What do I mean? Well, are you like your best friend, in that if you had a concern how would you talk to yourself? 

Would you be kind to you?

Oftentimes, you are the last person on the list or in the queue. The last person that you think about.

Well, life gets busy and we spend lots of time looking after the needs of other people, but what about you.

More so now than ever we need to get off our own case and be kinder to ourselves. We need it. Plus, it has a knock on effect of us being kinder to others too.

Here’s five super simple ways that you can be kinder to you and can take care of you right now!

1- Take a time out

This isn’t just reserved for sports teams or naughty children. 

Taking the for you is important. Take 10minutes, yes 10 minutes, no distractions, turn off your phone, lock yourself in the bathroom if you have to but 10 minutes where you do nothing!!! I find lying on the bed in a dark room is really beneficial, it only takes 10 minutes and you will feel recharged.

2- Breathe

Sounds obvious… but did you now there are different ways we breathe?

Stand, sit or lay down, get comfortable. Firstly close your mouth- you are going to be nasal breathing- try this for 10 breaths first up, it helps to sooth the nervous system. Next you can progress onto diaphragmatic breathing. Place your hands on your abdomen and take a breath in, imagine filling the abdomen with air… e are trying to get the diaphragm muscle to contract… then just let it go (all through the nose).

3- It’s ok if it all turns to sh*t

We all try to do our best at everything we undertake. After all whats the point if you’re not doing it well. But sometimes things don’t go according to ‘the plan’. Tell yourself that it is ok to mess up. It is ok to fail. It is ok not to be perfect. Sh*t happens, but its reframing it to see the positive in the negative that helps us use these events as learning experiences and helps us to grow!

4- Treat yourself

Now this doesn’t necessarily mean an expensive shopping spree where you splurge on Jimmy Choos or Nikes’ (whatever’s your bag man). It could mean treating yourself to a DIY facial, a walk in the country, lighting a (non-toxic) scented candle, a bath. Something that won’t break the bank but will give you a prolonged sense of improved wellbeing.

5- Pay it forward

Be kind to someone else, trust me this will come back to you. If you put it out there it will be returned- it’s the karmic laws of the universe.

Even if it’s just a smile, a compliment ‘love the dress’ to a stranger, it will make you feel good and your paying it forward… the person you address is also likely to perpetuate the cycle!

#hybridtherapyuk #bekindtoyourself #holistichealth