
Water Water Everywhere...

Knowing that your body is comprised of approximately 98.9% water molecules (Gerald Pollack); does that make you want to optimise the body of water you are?

If so, why would you drink anything but the BEST water?

You are what you drink! Literally.

What is the BEST water to drink?

1. Water that is free of chemicals & biological contamination
2. Water that carries a living signature
3. Water that has a balanced and coherent set of minerals

But where to start? What does this look like in a practical everyday life?

1. Start with clean water .
Check out distilled water, filtered water, reverse osmosis, and mountain spring water.
My personal favourites are the Berkey with added fluoride filters and distilled water using the Pure water distiller (links in pinned post)

2. Add trace minerals to the water in order to give the water the opportunity to become a liquid crystalline structure again; Just like it was in nature before it was adulterated though processing.
I am currently experimenting with different mineral additions… we should get most minerals from our food so this is not an essential part… we can just add sea salt… I also love my fulvic acid in water… but I’ll keep you posted.

3. Vortex the water to remove energetic frequencies that have contaminated the water along its journey to get to you.
Vortexing not only removes the dirty messaging imprinted in the water molecules, but also imprints a living signature back into the water.

FYI- Structuring water can be done in many ways- you can use crystals, magnets, vortexing cups, vortexing machines adding crystals/ stones to a fuel and filtering onto a jug. Essentially getting the water moving in a swirling pattern will vortex it- so even stirring will have some effect.

Come alive again with living water



You should really be drinking around half your body weight in ounces of water- it’s often said that 8 glasses it 2 litres if the answer but it all depends on your status. If you’re doing things to dehydrate like exercising, mouth breathing and excessive sweating you’ll need more water.

If your consuming more alcohol around this time of year you’ll also need more water.

Dehydration is more than water though - you’re light environment and EMF affects us at a cellular level and can actually dehydrate us.

But also your water source is super important.

Do not drink tap water- buy a gravity filter, a distiller or a reverse osmosis unit- they are all far superior!

Ensure that you have a way of removing the fluoride and other chemicals we don’t need from your water.

If you must drink bottled water- glass is preferable to plastic

Spring is preferable to mineral

Drinking water sources from a northern latitude and it altitude is preferable

If you need carbonated ensure it’s naturally carbonated like san pelligrino

If you need to remineralise your water at a pinch of salt or better still fulvic acid to help restructure it and help your cells utilise it better.

As always any questions just ask

You can find my recommendations here


*This post is for educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice.

Fulvic + humic acid

Fulvic acid has been a game changer for me and many of my clients.

This ‘magic’ you may hear of, helps with a lot of things from inside with nutrient absorption, metabolism, energy production and inflammation to the outside with our skin.

I’d never recommend something I hadn’t personally used and evaluated.

There’s lots of research evidence out there to support the effects of fulvic- humic acids.

I’ve drunk fulvic, I’ve foot soaked fulvic, I’ve bathed in fulvic, I’ve face masked with fulvic, I’ve brushed my teeth with fulvic and I’ve used it locally on pimples. 

The only thing I would say- don’t spill it!! It’s messy to clean up 🤦🏼‍♀️

Also if you have white wash cloths/ flannels then you may need to pre soak or put on a hot wash 🤷🏼‍♀️

Mostly, I drink fulvic and humic acid first thing in the morning, it’s part of my routine.

•Heavy metals- these are naturally occurring in fulvic- humic powder, from the breakdown of plants to make the fulvic- humic acids. They are bound metals- all plants contain some level of these from the soil. There is a big difference between being exposed to free aluminum and aluminosilicates.

•It contains fulvic acids, humic acids and trace minerals. Not all fulvic is equal- ensure yours is is filtered and cleaned with water and then freeze dried. To get fulvic out of rock- sometimes chemicals are used, which affect the final product.

•Fulvic acids come from waste- yep!! It’s the circle of life- we need the minerals from the soil- we’d originally get these in out foods, but out solid are super depleted (consider glyphosate is a chelator as well as a pesticide).

•A little goes a long way and it’s full of the nutrients we are missing from the earth’s soil.

Just so you know- we are all individuals and this different, so fulvic-humic acid will not affect everyone the same way (common sense), so individual results may vary. It is not a miracle cure and does not substitute medical treatment or advice.

You NEED this in your life 

Fulvic and humic acids contain vital nutrients that our depleted soil is missing due to modern farming.

This has been a game-changer for me and literally I am getting my life back- from increased energy and being able to walk my dog again (almost a year following a miscarriage/haemorrhage/extreme anaemia), not getting breathless during my daily activities, better overall general health and so much more!

I’ve been taking fulvic daily for over a year almost and I don’t think I’ll ever look back!!

I’ve looked at A LOT and generally the powders are more cost effective and more potent than the liquids- here is my go to at the moment (after lots of looking for the best one).

Heal from within

Heal from within

So I got to thinking, that I might share some of the things that I do, and that I advocate and recommend, that you can try to have a POSITIVE impact on your life and to sustain HEALTH.

This is how I support my health and my immune system.

Essentially, anything you can do to work towards treating your self well, will help you become your best self, even during this challenging time.