holistic wellness

This one's for the ladies!

This one's for the ladies!

This is one for the ladies!

Do you know your cycle? 

How well do you know your body's rhythms?

Something I wish that I knew dunce I was a teenager is the importance of understanding what my cycle was trying to tell me!!

I’m becoming more in tune with this. So, I think it’s important to share the importance of educating yourself with how your body moves through it’s ‘monthly’ cycle, the miracle that is your body, and the signs that help you to recognise what it needs and when it needs it.

Is your thyroid puling its weight?

Is your thyroid puling its weight?

The thyroid and how it functions within the body involves a cascade of events that commence in the brain and target the cells. This all happens before your body acknowledges how your thyroid is functioning.

If we only look at the symptoms, it may seem like the thyroid is a problem… but like anything we need to ask, is it actually the root cause? How do we know which part in the chain is dysfunctional? Symptoms can often be non- specific in nature, and everything in the body affects everything else- its a closed system!

Happy bank holiday... Here's some wellness tips

Happy bank holiday... Here's some wellness tips

happy bank holiday! Here are some of the things may help with general health.

CranioSacral Therapy (CST)

CranioSacral Therapy (CST)

CST is a very gentle, light touch therapy that can be very powerful and effective.  It can help to release tensions deep within the body which in turn can help to relieve pain and dysfunction and improve whole-body health and performance. It is a wonderful addition to our current therapies.

Everyday chemicals and your thyroid

Thyroid disorders affect 1 in twenty people in the UK, it’s quite common and often goes undiagnosed, or misdiagnosed. Check back to out previous blog for more details on the symptoms, but you may often struggle with low energy, unexplained weight gain/ loss, muscle weakness, hair loss, insomnia and altered mood states.