complimentary therapy

Detoxing… it’s not what you think


It’s not what you think it is... 

So you want to detox... do you actually know that your body is actually detoxing you all the time?

I actually cringe when I hear people saying they’re doing a detox!

A detox is not a ‘diet’ that you go on, it’s a process within the body that is naturally occurring! #fact

So screw your skinny teas and detox supplements- this is how your body detoxes!

The 5 major ways your body uses for detoxification:

Your liver- your liver actually has over 500 roles in the body, it detoxes you by changing fat soluble toxins to water soluble toxins so they can be easily flushed out of your system. This has two stages, the first stage requires lots of B vitamins and glutathione to facilitate this process, the second stage needs B vitamins, glutathione, magnesium and amino acids.

Your kidneys- they act as a filtration system, and help to regulate your body’s pH, electrolytes, and detoxification- once the toxins are filtered it allows them to be flushed out in your urine.

Your skin- your body excretes toxins in your sweat. Your skin is semipermeable and the largest organ in the body, it’s a great way to get rid of toxins, it’s not just about cooling down.

Your digestion- your gastrointestinal tract (GI) is a huge way to detoxify your system- when all is running smoothly! If you suffer from constipation then this is causing toxins to build up in the system.

Your lungs- every time you exhale you are breathing out the gases that the body cannot utilise, namely nitrogen and CO2, but also you are excreting toxins!

This is how you should think about detoxification!

If any of these systems are dysfunctional or ineffective then your system becomes more toxic. Your body undergoes oxidative stress, which creates free radicals, the body combats this by neutralising them with antioxidants, however when the energy and resources are waning and there’s not sufficient supply the free radical- antioxidant balance is tipped in favour of free radicals and these play havoc in our body in the long term. The detoxification process is inefficient as the organs are overwhelmed- but help is at hand!

If your organs are not optimally functioning or production of free radicals outweighs the resources to neutralise them, issues start to occur. Thesee range from low level symptoms like frequency colds, fatigue and general unease, to in the longer term chronic fatigue, depression and SIBO.

This means that the resonance of the organ, the frequency of the organ is sub- optimal. So this is why I use ANF Therapy to enhance the natural frequency and stimulate the body into healing itself. 

#hybridtherapyuk #anftherapy #holistichealth #frequency #resonance #freeradicals #antioxidants #detox #organhealth #innerhealing #detox


CranioSacral Therapy (CST)

CranioSacral Therapy (CST)

CST is a very gentle, light touch therapy that can be very powerful and effective.  It can help to release tensions deep within the body which in turn can help to relieve pain and dysfunction and improve whole-body health and performance. It is a wonderful addition to our current therapies.