Sleep is for winners

Apparently it’s world sleep day today!!

How awesome is that a whole day dedicated to sleep… but it shouldn’t just be today that you focus on this super important factor.

Many of you struggle with this vital function, at times we all have sleep disturbances.

Sleep quality is of paramount importance to your wellness.

If you have slept poorly you are likely to suffer from:

  • fatigue

  • sleepiness during daytime

  • poor concentration

  • irritability

  • memory loss

  • depression

  • frustration, and

  • a weakened immune system.

Let’s face it- we’re surrounded by ‘threats’, that influence our wellness.

Did you know that toxins can…?

  • Stored in your fat cells, which can make it hard to lose weight

  • Affect your memory, clarity & focus

  • Interfere with your immune system

  • Disrupt your endocrine system, affecting your energy

  • Make it hard to fall asleep, or cause poor sleep quality

Sound familiar??

Once you have symptoms, it’s often only then that you seek guidance to manage them.

How would you describe your sleep?

  • Excellent—I get ample amounts of sleep

  • Average

  • Not great, I often have trouble sleeping

  • Poor, I would describe myself as sleep-deprived?

One of the big things with poor sleep is when your body systems are unable to rest and is on all the time- the body does not work well like this. It’s in high alert mode.

Your environment influences this hugely, it is likely not nourishing you… and this includes your sleep habits and sleep hygiene.

So you need to nourish it, and give it some TLC.

So how can we do better?

Sleep is a brilliant place to start for a holistic approach wellness and wellbeing. Here’s some things you may not have thought of…

  • Meditation and breathwork can be incredibly helpful in reducing the stress response and sleep disturbances.

  • Try eliminating processed sugar and alcohol from your diet.

  • A diffuser with Lavender essential oil at night may help to relax your mind and spirit, easing your body into rest mode.

  • Dry brushing is also an amazing practice to incorporate into your evening ritual - it boosts the lymphatic system and feels amazing!

Even the most complex of tasks can become easier and simpler if you take them one step at a time.

Start with what you can… One step at a time...

Interested in ways to support you and your family?

If you’d like some assistance putting any of these principles into practice I’d love to support you through those lifestyle changes.

Sign up here

Love + wellness

Tracy x


📜 Disclaimer: The content is intended for informational and educational purposes only. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition, and should not be used as a substitute for any and all professional and/or medical advice. Recipient of this notice so affirms before partaking in any and all information and related links, etc.