12 Days of Christmas Tips Day 11- Higher Vibe Tribe

Day 11

Higher vibe tribe

If you want to be part of the higher vibe tribe, then you need to literally raise your vibrational frequency- its quantum physics 

Everything is energy and we are beings vibrating on certain frequencies. Each vibration is equivalent to a feeling, and in the "vibrational" world there are only two kinds of vibrations, positive and negative. Any feeling causes you to emit a vibration which can be positive or negative.

So how can you influence your vibrational frequency?✨

✨ Your Thoughts - Every thought sends out a frequency to the universe and that frequency returns to the source, so it is important to be mindful of your thoughts and to switch to a positive whenever you can. Take care of the quality of your thoughts and learn to cultivate more positive thoughts.

✨ Your Company - The people around you directly influence your vibrational frequency. Have you ever walked into a room and sensed that it was full of ‘good vibes’ and you wanted to stay, or been around someone and felt physically drained after a conversation with them? Surround yourself with happy, positive and focussed people, you will also enter into this vibration.

✨ Your Tunes- Music is super powerful. Pay attention to the words of the music you listen to, if they are uplifting, happy and joyful them they influence and elevate your vibrational frequency. You attract exactly what you vibrate into your life. 

✨ Your Programmes- I don’t watch TV ever, maybe a DVD now and then, but they’re generally things that make me feel good and help me vibrate at a higher frequency. After all there’s too much misfortune, death, betrayal, etc. in the real world without adding to that.

✨ Your Environment- Being in an organised, clean and uncluttered environment influences your vibrational frequency and attracts this into your life and puts into the universe that you are ready to receive much more. 

✨ Your words- To keep your frequency high, it is essential to speak in a positive manner and take responsibility for your life. Remember you attract what you. Put out, so if you are forever complaining, guess what?

✨ Your Gratitude 

Gratitude is awesome- and an action you should incorporate into your everyday life. Start by being thankful for one thing, it opens the door for good things to happen positively in your life. 


higher vibe tribe
Higher vibe tribe


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