Happy bank holiday... Here's some wellness tips

I hope you’ve had a great extended weekend.


I’m always thinking about how I can bettersupport  you with your health and wellness ... soooooo....


Here are some of the things may help with general health, sorry it may be a little wordy, but I wanted to explain the reasons for my statements:


💥Try to see the sunrise in the morning- without glasses and barefoot- vitamin A and melatonin are generated in the eye- this relates to your circadian rhythms (sleep-wake cycle) and the sun is measured in degrees kelvin, so it regulates primitive systems in the body. The grounding helps us to recharge from the ground up- the earth is essentially a huge battery.


💥Try to get outside in the sun between 9-12pm- even if it's only 10 minutes- thus is to help with circadian rhythms ad a whole host of other health benefits.


💥Try to reduce screen time, add red filters to tech screens or wear blue blocking glasses- blue light from tech and artificial light reduces vitamin D being sulphated into a useable form. Vitamin D is involved in numerous chemical reactions within the body and essentially acts like a hormone- so can mimic hormonal imbalance effects. Vitamin D is formed from cholesterol as are testosterone, oestrogen and progesterone- if you are overly stressed their production ceases and is shunted towards making cortisol (stress response hormone). In the short term, this is fight or flight mode and is great for getting us out of trouble, but in the long term can have catastrophic effects on the body- starting with elevated blood pressure and weight concerns. The best company I have found are Blu Blox (Australian) they have the best research available on their products, use code Hybrid for 15% off , or Ra optics a US company, use code OPTIMAL for 10% off (I a not affiliated with either company and not on commission, I just think they can benefit many people). Try to turn off tech at least one hour before bed, and aim for total darkness in the bedroom to support melatonin and growth hormone production (helps with healing).


💥Try to drink water- aim for 2 litres- if your blood is more viscous (thicker) then it is harder for the body to get oxygen and nutrients around the body and the heart has to work harder to do this- long tern this can lead to elevated blood pressure. All of your cells are predominantly composed of fluid and so to function effectively they need a fluid environment. If you can try to avoid tap water, if it is fluoridated- buy a water filter, as fluoride acts to calcify the pineal gland over time- this is what produces melatonin.


💥Do more of the things you enjoy- this lowers stress and release endorphins, dopamine and serotonin- our happy hormones… this is what helps to moderate cortisol. Dopamine is our reward hormone, so try to do things that benefit you and help you feel good. Laughing, hugging, singing, dancing (sober) all help to reduce stress. They also activate the vagus nerve which is one of the cranial nerves and is linked to your parasympathetic nervous system- responsible for rest and reset.


💥Consider reducing/ limiting exposure to nnEMF- the more frequencies from non natural sources you are around, the more this affects the natural frequencies within your body- try to reduce screen time and don’t have wifi units close to you. Being in front of screens also dehydrates you at a cellular level.


💥Stress is stress is stress- the body deals with it exactly the same- whether this is from changes in diet (restriction), exercise, work, family, driving, shopping- the body deals with it exactly the same, this increases cortisol. So either remove the stressor, circumnavigate or find ways to better cope with them.


💥Leptin and insulin resistance occur when the body has been in survival mode (high cortisol) for extended periods (years), this means that the body does not tolerate carbohydrates at meal times so well, and the sugars stay in the blood stream for longer- over years and years, this can lead to type 2 diabetes. Insulin resistance happens, as the leptin receptors in your cells no longer signal the brain that you have enough energy stored, so they continue to store energy, as fat. Your body cant work out whether it has enough energy or not, and the weight crept up. it stems from stress.


💥So reducing your stress is key, but high stress is your ‘normal’ and influences the dopamine response- so your body will crave the feel good factor. With regards to nutrition, the best advice is to eliminate sugars as they are inflammatory to the body, aim to eat meals at least twice a day, and try to increase the protein content (fish/ seafood/ organic meat), and lower the carbohydrates- anything sugary or starchy, this will help to control blood sugar and keep you feeling fuller. Alcohol is full of hidden sugar and will greatly elevate your blood sugar, so try to minimise this.


I hope this helps, if you have any queries or questions please feel free to contact me.


Hybrid Therapy UK: A holistic approach to health and wellness. Using an integrative and innovative approach to restoring optimal health including; ANF Therapy, functional manual therapy, photobiomodulation, movement, and nutrition.
Treatment by appointment only- get in touch!
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