How would you describe your sleep?
Excellent—I get ample amounts of sleep
Not great, I often have trouble sleeping
Poor, I would describe myself as sleep-deprived?
Setting yourself up for 2022
Well firstly I’ll start by wishing you a “Merry Christmas”.
It’s a time of year where many of us are looking to the future, but get bogged down with all the shiny things and information out there. And oftentimes it can quite literally leave us frozen with indecision.
Honestly, if you truly want to feel a bit better the best advice is to step away from the information highway. Seriously though disconnect from socials, TV and media in order to reconnect with you.
Information and knowledge is not difficult- you can find anything these days, but taking action and implementing takes a little more energy.
So today, ahead of the ‘new year new you’ brigade on January 1st I’m inviting you to reflect, set your intentions and take action!
Reflect on your habits right now and note down the following:
What are you doing with your time? Are you spending your time researching or doing?
Are scrolling looking for inspiration, rather than simply doing the thing
Can you identify 3 beneficial habits you are currently doing?
Can you idea 3 non-beneficial habits?
Now you’ve reflected, take a moment to note down what your optimal life would look like:
What would your optimal lifestyle be like? Think about your daily activity, nutrition, movement, sleep etc.
How do you spend your free time? Think down time, leisure activities etc.
In order for this to be reality, what is needed?
Now set out your intentions;
What is it that you intend to achieve?
Now set identify the actions you will need to take;
What will you do to enable you to achieve this?
By taking the time to consider and note this down you are essentially writing your own life blueprint for your optimal life. It’s a powerful activity that helps reduce overwhelm and to motivate you into taking action acting is a catalyst for change.
Personally I know I need to look at my water intake as it’s cooler I’m less inclined to drink water. By writing it down I take ownership of it and the clarity reminds me I need to drink more and also include herbals teas (I love loose leaf brews.
Implement something today and work it into your day to day, because taking action builds momentum.
Have a wonderful Christmas lovelies!!
What’s next?
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Higher vibe tribe
If you want to be part of the higher vibe tribe, then you need to literally raise your vibrational frequency- its quantum physics
Everything is energy and we are beings vibrating on certain frequencies. Each vibration is equivalent to a feeling, and in the "vibrational" world there are only two kinds of vibrations, positive and negative. Any feeling causes you to emit a vibration which can be positive or negative.
So how can you influence your vibrational frequency?✨
✨ Your Thoughts - Every thought sends out a frequency to the universe and that frequency returns to the source, so it is important to be mindful of your thoughts and to switch to a positive whenever you can. Take care of the quality of your thoughts and learn to cultivate more positive thoughts.
✨ Your Company - The people around you directly influence your vibrational frequency. Have you ever walked into a room and sensed that it was full of ‘good vibes’ and you wanted to stay, or been around someone and felt physically drained after a conversation with them? Surround yourself with happy, positive and focussed people, you will also enter into this vibration.
✨ Your Tunes- Music is super powerful. Pay attention to the words of the music you listen to, if they are uplifting, happy and joyful them they influence and elevate your vibrational frequency. You attract exactly what you vibrate into your life.
✨ Your Programmes- I don’t watch TV ever, maybe a DVD now and then, but they’re generally things that make me feel good and help me vibrate at a higher frequency. After all there’s too much misfortune, death, betrayal, etc. in the real world without adding to that.
✨ Your Environment- Being in an organised, clean and uncluttered environment influences your vibrational frequency and attracts this into your life and puts into the universe that you are ready to receive much more.
✨ Your words- To keep your frequency high, it is essential to speak in a positive manner and take responsibility for your life. Remember you attract what you. Put out, so if you are forever complaining, guess what?
✨ Your Gratitude
Gratitude is awesome- and an action you should incorporate into your everyday life. Start by being thankful for one thing, it opens the door for good things to happen positively in your life.
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Hugging is in fact awesome- its science and because actually I say so!
Contact is something that we need and its an innate part of out psyche- touch is one of our main senses.
So the best advice is to go hug some one for a good 20 seconds- its of mutual benefit 💜
Here’s 5 reasons to hug it out;
👉 They make us feel good- when you hug you release oxytocin, the love drug! Its a hormone that promotes feelings of closeness and trust, and dopamine the ‘pleasure’ hormone. The levels increase with hugging, and who doesn’t want to feel goooood?
👉 It lowers blood pressure- pacinian corpuscles, which are pressure receptors in the skin are captivated by the sensation of touch, they send signals via the vagus nerve, which in turn leads to lowered blood pressure.
👉 It decreases stress- when you ‘bear hug’, the level of cortisol in our bodies is reduced, in addition to releasing tension and calming the nervous system- who doesn’t want less stress?
👉 Boosts immunity- hugs help reduce inflammation. Chronic inflammation can lead to health problems, so hugging can reduce the accompanying chemical responses in the body that can lead to inflammation.
👉 Can help with pain relief- Hugging releases the happy hormones, along with endorphins and can actually interrupt pain signals- ‘love induced analgesia’ .
So there you have it… hugs really are good for you… I’m off to get some in!
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Soulful revenue
Today we’re looking to Pay it forward!
It’s something that I do as often as I am able, not only does it help another, it genuinely has a feel good factor 💜
So today look to be kind to someone else. Not only will it possibly make their day, the soulful revenue is always returned through selfless acts of kindness.
And we know that ‘kindness is live with its workboats on’ ~ the house bunny.
If you put it out there it will be returned.
Even if it’s just a smile, a compliment ‘love the dress’ to a stranger, it will make you feel good and you’re paying it forward… the person you address is likely to perpetuate the cycle!
Or maybe you could perform a random act of kindness. This could be for a complete stranger or someone you know. Perhaps buy a cup of coffee for the next person in line, offer to pay someones bill at the checkout, helping to carry someones bags, buying someone a sandwich.
It doesn’t need to be a grandiose gesture, it’s often the smallest acts of kindness that truly mean the most.
If you’re unsure maybe ask the person what you could do for them.
I know where I live there’s a Facebook group where people are kind to each other regularly 💜
So whatever it is try to pay it forward
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You’ve probably heard that sleep is super important. But sometimes getting enough is pretty hard going.
So let’s look at why we need sleep, how much we need, what happens if we don’t get enough and how you can improve your sleep hygiene to optimise your life.
If you are tired when you wake up, feel like you have no energy but are totally wired, have accumulated weight from seemingly nowhere and are experiencing colds and niggles then you need more sleep.
Our bodies are most influenced by light/ dark and temperature- it signals a load of stuff in the brain that tells the rest of the body what to do. If our lifestyle environment isn’t conducive to sleep, then guess what? … it won’t happen!
We are unwittingly altering our biological rhythms that control our hormones, neurotransmitters and neural frequencies. By utilising tech, lighting, TV, being active in the dark and eating late at night we are sending all the wrong signals to our brain, test we should be being ‘busy’ and not needing to sleep.
This will then bring in physical symptoms such as fatigue, fertility issues, dehydration, poor skin, digestive issues, poor recovery, increased inflammation and decreased mental acuity
Sleep is about hormones.
As you go through the day the levels of melatonin increase and decrease. As they should do according to our daily circadian rhythm. As we wake melatonin levels are their lowest, they are at their highest at around 4 hours after darkness. An increase in melatonin is that we begin to feel sleepy.
Melatonin is an antioxidant working to remove free radical damage. It is essential to balance; human growth hormone, testosterone, oestrogen, ghrelin and leptin. A decrease of sleep means less leptin (which makes you feel full and not hungry) and more ghrelin (which makes you hungrier).
Simple things to assist your sleep will have the biggest impact.
Bedtime routine- going to bed should be at the same time each evening, ideally 9:30-10pm. Meaning that you’ll get as many hours sleep before midnight as possible. Often taking a warm bath/shower, or reading a book.
Try magnesium- the best most absorbable form is transdermals- spa rays/oils. Magnesium increases GABA, which encourages relaxation as well as sleep, also helps regulate the body’s stress-response system.
Turn off technology 1 hour before bed time- Blue light signals daytime to your brain as its absorbed through the eyes. So try and turn them off earlier or put your phone in the other room. Or if you have to work, try installing check out iris or wear blue blocking glasses after sundown if you are using artificial light.
Eat sleep inducing foods before bed- Melatonin is a derivative of the amino acid tryptophan, if you’ve ever wondered why you get sleepy after Christmas day lunch. Well turkey is filled with tryptophan!
Listen to a sleep stories or binaural beats- as a child did you fall asleep when someone was telling you a bedtime story? Well it’s no different as adults. It can kill you to sleep- try the Calm app.
Try ANF Therapy- Which can be used to reduce inflammation and improve the bodies own natural melatonin production.
NO caffeine after midday- it triggers the release of adrenaline and cortisol, which can keep your body switched on for hours, and has been shown to can significantly disrupt your sleep. Especially if you are slow caffeine metaboliser.
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Emotional health
We are e-motional beings and need to be able to express emotions freely and openly. Emotions are literally energy in motion 💜
We all have emotions, they are inevitable, normal and are often our internal response to the external environment.
Somehow we have learned to suppress our emotions, especially if they make others feel ‘uncomfortable’ or they’re seen as ‘negative’ so that we adhere to social norms, we fit in and are accepted by the mainstream.
Showing our emotions is seen as a weakness and we are encouraged to ‘suck it up’ and ‘get in with it’.
This can lead us to hiding our pain, harbouring repressed feelings, unable to be our true selves or ask for help. We put in a mask and build walls around us. Sometimes it’s so deep inside that it lays forgotten… but the body never forgets!
Energy in motion- our emotions need to be released and expressed, if they are trapped, repressed or contained sooner or later physical symptoms will manifest.
Did you know that according to TCM all of our organs correspond with an emotion and that if trapped causes issues with our energy flow (meridians). If there’s an issue with a particular organ, then it’s worth looking deeper to determine the emotion that may be causing the dysfunction or imbalance. Additionally an imbalanced organ energy can also trigger an overwhelming emotional response.
Here’s some examples;
👉🏻Liver ~ anger, resentment and frustration
👉🏻Heart ~ happiness and joy
👉🏻Spleen ~ thoughtfulness with the heart
👉🏻Lungs ~ sadness and grief
👉🏻Kidneys ~ fear
👉🏻Adrenals ~ anxiety
Stagnated energy and trapped emotions get in the way of healing. If we can release them then we can truly begin to restore, rebalance and heal.
This time of year our emotions can be super heightened. There’s no easy ways to change them- it all starts with acknowledging and processing. But in the short term either avoid triggering situations, work round them, or try a better coping mechanism like counting to 10, going for a walk or simply smiling as a response.
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Eating well
We talk about ‘healthy eating’ a lot… more so lately as we try to support our bodies and our defence systems.
There’s certainly some foods that I gravitate towards, for optimal nutrition for my body.
We all have days where we don’t consume adequate calories, consume too many calories, eat ‘junk’ or forget to eat. The days where we just grab whatever, or we’re eating in the car or at our desk.
But, in the main we should be mindful of what we consume, so the we can get the best nutrients into our body and the get the best performance out of our body.
Here’s some example of foods that I eat pretty much every day:
🥕Carrots for the beta-carotene
🌰Almonds for the protein
🍅Cherry tomatoes for the GABA
🫐Blueberries, Blackberries, and Raspberries for the antioxidants
💦 2L to 4L of filtered and/or distilled water for natural detoxification
🐓 Free-Range Chicken for the protein
🐄 Grass fed beef once a week for the protein and minerals
🥗 A colourful vegetable salad, most days, more so in the summer, for the vital nutrients.
I get asked a lot about what I eat… so here’s a snapshot. It may not be right for you- but please take a look at the labels on your foods and see what exactly it is you are putting inside your body.
Here’s to celebrating at Christmas with lots of nutritious wholesome food 💜
Yes, the selection boxes and desserts are all around us but make sure you’re also getting your fruits and veggies in.
If you do over indulge, try a period of fasting to allow your system to process and get back on track.
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Have you heard people talk about mindfulness and wondered what it is?
Mindfulness is simply paying attention and being in the present moment.
But, you are doing it intentionally, so you are involved in, aware and immersed in your experience.
Life can get super busy and oftentimes we can get so caught in our day to day that it can pass us by- sleep, eat, work, repeat. We can be driving to work and not remember the journey, or be bust replying to emails and missing our on family time.
With mindfulness it is a deliberate practice to help you to regulate your attention by being in tune with your thoughts, emotions and body.
When you are being mindful of something its like a check in with you and what you are experiencing as it happens.
So. when you drink your tea mindfully, it’s called mindful drinking- you notice thoughts, emotions and the physical state of the body whilst drinking the tea. When you walk mindfully, it’s called mindful walking. And when you breathe mindfully, that is mindful breathing.
So how will you be more mindful today?
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Self care
Sometimes it can be tough to put yourself first. Buts it’s also imperative that you do!
Self care is a daily need and not just on ‘self care Sunday’.
I gave a talk to a group last month all about self care for busy people and offered a free guide to anyone who wanted it.
How useful can some free pointers and a self care guide be?
Here is some of the feedback:
“Your advice and the A-Z guide were so helpful. I’ve used it for the past month and it’s reminded me to check in with myself more. Thank you’.
We could all use a little more self care at times 💜
I appreciate we’re all going at a different pace, and sometimes a few hints can make all the difference. I also know that sometimes we need a little more support.
Daily self care nourishes our body, mind and soul.
So here’s some tips:
✨ Take a walk in nature
✨ Eat lunch away from your laptop or TV
✨ Listen to some uplifting music and dance around your living room
✨ Take time to soak your feet or take a bath (lock the door if necessary)
✨Listen to a self development podcast
✨Sleep- yes it’s self care!!
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Drinking water through the party season
💦 You should really be drinking around half your body weight in ounces of water- it’s often said that 8 glasses it 2 litres if the answer but it all depends on your status. If you’re doing things to dehydrate like exercising, mouth breathing and excessive sweating you’ll need more water.
🍷 If your consuming more alcohol around this time of year you’ll also need more water.
💡 Dehydration is more than water though - you’re light environment and EMF affects us at a cellular level and can actually dehydrate us.
💧 But also your water source is super important.
🚰 Do not drink tap water- buy a gravity finger, a distiller or a reverse osmosis unit- they are all far superior!
🌀Ensure that you have a way of removing the fluoride and other chemicals we don’t need from your water.
🧊If you must drink bottled water- glass is preferable to plastic
Spring is preferable to mineral
Drinking water sources from a northern latitude and it altitude is preferable
If you need carbonated ensure it’s naturally carbonated like san pelligrino
🌱If you need to remineralise your water at a pinch of salt or better still fulvic acid to help restructure it and help your cells utilise it better.
As always any questions just ask
*This post is for educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice.
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Gratitude positively affects your vibrational frequency. This is a habit that you should incorporate into your life now. Because we know that the frequency you emit attracts like frequencies.
We can all be a little more grateful, its easy to sit there and think about the things we don’t have and our lack in life… its actually the way our brain is programmed, we all have a negativity bias… but we can work on it!
Like anything if you practice it, you get better at it, and now with the advances in neuroplasticity, we know we can actually change the way the brain functions. Our neurons can change… and in physiology we know that neurons that fire together, wore together… and so if we practice something that becomes habitual to stands to reason we can change the way we think on a cellular level!
Use this as a kick start you on your gratitude journey- trust me it works.
Start thanking for everything, for the good things and what you consider to be bad, thank for all the experiences you have had. Gratitude opens the door for good things to happen positively in your life.
All you need to do is every day commit to stating 1 thing a day you are grateful for… but you gotta be specific.
Its no good saying sunshine, as although Im guessing most of us are grateful for it… you gotta get specific as to why you’re grateful, how it makes you feel and when.
Ways to Become More Grateful
Take a moment during your day to be grateful for something- it could be your body, your mind, the planet and for all the things you are capable of doing in life, your gifts, talents, people, places, events, and things you enjoy, gives you the potential to interweave a sustainable habit of gratefulness.
Start a Gratitude Journal. Buy a beautiful notebook and a beautiful pen. Write down what you are grateful for- starting a gratitude journal and writing in it daily will help you to stay present. Making it a daily practice in which you remind yourself to be grateful allows you to become more in touch with your true self by improving your levels of positive emotions, making you feel more alert, alive, and awake, and helps feel more joy, pleasure, optimism and happiness.
When you feel better and more like yourself, feel more helpful, generous, and compassionate. It also helps you become more forgiving, outgoing, and can help you feel less lonely and isolated. This is very important when one is on a journey to health.
Your thoughts nourish your body and mind. This will take time and patience, however, you will notice how much stress negative thinking patterns impact your life. The benefits to practising gratitude, include; benefits to the immune system, improved tolerance to aches and pains, a brighter outlook, lower blood pressure and can help you sleep longer and feel more refreshed upon waking.
To be grateful it is helpful to remember the hard times that you once experienced. When you remember how difficult life used to be and how far you have come, you set the platform for gratefulness.
Also, keep inspiring and uplifting books, podcasts, YouTube videos, films available at all times. Surround yourself with friends that uplift and inspire you.
When you start out- its what I call a gratitude adjustment- being grateful for the things life gives us, means more life to be grateful for.
Sometimes its a small shift in perspective that may bring gratitude, fulfilment and an abundance of happiness into life.
*This post is for educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice.
Gratitude- what do you do?
📜 Disclaimer: The content is intended for informational and educational purposes only. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition, and should not be used as a substitute for any and all professional and/or medical advice. Recipient of this notice so affirms before partaking in any and all information and related links, etc.
Nasal Breathing
Why you should be a nasal breather
✨ It prevents snoring (which is extremely hard on your heart)💔
✨Breathing through the nose is good for the nervous system & puts the body in a parasympathetic state (rest & digest), instead of a sympathetic state (fight or flight).
✨Nasal breathing warms, filters & moistens the air you're taking in, which is better for your immune system!
✨Nasal breathing gets rid of dry mouth, caused by snoring (which FYI is the leading cause of cavities).
✨Breathing through your nose increases the good bacteria in your mouth (which also helps to reduce your risk of cavities).
✨Nasal breathing reduces bruxism- teeth grinding (which wears down the enamel of your teeth).
✨Nasal breathing improves your sleep quality (so you wake up more refreshed).
✨Nasal breathing increases your body's production of nitric oxide (which is critical for keeping inflammation in the body at low levels, regulating blood pressure, increasing blood flow, keeping your memory sharp, & strengthening your immune system).
I’ve been a nasal breather for many years… ever since a dream as a child about eating a spider as I slept 😳
🧐If you're a mouth breather, or a snorer, your breathing is stressful breathing- the body perceives it as stressful.
🧐Mouth taping might be an easy solution to help you strengthen your body's ability to heal itself, while you sleep. It’s something that may be a little unusual, but is high on my list of recommendations- try it during the day time before trying at night.
*This post is for educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice.
Nasal breathing tips
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