What can Tracy Richardson MSc. do for you and why should you care!

What’s in it for you?

The likelihood is that your on this page because you are struggling with your health and wellness, if so then you sound like the perfect client me! 

I’m betting that you have tried a million things, potions, pills, gimmicks, and other treatments to no avail, from the cheap and cheerful to the über expensive... if this sounds like you then I reckon I just may be able to help. 

Here’s a bit about how I work and why it’s different….

My practice incorporates looking at the whole person, so you could call it ‘wholistic’ in nature, because what affects the body affects the mind and vice versa. 

The goal is to facilitate improvement of your health and wellness, and on the way help to uncover your true potential!

What’s the difference in the one down the road?

I work a little differently, hence the name ‘Hybrid Therapy’ as its a hybrid treatment, not a cookie cutter plan. Everything I offer you is bespoke and relevant to your individual health care.

Traditionally I am trained as a Sports Therapist (MSc.- this means I have a master’s level degree), which involves muscular and skeletal bodywork and rehabilitation, though my want to enhance my knowledge and skill with the very best therapies out there has taken me on a journey around the world! 

I incorporate a wide variety of therapies including:

  • ANF Therapy, a revolutionary therapy working with the bodies innate frequencies.

  • Craniosacral therapy, which is osteopathic in origin, and offers a gentler approach than traditional bodywork.

  • NLP (neurolinguistic programming), which works with the mind and its influence on us.

  • Iridology, which involves studying the eyes and what they can tell us about our constitution.

  • Photobiomodulation, which involves the non invasive use of light that helps to modulate our health at a cellular level.

  • Mindfulness, which helps us to acknowledge the present, and incorporates mindful movement, mindful breath and mindful meditation.

  • In addition to massage, nutritional coaching and training, programming and rehabilitation.

Why is all this on offer?

… because everyone is unique! I don’t offer one size fits all therapies- all ankle sprains are not the same, all fibromyalgia is not the same… what makes it different… YOU!

I continue to learn and educate myself, to enhance my understanding and skill level, so I can offer the highest levels of care and service to my clients.

But, in all honesty, I still just ant to help people figure out whats going on and help facilitate a route forwards to improve health and wellbeing.

Want to know more?

Drop me a message tracy@hybridtherapy.uk