Frequencies, Resonance & Vibration...

You hear me mention frequencies all the time- because everything is literally a frequency, a resonance, a vibration.

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.” Tesla.  

Though, when we talk about our own personal vibration, what does it mean? 

Whether you want to call it vibration, frequencies or resonance it all amounts to the same thing- energy. And, energy doesn’t dissipate, it changes form.

You can see frequencies measured as with an EEG or ECG- so you know they exist within us. 

Your cells respond to specific frequencies, just like the antenna for your TV. Receptors in the cells or antenna resonate/ vibrate at a specific frequency, when the signal resonates with the antenna it tunes in and creates a TV picture- or in the cells a biophysical response. Just like with electricity- you can experience resistance in the bioelectrical currents of the body- your nervous system. This disrupts your cellular function and you experience symptoms that you don’t like. It’s your body’s response to a faulty or interrupted signal. So you need to get the signal back online and retune your body.

A healthy human body resonates at 62-78MHz.

Have you ever been around someone and got good vibes or bad vibes? This is your antennae reading their frequency! And their energy field interacts with yours.

You are highly affected by the people around you- via their energy field. Did you know you have an energy field that extends outwards around 2m plus? Actually everything is interconnected through energy fields extending much farther, and this affects you. 

Think about when you have been around certain people- you feel great, they are what I like to call ‘energy radiators’, and then you have the people that you feel repelled by and not so good to be around, what I call ‘energy drains’. How do you feel around the people in your life?

Your energy often speaks for you.

energy and auras

When you are around those vibrating at a lower resonance or lower energy than yours, you can feel drained of energy and not able to reach your potential- its true that you become what you are surrounded by. You are a vibrant being- notice how when you are vibrating at a higher resonance how awesome it feels!

You are also hugely affected by your environments, for the same reason, and this includes what you expose yourself to in the form of media.

This can be a huge reason for everything feeling ‘dark and hopeless’, because it acts to lower your cellular resonance. 

Consider the chakras are spinning wheels of energy along the spine- they are associated with various areas of the body, and when they are in harmony, our energy flows. 

When the world seems dark and hopeless, can raising our own vibration help?

If you can change the frequency you are tuned into- or increase your vibration, essentially this can lead to altered or elevated mood states and feeling happier.

Everything in your body has a frequency. When you consider that energy/ frequencies are everything, then you can see how things you encounter daily affect our own vibrational frequency and influence our energy in more ways than you realise.

What steps can you take to raise your vibration? 

There are lots of things you can do to raise your vibration.

  • Listening to uplifting music has a profound effect upon your resonance- you can also find solfeggio tomes and binaural beats on YouTube that help.

  • Grounding or earthing allow for us to gain charge form the Schumman resonance in the earth- essentially a transfer of electrons- which also works when you are in the sunshine and gain energy from the sun

  • Similarly, words matter, those that you use- speaking badly, blaming, complaining and moaning becomes a habit and lowers your vibration. Words, particularly when they’re in the form of lyrics in music havre even more potency. Consider what you listen to, as this has a direct impact upon what you attract. This directly affects cellular resonance and your own frequency/energy/vibration. Along with the emotions that the music evokes, this forms attachments with music and makes the resonance even more powerful.

  • Having what I call a ‘Gratitude adjustment’ is key- by reframing things and looking at what you have gained rather than lost has a huge effect on that feeling of inner peace and calm- and being grateful increases your vibration.

  • Physically tapping on your bones using EFT actually creates piezoelectric energy- increasing ionic flow- and increases your resonance/ energy.

  • Surround yourself with people you are in tune with- these are your people who will support and elevate your vibration just through their presence.

  • Breath work- nasal breathing is non stressful breathing that supports the parasympathetic nervous system function and relaxes the body, creating calm and healing to elevate resonance. 

In situations where you feel hopeless, there are many things to consider. As a a mental health first aider it is important to look at the individual situation, however the tapping and breathing can help hugely in the interim if awaiting further help/ support.

Remember, ’Thoughts become things’ Joe Dispenza.

You have 60-100,000 thoughts a day.

A negative thought lowers your resonance, whereas a positive thought increases your resonance. So positive thoughts are essentially more powerful. However, you are programmed with negative bias, So positive thoughts take more practice.

The brain uses 22% of all the energy in your body, if you are using this to produce negative thoughts you are attaching a lot of energy to them.

If you have lots of negative thoughts and self talk, this affects your health- you are lowering your own cellular vibration- so you can counteract this by being mindful of your thoughts- if you catch yourself being overly negative or critical, then you should stop and think something positive, change the environment you are in, or put on an uplifting piece of music.

There’s a really easy way you can do this- at the end of every day when you get into bed, before you go to sleep, think of 3 things that you are grateful for- feel how grateful you are. These can be people, places, talents, the days events, physical things- by being grateful we are thinking positively- this causes an emotive response. E-motions are literally energy on motion. By having an emotional response we attach more weight to it. This then acts as a magnet and we attract similar frequencies to us.

Heard of raising your vibration- well this is literally it!

Much of this you can do yourself, though sometimes when we are really low on energy, in pain or your body is under resourced, you need a little help. This is where I come in.

As a wellness facilitator, I make the progression to improving the quality and state of your being in good health, easier. So please reach out if you feel you need support with reducing pain, renewing energy and restoring wellness at

Love + wellness

Tracy x


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