The resonance of abundance 

I use abundance daily as self practice and with my clients- I often call it a ‘gratitude adjustment’- being grateful for life and for the things life gives you, means the more life there is to be grateful for. Sometimes it is a small shift in perspective that may bring gratitude, fulfilment and an abundance of happiness into life. This enhances your cellular resonance and subtle energy that works to attract more into your life.

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.” Nikolai Tesla.  

What is an abundance mindset?

The abundance mindset is feeling that you have everything you need right now- you could say it is being grateful and really feeling this. It’s more than just a thought process- feelings are magnetic and they are the attractors- so if you feel it to your core and mean it this is where the magic happens.

Be an action taker

Being overwhelmed and out of coherence, impacts you hugely, as being out of sync with the vibration of abundance and our physical and mental wellness. Though it is more than just changing your thoughts. You can’t simply have the thought and sit back, you need to take actions towards making this happen. For instance, you want to buy a new pair of shoes- the action taking would be researching the best price/ store and working out how much you would need to set aside each week/ month to make this a reality. Often times this space between the desire and the outcome things happen, like the shoes going into the sale and so the goal becomes more achievable, or an email landing on your inbox with a discount code. It is all about the action taking.

Can it help?

Put out there what you want more of in your life. If you want to be part of the higher vibe tribe, then you need to raise your vibrational frequency- it's quantum physics.

So consider an abundance of health, happiness, the ability to help others on their journey, to feel the sand between your toes, whatever brings joy to your life.

You have around 60-100,000 thoughts a day, so it would be impossible to police them, however by placing emphasis on the outcomes of how it feels to do/have/be the thing, creates the neural pathways and emotions that are attached to the outcome. When we get emotive about something and feel it, it becomes more real.

So how can you raise your energy/ frequencies to support abundance?

  • Where you place your attention is where you place your energy, so use this to your benefit.

  • Start the day with a positive word and make this a habit. You get to choose what you say.

  • Use affirmations daily, positive statements about you. Such as “I am proud of my achievements”.

  • Consider how you feel when you are around people, surround yourself with ‘radiators’ and tune in. 

  • Try tapping/energy freedom technique, if you are feeling low energy- gently tapping on the top of your head is like pressing a reset button.

  • Listen to music that makes your heart sing- raises resonance.

  • Get out in the sun more often as it recharges your battery- raises energy.

  • Get fiery as when you are living with passion you are literally ‘passing-ions’ enhancing your energy.

Live with love

It’s the whole scarcity feeling that sets you into a fearful state and lowers your energy and cellular resonance- when you feel like this you are not attracting the corresponding energy of abundance to you. Living with love in your heart resonates at a higher frequency and will attract this frequency to you.

Much also comes down to the individuals perception of what abundance means to them. To some people their bank balance is not how they view abundance, it could be in their real life connections, or time spent with their children.

A scarcity mindset can also mean hoarding and doesn’t best serve the individual with feeling abundant. It may not be that they need to splurge on things, it may be that they need to relax their grip a little and start small.

Opportunity knocks

This is a tough situation to face, though being in that scarcity mindset is unhelpful.

Abundance isn’t just about putting messages out into the universe and sitting back, it’s about spotting opportunities that support your view of abundance. So looking out for a new job role that is better paid, a second income stream that will help out, connecting with people on platforms like LinkedIn that may be able to help out with opportunities, taking action is the key.

Best balance

It’s about feeling as though you already have everything you require in this moment and being grateful, the next moment is unpredictable, so how can we know the future. It’s not about taking spontaneous action all the time, things may need to be more measured, though if not now when.


When you take on this mindset of abundance it is feeling as though you already are- a great mantra is ‘I am’. This puts out the subtle energy resonance that will attract things to you. Have I mastered this- absolutely not, I’m fallible and human, though I have only had a few years of practice- having a lifetime of this makes all the difference.

If this resonates with you then start small and practice daily- it’s not all about money, abundance is everything and everywhere.

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