CranioSacral Therapy (CST)

CST is a very gentle, light touch therapy that can be very powerful and effective.  It can help to release tensions deep within the body which in turn can help to relieve pain and dysfunction and improve whole-body health and performance. It is a wonderful addition to our current therapies.

What does CranioSacral mean?

The CranioSacral system consists of the bones, soft tissues and fluid that surround and nourish your brain and spinal cord.  Any imbalances within the system can have an impact on your central nervous system and in turn your general health and well-being.

Everyday stresses and strains are absorbed by our bodies, so that we can continue doing what we need to do, over time this builds up and this can result in changes within our  tissues- both physical and emotional.

Allowing the body to relax and self-correct enhances the body's ability to perform at its best.  CST may therefore help to reduce your pain and enhance your general health and well-being.

What can CST help?

CranioSacral Therapy is used at Hybrid Therapy UK as an adjunct to other therapies where deemed appropriate. it can  also be used as a preventative form of healthcare, to keep the CranioSacral system in the best condition to enhance the body's natural healing ability.

As I’ve said, CST is used alongside other therapies, however it is not a replacement for medical treatment, so if you have any concerns it is recommended that you consult your medical practitioner before seeking treatment.

Some of the conditions it can help with are as follows, though this is not an exhaustive list:

What happens?

Treatments are carried out within your treatment session- this is based upon the assessment and findings and will only be utilised where deemed appropriate for the individual.  The CST treatments are gentle and relaxing and non- invasive.

I will assess your CranioSacral rhythm at various points on your body, so treatment can be directed at any part of your body, though usually form your head and down the length of your spine.  As with all of your treatments at Hybrid Therapy UK, often times the point of pain, is a symptom and not the cause of an issues- CranioSacral therapy is an holistic treatment where the therapist will treat the signs that the clients body reveals, this will not necessarily be at the location on the body where the pain, discomfort or symptoms are felt.

Initially a review and couple of treatments are recommended to allow the client and therapist to assess whether the client is responding well to treatments.

What you experience from a treatment is very individual and can be different each time, though people typically report feelings of warmth, softening, pulsing in the area that the therapist is working and generally they feel deeply relaxed.

After a treatment it is recommended that you stay well hydrated and allow your body to rest.  Your symptoms may be heightened for a short while.  This is perfectly normal but if you are worried please get in touch.  As everyone is different, it is possible that you also may feel tired following a treatment and require a short lie down, whilst your body adjusts.  However , many people also report feeling energised.  If you feel tired then try to allow your body to rest.

The body can continue processing the changes that have been made for several hours or days following a treatment.


craniosacral therapy

Craniosacral Therapy

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