Vitamin D

So I’m talking its about the sun a the moment, particularly in relation to the immune system and how we need it to support health- but it does so much more than this.

For us ladies in particular is über important, you see it its more like a hormone than a “vitamin”.

Did you know women with lower levels of vitamin D tended also to have lower levels of estradiol, and women with higher levels of vitamin D tended also to have higher levels of estradiol. Also known as E2- estradiol when its high has been looked to breast cancer.

Vitamin D also helps regulate adrenaline, noradrenaline (also called norepinepherine), and dopamine production in the brain and helps to protect from serotonin depletion. So when its low there is an increased risk of depression.

Synthetic D3 can actually be toxic and build up in the liver- it’s also unlikely that it’s not bioavailability.

Light is life. Life supports life. This when the light from the sun is absorbed in the form of light energy, in the life that we consume, this comes from live energetic enzymes found in live whole plant foods that feed the our cells life.

Processed manufactured supplements don't have any life to give because all the life has been processed out and replaced with a preserved shelf life.

Even if your supplement is from a whole food source from the "good companies" (and I know of a few, but I don’t advertise this fact, as even then it’s not optimal) after it has been processed, preserved with processing agents, packaged, and shelved it is no longer a live whole food source but is a processed food.

So if you’re not a fan of processed foods, and I know many of you in the group don’t select these sources to eat, that contain no living live energetic enzymes, then why would you choose to “supplement” with anything other than whole foods?

Foods where the nutrients and medicinal properties within them support life.

Did you know in the US the supplement industry turnover 60 million dollars a year… and I used to be one of the people that bought into all of this- until I learned and tried to do better.

I am not a saint, I love a glass of Malbec, chocolate and I eat fish and chips- but I do so knowing the effects on my body and always in moderation.

So back to vitamin D (the manufactured version) and cholecalciferol the natural version. When you put something that is artificial and impersonates a natural form, it tricks the body into thinking that there is something there that isn’t (similar to sugar and sweeteners) there’s no living  nutrients in it and so most is lost as waste- the body thinks it already has enough.

Did you know that the Vitamin D3 you are supplementing with is a chemically manufactured synthetic?

Did you know that its likely made from sheep's wool clippings (lanolin)?

Lanolin is toxic and it becomes stored in your liver, which is already under stress (a whole topic in itself).

So if you are “deficient” in vitamin D, the likelihood is its not a D3 issue, it’s likely that all of your hormones are out of balance- remember they’re made from cholesterol! All hormones work together… they are the chemical messengers in the body that regulate many processes.most of this starts with melatonin (again a whole tic in itself) but this is manufactured in the retina of the eye in response to sunlight… you see where I’m going?

Did you know a week of sun exposure can enable you to store enough cholecalciferol for the whole winter… so it’s not necessarily a sun problem. So this synthetic cholecalciferol just kinda sits in the liver (Live- er, as without it you couldn’t live) and it’s not in a useable form, but it tricks the body into thinking you have enough, so it doesn’t convert the suns rays? UV into D3. This is the reason you come deficient… its a hormone imbalance.

I will always advocate free and natural over anything synthetic or from a who cannot explain how it impacts the body. Question everything and do your due diligence before parting with any cash 💜

However, if you have loads of symptoms that need addressing sometimes a quality vitamin D supplement is the only way to go in the short term whilst you’re rectifying the imbalances- it helps to support the immune system. ensure that your is D3 with K2 for optimum absorption- here’s the only vitamin D supplement that I recommend- Solray-D