Time to put you first!

So this is a long BLOG but it’s pure gold… because by the end you will know all about how I utilise frequency you help normalise your body systems and diminish your symptoms.


So I mention frequencies A LOT- because we’ll they are everything.

When I was first told- everything has a frequency, it quite literally blew my mind… I mean I’d heard of sound and light waves and anyone who grew up in the 80’s has seen a graphic equaliser 😉 Think waves- amplitude and frequency!

But I didn’t really understand it. I mean who teaches you about quantum mechanics relative to the human body??

Everything is connected… hear me out it’s fact not a load of woo!

If we break it all down we are atoms… we are a tightly packed, highly attracted bundle of atoms, that are spinning super fast!

You can feel it when you listen to music that evokes a feeling in you, or when the sun comes out from behind a cloud and heats your skin- it changes your cellular vibration and frequency!

Everything emits energy, from our interconnected energy fields to our bio photons.

We are beings of light. Light emits energy. We emit light energy as biophotons. Light has both wave and particle duality- it can be a wave and/or a particle 😉

Each photon has energy that is in proportion with its frequency- light frequencies are measured in nano meters, so the energy is relative to its frequency.

We gain energy from sunlight!

Photons of light come to Earth in and our aromatic amino acids in tyrosine capture it. Cells use this to create dopamine. We also do the same with tryptophan to make melatonin/serotonin once light hits them in cells. So you see light is life!

All of our body structures have different frequencies- the wave and spin of the atoms determines this. But many areas have multiple frequencies- if we just ran on one frequency then death may be imminent if it were interrupted.

For instance did you know bone has been 14-19 resonant frequencies? (Harkanss, 1994). It’s not solid- it has a crystalline structure and so has piezoelectric properties- the electric charge contained is in response to mechanical loading applied to it- we can change this with tapping!

Our nerve cells or neurons also have frequencies- think fibre optic cables for internet- the frequency is determined by the interactions of the neuron. It has both active and passive interactions. The frequencies can be determined by recording the firing patterns (Hutcheon and Yarom, 2000). Tips is how we can target a neuron and influence it with exogenous (external) frequencies.

What exactly the ‘stickers’ do.

Sooo… it’s a bit of a paradigm shift!

The stickers or to be more accurate the bio frequency discs are Amino Neurofrequency (ANF) therapy- a class 1 medical frequency device.

We know that frequency is everything- it connects us to our environment, one another, and allows communication between things and information to flow. This helps us with regulation of our body systems, which is an essential part of our immune response.

You know that feeling, that gut instinct, that sixth sense… well this is an example of frequency information being transmitted from something through your senses to advise you of a potential threat. It’s like an inbuilt alarm system that when we listen to it, will never fail us.

So how does ANF fit in?

Well it works on our bio frequencies to support normal function. So it stimulates our nervous system signals (the fibre optic broadband) to become stronger and elicit the required effective responses. It helps tune us into the ‘right’ frequencies.

Here’s an example- when you tune in your TV, if the signal (frequency) is weak, interrupted or incorrect our picture on the screen is not optimal, but if we tune into the right frequency then bingo- perfect picture!

It’s the same with the body- if our nervous system cannot transmit strong frequencies because they are interrupted, weak or dysfunctional then we don’t get optimal responses and this can often manifest as unwanted symptoms. Like when we feel pain- often times this is due to faulty transmission due to inflammation of the nervous system aka invisible inflammation or the silent killer.

ANF Therapy stimulates the innate frequencies in the body to bring them back online and promotes restoration and normalisation- leading to a reduction in symptoms and an improvement in wellness and body function. Sounds good, huh?

We can observe the influence of the nervous system on our body systems through measuring its electromagnetic frequencies. We can do this with bioresonance.

This is pretty cool- exactly ‘How do the ANF discs work?’ Here we go…

ANF Therapy uses stimulation of the bodies innate nervous system frequencies to create its therapeutic effect.

A frequency is essentially the number of times the signal or wave oscillates per second- the wavelength is the space between oscillations.

Neurons can actually generate frequencies and receive frequencies- once they’re accepted, the neurons then copy them neuron to neuron- the all or nothing principle. Which is great if it’s an optimal frequency!

Each of the discs is charged with various frequencies and due to their structure they are able to transmit and reflect frequency into the body. There are lots of discs, over 300 in fact, each with different oscillation, speed and wave to target different areas of the body. There are millions of neurons that can receive and propagate these signals.

The body is pretty awesome… there are upwards of 5 million frequencies in the body that are literally sending information to run the ‘show’. When these frequencies become dysfunctional, and we elicit symptoms of dis-ease, the ‘show’ must go on, so the body will adapt… this is how we get accustomed to living with pain.

The primary aim of ANF Therapy is to reduce inflammation and promote the self healing processes

Have you heard of Sympathetic Resonance?

If you strike a tuning fork it vibrates relative to its composition and at its predetermined resonance (frequency)- just line the nerves or neurons have individualised frequencies depending upon their structure and function. If you strike another tuning fork and bring it near to the other, it influences its resonance/ vibration- the energy can literally change the vibration of the other.

The same happens with the discs- the frequencies that are emitted influence the neural oscillation to promote restoration and normal function. It the signals are weak, disrupted or incorrect we don’t get the desired action/response (see the TV tuning example from yesterday).

The discs may influence the action potential of the nerve (energy), the firing rate of the nerve (frequency), the all or nothing principle (wave), stimulate a compliant frequency to promote a neurons effectiveness. Essentially bringing the body back online and timing into the desired frequency.

We are electric!!!

“How can a ‘sticker’ have a frequency?” Is something I often get asked… like its magic, voodoo, hocum or could it be science?!

Well it’s quite simple, but also complicated.

The ANF Therapy discs have a 28.4% carbon metal alloy component, and we know that metals have thermal conductivity and energy storage capacity.

The frequencies are embedded within the metal alloy using a frequency generator in a controlled environment to avoid ‘interference’, so only what is intended is placed into the disc.

The result is a class 1 medical device that can store and emit a programmed frequency for 72 hours, after activation- the ANF discs!

What does this mean?

Unlike other ‘frequency modalities’ there is no ‘electricity’ required for treatment, it’s non thermal and is a discreet, convenient wearable device provides you with 3 days worth of ‘treatment’ following your consultation.

It’s amazing as a stand alone treatment to reduce pain and inflammation, but can also be used as a compliment to other treatment modalities and movement therapy.

It really is unlike anything you have ever used before.

So where’s the research then?

Bio frequency is definitely something that is backed by research. You only need to look at the history of the ECG measuring heart frequencies and EEG measuring brain frequencies and HRV as a measure of health to know… so there is evidence demonstrating that we ‘run on frequencies’.

So where the research for ANF Therapy? Well it has loads of case studies and practitioners all over the globe are experiencing results observed directly with their clients. So the proof is there… but often the wider acceptance comes when ‘clinical trials’ are documented.

ANF is a non-thermal bio frequency device that is able to use a frequency to stimulate a cells oscillation and promote normal function, thus providing energy and resources that the body systems require in order to function effectively. It cannot out anything there that shouldn’t be there, it can only help to normalise what should be there.

By provoking local cellular effects on a micro scale, this has huge potential benefits in a macro scale- we see this in clinic as reduced inflammation, reduced pain and improved function.

Results using similar technology have been demonstrated by Piven et al., (2014) who found a 100% reduction in pain from baseline measures. Nazeran et al, 2012, found an overall 89% improvement in organ function over 1 week compared to baseline. Nazaren et al., (2010) also demonstrated increased in key antioxidants- 22-46% increase Carnosine and 29-57% increase in Glutathione levels.

It is certainly an area becoming more widely understood and incorporated into the healing realm.

For now we are seeing the results in clinic and helping individuals with their wellness.

ANF Therapy is not just about the discs… it’s a whole different way of looking at assessment of what people present with in clinic.

The assessment process is methodical and comprehensive, all the way from our clients signs and symptoms, consultation process, to the physical assessment and palpation of the body.

ANF takes into account all of the body systems and as practitioners we are educated regarding the interactions of these- the body is a closed system and if there’s something manifesting it means that other areas may be influencing or affecting this. Oftentimes where the pain is, is not where the problem is. We recognise that everything affects everything and aim to locate the cause as well as educate our clients about the process and what they can do to support themselves- making the process more effective and efficient, plus you get ‘more bang for your buck’.

As humans we need to remember that the human body is a highly sophisticated system that encompasses systems, organs and cells that are ALWAYS working for us and trying to maintain the ‘status quo’. The primary aim is survival. It is only when the energy and resources are unavailable for it to perform it’s symphony of functions, that that we experience issues/ dysfunction. ANF Therapy looks to support the body systems and promote normal functioning so we feel optimal 💜

With any bodily dysfunction there is the need to reduce oxidative stress in the system- this has a huge effect upon inflammation and both physical and emotional symptoms. The main factor influencing many dysfunctions in the body is inflammation Franceschi et al. (2014).

Emotional attachment and influence plays a huge role in what may need to be addressed. We also have the ‘three amigos’ vascular, lymphatic and nervous systems- they impact one another hugely. Without these being addressed, resolution and restoration cannot be successful. And all this before we get to the muscle pain symptoms 🤓

Reducing accumulated inflammation is potentially a chronic concern and as such not a passive process. If the energy and resources are unavailable then the body needs additional support.

This is where we can look at necessary lifestyle upgrades, nutritional support, movement and mindfulness practices that make the process of healing all encompassing.

Your body didn’t get here by accident, you’ve trained it to perform a certain way- it adapts. But just like with any form of training, it can be changed 💜

When we think about the body- it’s not just biology and chemistry- it’s physics!!

Interested in learning more about frequencies and therapy and how it may benefit you?

Send me a message 💛





📜 Disclaimer: The content is intended for informational and educational purposes only. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition, and should not be used as a substitute for any and all professional and/or medical advice. Recipient of this notice so affirms before partaking in any and all information and related links, etc.