hormone health

Hormone health

Women’s hormone health is key.
What I have found affects this more than anything else is lifestyle and environmental factors, that are mostly modifiable.

Chronic stress literally affects us at a cellular level, this affects all of our body systems- everything is connected.

Your endocrine system works in multiple areas of the body and depending on the info it receives, it dictates what hormones and the quantities that are released. This can screw with your hormone levels that affect everything from your mood to your weight!
Once the hormones get screwed up it’s often a perpetual cycle of shitty symptoms and poor medical care!

I’ve been in this cycle, I couldn’t see it at the time, but in retrospect all the signs were there. If I hadn’t found ANF I’d be really ill right now!

Like anything, treatment is a process, I have had chronic stress for decades- from being bullied as a child, to being an athlete that was hospitalised, crappy relationships, to a long career in a toxic environment... but to me this was normal, because it was my life!

I’m a pure example of what 25+ years worth of pain and symptoms becoming ‘normal’ life were! Yes I know hard to believe I’m that old 😂

I knew nothing about poor lighting- blue light from the tech I was using affecting my health.
I knew nothing about how stress is stress and the body doesn’t recognise the source just that there is stress and deals with it the same.
I thought hammering myself in the gym was helping me, not adding to my dysfunction.
I thought that climbing the career ladder, that stress and lack of sleep and working harder was necessary.
All of this was BS!

I am not mostly recovered- I had chronic CNS stress and inflammation for years, it’s a process and healing is happening.

What I can say is this...
After having ‘hormonal trouble’ since age 14 and being prescribed the pill for my symptoms!!!! Since my PCOS diagnosis in my 20’s, I’ve had zero conventional treatment as doctors go to is the combined pill or progesterone only pill for symptom relief, they don’t have a clue about causality! And neither did I.. until my late 30’s!!!!

I’ve had no pain medication in a long while- almost 2 years, and I used to chew naproxen like sweets.

Know there is a better way.

Just because pain is common, doesn’t mean it’s normal 💜

This one's for the ladies!

This one's for the ladies!

This is one for the ladies!

Do you know your cycle? 

How well do you know your body's rhythms?

Something I wish that I knew dunce I was a teenager is the importance of understanding what my cycle was trying to tell me!!

I’m becoming more in tune with this. So, I think it’s important to share the importance of educating yourself with how your body moves through it’s ‘monthly’ cycle, the miracle that is your body, and the signs that help you to recognise what it needs and when it needs it.

Is your thyroid puling its weight?

Is your thyroid puling its weight?

The thyroid and how it functions within the body involves a cascade of events that commence in the brain and target the cells. This all happens before your body acknowledges how your thyroid is functioning.

If we only look at the symptoms, it may seem like the thyroid is a problem… but like anything we need to ask, is it actually the root cause? How do we know which part in the chain is dysfunctional? Symptoms can often be non- specific in nature, and everything in the body affects everything else- its a closed system!

What can Tracy Richardson MSc. do for you and why should you care!

What can Tracy do for you and why should you care?

The likelihood is that your on this page because you are struggling with your health and wellness, if so then you sound like the perfect client me! 
I’m betting that you have tried a million things, potions, pills, gimmicks, and other treatments to no avail, from the cheap and cheerful to the über expensive... if this sounds like you then I reckon I just may be able to help. 


Everyday chemicals and your thyroid

Thyroid disorders affect 1 in twenty people in the UK, it’s quite common and often goes undiagnosed, or misdiagnosed. Check back to out previous blog for more details on the symptoms, but you may often struggle with low energy, unexplained weight gain/ loss, muscle weakness, hair loss, insomnia and altered mood states.