12 Days of Christmas Tips Day 7- Emotional Health

Day 7

Emotional health

We are e-motional beings and need to be able to express emotions freely and openly. Emotions are literally energy in motion 💜

We all have emotions, they are inevitable, normal and are often our internal response to the external environment. 

Somehow we have learned to suppress our emotions, especially if they make others feel ‘uncomfortable’ or they’re seen as ‘negative’ so that we adhere to social norms, we fit in and are accepted by the mainstream.

Showing our emotions is seen as a weakness and we are encouraged to ‘suck it up’ and ‘get in with it’.

This can lead us to hiding our pain, harbouring repressed feelings, unable to be our true selves or ask for help. We put in a mask and build walls around us. Sometimes it’s so deep inside that it lays forgotten… but the body never forgets!

Energy in motion- our emotions need to be released and expressed, if they are trapped, repressed or contained sooner or later physical symptoms will manifest.

Did you know that according to TCM all of our organs correspond with an emotion and that if trapped causes issues with our energy flow (meridians). If there’s an issue with a particular organ, then it’s worth looking deeper to determine the emotion that may be causing the dysfunction or imbalance. Additionally an imbalanced organ energy can also trigger an overwhelming emotional response.

Here’s some examples;

👉🏻Liver ~ anger, resentment and frustration 

👉🏻Heart ~ happiness and joy 

👉🏻Spleen ~ thoughtfulness with the heart 

👉🏻Lungs ~ sadness and grief 

👉🏻Kidneys ~ fear 

👉🏻Adrenals ~ anxiety 

Stagnated energy and trapped emotions get in the way of healing. If we can release them then we can truly begin to restore, rebalance and heal.

This time of year our emotions can be super heightened. There’s no easy ways to change them- it all starts with acknowledging and processing. But in the short term either avoid triggering situations, work round them, or try a better coping mechanism like counting to 10, going for a walk or simply smiling as a response.

emotional health
emotional health tips


📜 Disclaimer: The content is intended for informational and educational purposes only. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition, and should not be used as a substitute for any and all professional and/or medical advice. Recipient of this notice so affirms before partaking in any and all information and related links, etc.