What’s the big deal with sugar?

Morning lovelies!!

So you know I talk about sugar A LOT ... well If you Have any kind of health condition you’d be wise to reduce it in your life 💜

What I'm talking about is balancing your blood sugar.

Imbalanced blood sugar can drive hormonal issues, so it's one of the first things I address with women who come to see me. 

So how can imbalanced blood sugar affect you?

✨ ‍Low blood sugar can trigger an increase in cortisol, which can lead to "adrenal fatigue", anxiety and mood changes

✨ Blood sugar that is too high for too long, can lead to insulin resistance, where the body doesn’t produce enough and can contribute to type 2 diabetes, issues with weight loss and exacerbate your PCOS

✨ If your blood sugar drops at night, it can cause a release of cortisol, which contributes to sleep disturbances and symptoms like a pounding heart

✨ Not controlling blood sugar can lead to low DHEA - a hormone. And consequently can lead to issues with low testosterone, progesterone, oestrogen and vitamin D

✨ High blood sugar often goes hand in hand with elevated Oestrogen- not a good combination 

✨ If there is blood sugar imbalances testosterone is more likely to be low

Controlling your blood sugar is kinda a big deal and is one of the first things to be considered as a foundation to optimal health and wellness.

I bet you’d like to know what are the contributors to imbalances In blood sugar? Here are some of the common things that will cause blood sugar imbalances: ‍

💡 Light- Specifically blue light! Your body responds to two main variables in order to control your internal milieu. One of these being your light environment.  

☕️ Coffee - This can exacerbate adrenal issues, which can lead to imbalanced blood sugar in some of us. Coffee isn't "bad" but it stresses the system, especially if you already have issues or you have "adrenal fatigue".

😴 Not getting enough sleep, (this is a killer to blood sugar balance) and a variety of other processes in the body.

🍷 Drinking alcohol - It doesn’t actually help you sleep! It may make you sleepy in the short term, but long-term it will causes havoc to your blood sugar and thus your deep, quality sleep.

🥮 Eating all the carbs - fruit and veggies are healthy - don't stop eating those - but consider  lowering the carbs from other means- particularly sugary/ starchy/ beige sources. 

🧂 Mineral balance - they may be small but minerals have an impact on our blood sugar balance and affect a number of interactions in the body. 

🧬 Gut health - yep, gut inflammation can contribute to blood sugar issues. After all it’s stress to the body.

😩 Stress - cortisol, our main stress hormone, also liberates glucose when our blood sugar drops too low. When you're stressed you wreak havoc on your blood sugar control. 

🚫 Eating ‘low fat‘ - please don't do this! It’s a huge issue for the body.

Stay tuned.

Want more info about what you can do to get that blood sugar balanced?
Check out next weeks BLOG 😉

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