Burnout and You

Sometimes, days go by without checking in with yourself and you end up sidelining your needs, sometimes this turns into weeks, or even years. What you don’t realise at the time is that this has a profound effect upon your wellness.

If someone had said to me before I turned 40 about life in the slow lane, I wouldn’t have listened, by then you don’t know what you don’t know.

Though it is something that I have had to embody, and it now feels totally aligned with me to live more slowly, because it means I can be present and live in the moment. I live my talk.

Working in the wellness space it just makes sense to advocate for slowing down, when it has so many benefits. Most of the women that contact me, do so because they are knackered, stressed, overwhelmed and close to burnout. I’m sure if you have ever been worn out, you will be able to relate!

I have literally lived it twice in different phases of my life, come through it and now actively implement strategies to avoid placing myself in that position again. So, now as a Therapist (MSc.) and Wellness Consultant, along with a whole host of qualifications in physical, mental and spiritual wellness stand me in pretty good stead to support others. Through gaining knowledge, interpreting it and sharing it in an accessible and understandable way, my clients become less reliant upon me and more trustful of themselves and their abilities to heal and optimise their wellness. So I see myself as a facilitator because wellness makes you a well-being, and I can support clients along the way and make their progress more straightforward, but I can’t do it for them.

Want to know my 5 top tips for beating burnout?