My tooth hurts....

Ok so we’ve all had toothache, ever had sensitive teeth? You know when the hot drink or the ice cream you eat causes sensitivity!
Well what do you do?
You go get you some sensitive toothpaste and use it!

The sensitivity goes and all is well when your yamming Ben and Jerry’s Phish food!! 

Then…. Your sensitivity has gone and so you change your toothpaste. A while later the sensitivity is back! 

Go figure!!!

Who knew???

Well guess what? This IS what happens when you get an ache it pain and go see a therapist who treats your symptoms-> if you’re lucky, your pain is gone!! So that’s where you leave it!

This is the mistake… not seeing your treatment through!
So, guess what? That sucker is gonna come back!! Why? Because the cause of your pain hasn’t been dealt with! Remember pain is a symptom.

So you go get it treated again. Pains gone. So you stop treatment. Pain returns. So you start treatment. Pain goes.... you get the picture! It’s a cyclical pattern!!

This is the equivalent of a yo-yo diet. And we all know how not great they are for you!

So when you come and see me and I recommend a course of treatment, it’s not for the good of my health. my primary aim is to help you. I want to help you, I want you to be in a better place than you are. 

I ant to empower you and facilitate your steps to optimising your function and progressing your journey to wellness!

Remember you can do a lot to help yourself;

  1. The first thing is to be hydrated,

  2. The second is to stand in the morning sun when you wake up,

  3. The third is to move more. 

If you are in pain and you seek help, please know there is a better way than just symptom relief. 

Your pain didn’t appear overnight, unless it was from a trauma, it has crept up on you over time- the cause won’t be resolved in an hour-> it’s a process!! 

So trust the process, do your homework and get in the positive vibration train!!