Day 2
Gratitude positively affects your vibrational frequency. This is a habit that you should incorporate into your life now. Because we know that the frequency you emit attracts like frequencies.
We can all be a little more grateful, its easy to sit there and think about the things we don’t have and our lack in life… its actually the way our brain is programmed, we all have a negativity bias… but we can work on it!
Like anything if you practice it, you get better at it, and now with the advances in neuroplasticity, we know we can actually change the way the brain functions. Our neurons can change… and in physiology we know that neurons that fire together, wore together… and so if we practice something that becomes habitual to stands to reason we can change the way we think on a cellular level!
Use this as a kick start you on your gratitude journey- trust me it works.
Start thanking for everything, for the good things and what you consider to be bad, thank for all the experiences you have had. Gratitude opens the door for good things to happen positively in your life.
All you need to do is every day commit to stating 1 thing a day you are grateful for… but you gotta be specific.
Its no good saying sunshine, as although Im guessing most of us are grateful for it… you gotta get specific as to why you’re grateful, how it makes you feel and when.
Ways to Become More Grateful
Take a moment during your day to be grateful for something- it could be your body, your mind, the planet and for all the things you are capable of doing in life, your gifts, talents, people, places, events, and things you enjoy, gives you the potential to interweave a sustainable habit of gratefulness.
Start a Gratitude Journal. Buy a beautiful notebook and a beautiful pen. Write down what you are grateful for- starting a gratitude journal and writing in it daily will help you to stay present. Making it a daily practice in which you remind yourself to be grateful allows you to become more in touch with your true self by improving your levels of positive emotions, making you feel more alert, alive, and awake, and helps feel more joy, pleasure, optimism and happiness.
When you feel better and more like yourself, feel more helpful, generous, and compassionate. It also helps you become more forgiving, outgoing, and can help you feel less lonely and isolated. This is very important when one is on a journey to health.
Your thoughts nourish your body and mind. This will take time and patience, however, you will notice how much stress negative thinking patterns impact your life. The benefits to practising gratitude, include; benefits to the immune system, improved tolerance to aches and pains, a brighter outlook, lower blood pressure and can help you sleep longer and feel more refreshed upon waking.
To be grateful it is helpful to remember the hard times that you once experienced. When you remember how difficult life used to be and how far you have come, you set the platform for gratefulness.
Also, keep inspiring and uplifting books, podcasts, YouTube videos, films available at all times. Surround yourself with friends that uplift and inspire you.
When you start out- its what I call a gratitude adjustment- being grateful for the things life gives us, means more life to be grateful for.
Sometimes its a small shift in perspective that may bring gratitude, fulfilment and an abundance of happiness into life.
*This post is for educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice.
Gratitude- what do you do?
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