When Superpowers Take a Sabbatical: The Toxic Traits of Female Business Success

In the world of business, as a woman you have to possess an impressive array of ‘superpowers’. From multitasking to empathy, determination to resilience, these traits have propelled you to success more than once. 

However, there comes a point where these very superpowers can turn toxic, leading you to feeling overwhelmed, burnt out, and experiencing a steep decline in your overall well-being.

How do I know? 

I’ve been there. More than once.

Work harder, work longer, do more, put work the next person.

What a load of cobblers!!

The mantra of "hard work pays off" has been ingrained in us from an early age. Who knows why??? Because one minute you’re playing with my little pony going to gymkhanas amongst the clouds and then all of a sudden its- knuckle down!

Often you push yourself to go above and beyond, to outperform and excel. 

This relentless drive has often yielded results, and sometimes they’ve been HUGE. 

But what happens when your superpowers start to falter, when your body and mind can no longer keep up with the relentless pace you’ve set?

From a neuroscience perspective, prolonged stress and overwork can wreak havoc on the brain and body. The constant activation of the body's stress response system floods the brain with cortisol, the "stress hormone," impairing cognitive function and decision-making abilities. Over time, this can lead to burnout, a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion that takes a toll on every aspect of your life.

Psychologically, the pressure to constantly perform at peak levels can create a vicious cycle of perfectionism and self-doubt. You set impossibly high standards for yourself, fearing failure and rejection. And when setbacks inevitably occur, you berate yourself for not being good enough, fueling feelings of inadequacy and worthlessness.

Physiologically, the toll of chronic stress and overwork manifests in a myriad of ways. Insomnia, headaches, digestive issues, and muscle tension become your constant companions. Your immune is under stress, making you more susceptible to illness. And perhaps most alarmingly, your nervous systems become dysregulated, leaving you trapped in a perpetual state of fight-or-flight.

You likely often pride yourself on your ability to juggle multiple responsibilities with grace and poise. 

You take on the role of caregiver, nurturer, and problem-solver, always putting the needs of others before your own. 

But in your quest to be everything to everyone, you neglect the most important person of all: YOURSELF.

So how can you mitigate the toxic effects of your superpowers and reclaim your well-being? 

It starts with recognising that self-care is not selfish, but rather a necessity for sustainable success. 

You must learn to set boundaries, prioritise your own needs, and ask for help when you need it. 

Whether it's delegating tasks at work, carving out time for rest and relaxation, or seeking support from friends and loved ones, you must give yourself permission to step off the hamster wheel of perpetual productivity.

It takes guts.

  • You must challenge the societal norms and expectations that perpetuate the myth of the "superwoman." 

  • You must advocate for workplace policies that support work-life balance, equal pay, and opportunities for advancement. 

  • You must celebrate vulnerability and authenticity, recognising that true strength lies not in your ability to do it all, but in your willingness to admit when you need support.

In the end, your superpowers are not meant to be wielded as weapons of self-destruction, but rather as tools for empowerment and fulfillment. 

By honoring your humaness and embracing your imperfections, you can create a world where success is measured not by how much you accomplish, but by how well you take care of yourself and each other.

THIS is what you can find in the Radiant Health Retreat… We ride at dawn… no wait it doesn’t happen until September 15th!!

But don’t delay the pre sale tickets go on sale Monday! 

Email me tracy@serendipitywellness.co.uk and I’ll message direct with the details!

Superpowers on sabbatical