What’s silica and how can it help me?

Do you have wrinkles???

Then take a read 😉

Silica is the second most abundant element on earth (only oxygen is more plentiful).

It’s one of the top three most abundant trace elements in the body and is essential for synthesis of collagen, skin strength and elasticity, and hydroxylation of enzymes.

Collagen fibres are essential components of structural integrity of the connective tissue and are present in large quantities in the skin, bones and joints.

After age 21 we have around a 1% reduction per year in the amount of collagen in the skin, resulting in reduced elasticity and thickness, which is directly related to the depth of our wrinkles.

Post menopause, changes are even

More prevalent, including loss of about 30% of skin collagen in the first 5 years and annual loss of 0.55% of elastin.

The biosynthesis process of collagen after the third or fourth decade of life remains at a low level, insufficient to allow mature skin to repair or replace the collagen that has been lost as part of the degradation processes associated with age.

The decrease of collagen that occurs after menopause correlates with decreased bone mineral density associated with age.

Silica biologically transmutes into bioavailable calcium that your body can actually absorb and use- because standard Calcium supplements are bad news! They are not absorbed well by the body no matter what form you take or how many co-factors/vitamins - it's all about the silica.


Fulvic acids contain bioavailable silica which may help to support your teeth, bones, hair, nails, connective tissues, and collagen formation.

All the fancy face creams and serums in the world won't do you SQUAT if you're silica deficient (which is nearly all of us).

Do you have little vertical lines/ wrinkles in front of your ears?? Then you’re silica deficient 😉

This means for a FRACTION of the price of other skin care products - you can have the most youthful looking skin you can imagine, as well as support hundreds of other body functions.

Health, healing, and vitality is supposed to be simple - keep it that way.