Sugars... what to do?

Morning lovely, how are you?

Yesterday this topic came up twice, and it’s something that is more common than you think.

Following on from part 1


Last week I talked about things that affect blood sugar and some of the the effects of it being unbalanced/ normalised.
But what you want to know is what YOU can DO to keep your blood sugar in balance.



What’s the big deal about sugar? (Part 2)
Here’s some of the most important things to consider when it comes to balancing your blood sugar:

☆ Minerals- Things like chromium and magnesium are some of the key players, and often than not these are very low in the women I work with- these are trace elements. You can derive your chromium share from food sources like nuts, broccoli and green leafy Vege, seeds, avocado and fish like halibut etc.

☆ Protein! Protein is essential to balancing blood sugar and you can see sugar imbalances without enough in your diet. When you eat breakfast aim for a larger portion of (animal) protein (and unfortunately vegetarians and vegans can be more at great risk for imbalances).

☆ Carbs are not all bad... but Pasta, bread, pizza, cakes, biscuits etc. will all raise your blood sugar and send it on a wave it'll be hard to get off. If you eat these things regularly, then it's time to cut back, (or quit them - at least temporarily). Sugar is also a carb, it’s inflammatory to the body, so if you've a sweet tooth it's time to get on top of that.

☆ How’s your gut! If you have bloating, cravings, mood changes, fatigue (especially mid afternoon), acid reflux, constipation, diarrhoea? It’s likely that your gut has inflammation... and this will affect your blood sugar as the body goes into protection mode to try to heal.

☆ Water!! Drink it. Simple.

☆ Eat healthy fats. Healthy fats are crucial for keeping blood sugar stable, (low fat is a BAD idea).

☆ Stress will send your blood sugar crazy. Your body releases sugar as you go into fight or flight mode... gotta get away from the tiger in the corner!

☆ Sleep - If you aren't sleeping you'll find blood sugar control to be very difficult. Our body recalibrates overnight.

☆ Alcohol has got to go if you suffer with imbalanced blood sugar. It's full of sugar!! It’s well known for unbalancing blood sugar, (and causes shitty sleep).



If you’ve found this helpful, please let me know.

If you’d like to work with me to help with this, then please contact me here

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