12 Days of Christmas Tips Day 3- Hydration

Day 3


Drinking water through the party season

💦 You should really be drinking around half your body weight in ounces of water- it’s often said that 8 glasses it 2 litres if the answer but it all depends on your status. If you’re doing things to dehydrate like exercising, mouth breathing  and excessive sweating you’ll need more water.

🍷 If your consuming more alcohol around this time of year you’ll also need more water.

💡 Dehydration is more than water though - you’re light environment and EMF affects us at a cellular level and can actually dehydrate us.

💧 But also your water source is super important.

🚰 Do not drink tap water- buy a gravity finger, a distiller or a reverse osmosis unit- they are all far superior!

🌀Ensure that you have a way of removing the fluoride and other chemicals we don’t need from your water. 

🧊If you must drink bottled water- glass is preferable to plastic 

Spring is preferable to mineral

Drinking water sources from a northern latitude and it altitude is preferable

If you need carbonated ensure it’s naturally carbonated like san pelligrino

🌱If you need to remineralise your water at a pinch of salt or better still fulvic acid to help restructure it and help your cells utilise it better.

As always any questions just ask

*This post is for educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. 

12 days of christmas hydration
Hydration tips

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