12 Days of Christmas Tips Day 5- Mindfulness

Day 5


Have you heard people talk about mindfulness and wondered what it is?

Mindfulness is simply paying attention and being in the present moment.

But, you are doing it intentionally, so you are involved in,  aware and immersed in your experience.

Life can get super busy and oftentimes we can get so caught in our day to day that  it can pass us by- sleep, eat, work, repeat. We can be driving to work and not remember the journey, or be bust replying to emails and missing our on family time.

With mindfulness it is a deliberate practice to help you to regulate your attention by being in tune with your thoughts, emotions and body. 

When you are being mindful of something its like a check in with you and what you are experiencing as it happens.

So. when you drink your tea mindfully, it’s called mindful drinking- you notice thoughts, emotions and the physical state of the body whilst drinking the tea. When you walk mindfully, it’s called mindful walking. And when you breathe mindfully, that is mindful breathing.

So how will you be more mindful today?

Mindfulness tips


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