

Where’s all my perimenopausal/ menopausal friends at??

Menopause is one of those things where the conversation has only just started…

But the allopathic way women with menses are treated quite frankly appalls me!! There is not a F*cking pill for every ill 🙄

There’s a school of thought that actually says that menses are a vital sign and a vital part of womanhood. Not just a monthly annoyance. 

One of the WORST things we can do is mess around with this cycle.

Every month women have a way of excreting toxins that men don’t have- via the menses. This is acts as a way of clearing, and a way of filtering and blood letting. It helps to support our liver- the great detoxifier. So when this ceases it actually means the liver needs to work harder, but if it’s already overloaded with toxicity then we will see lots of symptoms manifest.

Lads, unfortunately you don’t have this option, and so your prostate takes a battering… be mindful of that when they start giving you exams and testing PSA 🙄

Just give your liver some love 💜

When menses stops this detox route is no more… 

Did you know that the body increases its temperature to create sweating- a detox pathway!! This is the hot flushes you’re experiencing and indicates an overloaded liver… so gotta give it some love 💜

Other ways to help support you… mineral imbalances are a huge contributor to how we feel and our symptoms- after all it’s the trace elements that govern our energy production 😉 So get yourself some fulvic acid (ask me!!).

A big factor- ensure you are eating adequate calories and healthy fats!! You can’t make hormones without fat!

Get into an infrared sauna, have an Epsom salt bath, increase your fruit and vegetable intake, cut out alcohol, drink good quality water- not tap water (ask me for recommendations).

ANF therapy to support your body systems and organs, reduce inflammation and get your body back online!

Your liver is called the liver cos it literally means LIVE! It controls your reproductive system amongst many other things!

So give your liver some much needed love 💜




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