
Get Grounded

Grounding or earthing is so beneficial and overlooked.

We were electrically connected to the earth, this is why grounding is so important- going barefoot on the earth, mud, grass, sand, or any substance that has the ability to act as a conductor, we receive a flow of negatively charged electrons #thebodyiselectric

This helps to neutralise free radicals that are positively charged and therefore acts as an anti-inflammatory.

When we are not connected and are insulated from the earth, our electrical potential becomes more positive. Not only do we often have a disconnection from the earth’s electrons, we are also exposed to more non-natural, man-made electromagnetic fields.⁣ this changes our electric potential.

So what can you do?

Everyday try to stand outside barefoot- it recalibrated your system, plus it’s FREE!

The Earth contains a subtle, natural electric charge- energy in the ground- literally it acts to earth us (think electrical H&S). You contain #bioelectricity, it controls your body systems. You need to connect to the earth to be grounded to #recharge.

It helps healing, decreases pain & inflammation, reduces stress levels & improves circulation.

Easily distracted, #brainfog, overthinking, anxious, got inflammation, disturbed sleep, poor circulation, chronic pain, fatigue?

It may be time to get grounded…

Here's my top 5 tips:

️ Get barefoot & get outside, stand on the earth- grass, stone, sand or dirt.

️ Focus your awareness on the bottom of your feet, notice any sensations you feel.

️ Go for a walk, stay present, be aware of your environment- the sounds, smells & sensations.

️- Lay on the ground & roll. Yes I said roll, however you like- give it a go!

️- Turn off your tech, it helps to #reconnect with your natural energy.




Want to know more… it’s all in the book The Little Book of Wellness

Here’s some science

Get Grounded

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