Once Upon a time...

Once upon a time society adopted an attitude of a work harder to achieve success.

Focus is on ‘crushing’ your goals and ‘smashing’ targets.

Show up 24/7, or you don’t want it enough.

What this meant in reality was forgoing my personal life, skipping meals, sacrificing my sleep and omitting self care.

This was the price of winning.

Hustle Culture, Rise and Grind, Work Hard…

Oh my gosh.

You know what this attitude rewarded me with?


Sometimes yes, you do need to do the thing.

But, this is not a sustainable strategy.

It is not conducive to health, wellness and longevity.

I once had a business coach who suggested I drink more coffee or try nootropics to ‘go for longer’.

I’ve been told ‘put in the graft now, so you can relax later’.

What even is this toxic attitude?

The thing is, I questioned it.

It did not go down well.

So why do I buck the hustle culture rhetoric?

Whilst the end result may be amazing (there are no guarantees), it places huge amounts of focus on the external and no emphasis upon the internal or the journey to becoming successful.

Annnnnnddddd what about ALL the things you miss whilst NOT being in the present?

It is time for slowing down, pausing and being NOT doing.

It is time to build healthy business practices.

Practices and strategy to identify the best actions to build your business whilst maintaining your physical, mental and emotional health.

THIS is why I work the way I do.

THIS is why I lead by example to do it differently and create value within my community.

Want to start putting you first?

Choose your hard, but priorities your health.

Come and work with me.

↘ Rediscover Your Radiant Health Retreat: https://www.serendipitywellness.co.uk/radiant-health-retreat
↘ Serendipity Sanctuary Subscription ☮️ : https://www.serendipitywellness.co.uk/serendipity-sanctuary
↘ The Little Book Book of Wellness: An A-Z Guide to Nourish Your Body Mind + Soul 📖: https://www.serendipitywellness.co.uk/the-little-book-of-wellness