Heal from within

I hope you're doing well lovely.

I'm just checking in with you to see how things are?

The current situation in the world can prove to be stressful, the fear of the unknown and the uncertainty. I understand. Sometimes when we’re at home, we can become emotional eaters and stress eat. I’ve had a few conversations about this over the past few weeks.


So I got to thinking, that I might share some of the things that I do, and that I advocate and recommend, that you can try to have a POSITIVE impact on your life and to sustain HEALTH. 

This is how I support my health and my immune system. 


Essentially, anything you can do to work towards treating your self well, will help you become your best self, even during this challenging time. 


☆  "Let food be thy medicine" ☆


  • I keep is super simple! I eat foods that have been around for centuries, like meat, potatoes, fruit and veggies. Think- eat the rainbow- food contains light frequencies!

  • I eat food mindfully. ALL the time. I am present when I eat my meals, not multitasking or eating on the fly. Being mindful helps us to appreciate the act of eating and helps us to reconnect to food and make better nutrient choices.

  • I eat enough. ALL the time. If you aren’t eating enough this is a sure fire way the your bodies systems and organs will not be operating optimally.

  • I eat whole foods. There is very limited amount of processed foods that I consume, because whole foods are nutrient dense, to support cellular function. Food is a top priority for wellness and health and one of the best investments that you can make in yourself.

  • I aim to eat organic wherever possible, to limit any pesticides/ herbicides residue within the food. These are stressors to the body.

  • There’s a saying ‘let food be thy medicine’. I cook daily, cut out junk foods, and fake supplements and my grocery bill is the same.

  • I eat grass fed beef. It is higher welfare and a nutrient dense protein, it includes essential B12, iron, ALA and protein!

  • I don’t limit food groups or cut out food groups- my nutrition includes carbs, fats and proteins.

  • I do support my nutrition with supplementary whole food nutrition, that the nutrients of 30 fruit and vegetables in.

  • I use grass fed butter and coconut oils.

  • I use sea salt.

  • I drink filtered water at home, or water like Fiji/Voss/Evian/San Pelligrino.

  • I drink alcohol, usually no more than 1 alcoholic drink a week, and some weeks none at all. Then it’s red wine, from areas of the world low in pesticides. Red wine contains resveratrol- its electrons absorb sunlight at 312 nm range to help refill cells with this regenerating frequency without causing any damage.

  • It’s rare I drink coffee now, but if I do it’s organic. I drink organic herbal teas like redbush, peppermint and dandelion root.

  • I use organic honey if I need to.

  • I aim to be in bed at the latest 11pm, sleep is a priority. If I lose track or I’m researching then it may be later, but my body feels it.

  • Everyday the sun is out, I have at a minimum 30 minutes, where my skin and eyes are exposed- many things we need are stimulated via light. You all know how much I love the sun.

  • I ground everyday- usually in the mornings while I’m driving my redbush tea, though when the weather permits I am barefoot most of the time.

  • I meditate and practice mindful breathing daily. It may not be a formalised practice but I do this to support my physical, physiological, mental and spiritual health.


  • I tell people I am grateful, thankful and that I love them regularly- I share the love. (And when permitted, hugs are essential).

  • I watch TV rarely, maybe a movie, but remember it’s important to recognise what you choose to fill your brain with.

  • I use natural detergents and cleaning products, white vinegar and essential oils.

  • I try to use organic and natural products on my skin and hair- this is an area I am always looking to improve (this was better, before I went blonde). 

  • I shut down wifi at night and aim to switch off technology at least an hour before bed. I also wear blue light blocking glasses at night to support my circadian rhyme cycle.

  • I don’t exercise, I move. I walk for an hour plus daily, I move my body using movement flow, yoga, tai chi and pilates, it’s not formal practice- I listen to what my body wants. I don’t need to run or have a training programme to be healthy.

  • If I do something that’s not so healthy, I’m not going to  beat myself up about it, I’m going to enjoy the moment and love life, after all it is all about balance. 

  • Fun is a huge priority. Life should be fun, or else what’s the point? It’s a question I ask myself regularly… how can I make this fun?

  • I changed how I spoke to myself. I changed how I treated myself. I consider myself as much as I consider others- this made a huge difference, putting myself first. Not in a selfish way, in a loving way. If I need time out to recharge then I allow myself this time.

  • I allow my body to teach me the lessons I need. I do need to check myself and pull myself back in line, I’m not perfect! But if I don’t, I suffer the consequence.

  • Obviously this isn’t an exhaustive list, just some of the thoughts I had about how I support my health, and the things I advocate for health and wellness. ALL of this is backed up by research and science, so if you have any questions then obviously you can chat to me.

**Please know that this isn’t blanket advice and is not appropriate for people with active eating disorders or health conditions, and is not a substitute for medical assessment or treatment.

Health and wellness