
What are your non negotiables?

What are non negotiables?

When it comes to health and wellness there are many people who tell you that this is the way you have to do things. I am not one of them. Let me elaborate. You are all individuals and you don’t fit into neat little boxes! Everyone if you has different needs and wants- this is where you need to decide what it is you need and want. What I can do is educate you as to a better way relative to you, educate you as to how things will enhance and promote your wellness and support you along your journey.

It’s always best to keep things super simple- this way you’re more likely to stick to things.

This is where your non- negotiables come in- things that you don’t or won’t compromise on as they set the foundations for your health and well-being.

So here’s what I practice:

  • Drink minimum 2 litres fluoride filtered/ distilled water a day

  • Drink my fulvic acid at least once a day

  • Start the day with a blended smoothie or juice (sometimes with added collagen)

  • Walk my dog for an hour

  • Ensure I have a ‘to do’ list to work through

  • Listen to binaural beats as I work

  • Research/ learn/ study something new for 1 hour a day

  • Wear blue blockers after sundown

  • Turn my tech off at 9

  • Read for 20-30 min before bed.

There’s probably a few more that I’m forgetting… but these help me build my daily routine.

When I go off track as inevitably we all do at times, I come back to these and it ‘rights’ me.

If you’ve followed my journey, you’ll know I had some health complications out if the blue last year, which knocked me for six for months- I have spent time working back to these basics and it has helped me to build my foundations again.

I do practice what I preach.

If you want further support please reach out.