratitude is to kick start you on your gratitude journey- trust me it works, but i’m going to do this one with you!
I think it’s really important for us to be mindful, so that you can truly appreciate what you have and the person that you are.
So how does it work?
Well follow the link on our website and job the Hybrid Therapy UK Holistic Health and Wellness facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/htukholistichealthandwellness
All you need to do is every day for 10 days commit to sharing 10 things you are grateful for… but you gotta be specific.
Its no good saying sunshine, as although Im guessing most of us are grateful for it… you gotta get specific as to why you’re grateful, how it makes you feel and when.
The challenge starts soon.
Thats 10 things, for 10 days… trust me, you can only benefit from this!
So if you want to join us, DM me or you can join the FB group and add your gratitude here!
Its going to be great!!
Oh, we’ll be starting June 1st… so you have couple of days to decide!