Pay attention

Holistic health and wellness looks at the whole person... I try to cover everything with my clients. In fact you could probably say that in addition to the hands on therapies I practice that most of the work goes on away from the treatment session in between treatments- after all we heal ourselves from within, I am merely a facilitator 💜

One of the things I see time and time again is people pushing themselves in every aspect of life. I do not subscribe to the ‘hustle’ way of life 🤷🏼‍♀️ I have been an athlete, for a decade I trained sometimes twice a day, paying no attention to my body’s needs, and only what was on the training plan- come rain, shine or even snow I turned up... to the detriment of my health.

What I practice myself and promote to my clients when it comes to exercise, is that movement, and daily movement at that, is important. More important than a schedule- your body doesn’t give a shit about your schedule.

I do not overtrain, I perform exercises/ movements that are effective for everyday use. I do exercise that matches my body's needs- I listen to it. If I need to rest I rest, the body tells me what I need.

I no longer equate value to a workout program. I understand that I do not need this in order to be healthy.

Why do I tell you this?
Because it needs to be said. Your body houses a huge number of awesome structures that work in synchronicity in order for you to function. If you don’t pay attention to what they need, then much like with your car engine, if you don’t give it what it requires you will pay the price!

So listen to your body.

If you aren’t sure what it’s telling you then get in touch and see if I can figure it out 💜

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