Let’s talk mucous!

What we don’t often realise is that we are actually sabotaging ourselves!

Mucous was mentioned in my free Wellness Solutions group recently… I’m guessing you’ve not really heard too much about it?

If you’re in the know then by all means scroll on. If not let’s take a look at what it is…

Essentially it’s an immune response where the body uses it to trap and remove pathogens/ potentially harmful substances.

So, stop with the self sabotaging.

Did you know that certain foods can cause this response and are deemed ‘mucous forming’?

Any foods we consume that create acid are mucous forming. The body uses the response to reduce acidity so it can continue to function. If all of our body systems are working effectively then it’s simply removed and that’s that. 

Most people however have dysfunctional body systems. Their detoxification or elimination systems aren’t functioning efficiently and the mucous accumulates.

Our main detox organs are our lungs, liver, gut, kidneys and skin, along with the lymphatic system. Unfortunately they often bare the brunt of our lifestyle decisions. Namely our dietary choices.

There are lots of ‘on trend’ diet plans out there. I’ll not name names, but needless to say it’s a great marketing effort by some.

Ok, Ok… I’ll name a few- WW ,Slimming World, Paleo, Keto, Vegan, Cabbage soup, just to name a few

If you consume a high protein diet- this effectively strains the kidneys. I’ll tell you I have experienced this- my creatinine and GFR (glomerular filtration rate) was so affected my GP thought I had kidney disease!  Changed my diet and levels returned to ‘normal’, but my poor little kidneys had suffered.

If you’re not getting enough fibre and eating starchy foods, this clogs the gut- impeding both nutrient absorption and waste elimination.

The skin is out largest, and often most abused organ- think about what we subject it too. If your activity levels are low, you use lots of potions and lotions, aluminium filled deodorant and have insufficient thyroid function, then your skin is not able to perform its detox role well.

The lymphatic system is probably the most neglected in the body- why? Because most people don’t even know it exists!

It’s essentially the cellular waste disposal system- think of it as the internal sewage system for the waste produced naturally by our cells during normal metabolism (digestion of food). But it can become overloaded! So rather than removing toxins and waste, it becomes stagnated and a bit like a toxic soup. We have 15 litres or so of lymphatic fluid that needs to circulate throughout the body… if this can’t flow we got problems.

By continually adding to this load with processed/ synthetic foods, oils, pesticides, grains, meat products, and overcooked foods we clog up the system. 

Fats/lipids are transported in our lymphatic system- so too many can make the lymph flow sluggish. Additionally proteins are high in nitrogen, so lower pH and more acidic. This tips the balance and causes the mucous response. 

We can’t then remove the waste effectively. 

This waste builds up, it’s acidic in nature, so lowers the pH in the surrounding cells. What does acid do? It burns. We are creating massive amounts of free radicals and causing oxidative stress and inflammation in the body- that literally has no where to go. We can’t remove waste or deliver nutrients and antioxidants- oxygen becomes insufficient and our cells become suffocated and damaged by their own debris, causing dysfunction and dis-ease.

So what can we do about all this????

  • Consuming foods that don’t cause a mucous forming response is a great start. Namely more fruits and vegetables to tip the balance (oh and fulvic acid). This supports your organs and body systems to start moving again.

  • Stop using personal care and cleaning products that contribute to toxic load. Consider essential oils instead of perfume (my personal favourite is On Guard). Use aluminium free deodorant. Use hair care products that are SLS, EDTA and Paraben free- also check the water source!! Consider rosehip oil or coconut oil for the skin. Not only will this help your skin to detox by unclogging pores, it reduces the toxic load on the lymphatics.

  • Get moving- there is no pump in the lymphatic system and so it relies on muscle contraction to stimulate flow. In addition to diaphragmatic breathing. So get the body moving, this supports sweating (excretion), lymph flow, blood circulation, waste removal and nutrient delivery. We are designed to move, not to sit for hours a day.

We are healthful and vitalised beings of light. By taking a holistic view and ensuring that we work with the body and not against it, we can work towards wellness restoration and maintenance. Remember healing takes time.

Want to know more or wondering about what else you can do- reach out to me here or find me here
