10 tips to reset your circadian rhythms

10 tips to reset your circadian rhythms, boost your health and manage your weight better!

  1. Watch the sunrise every morning- boosts production of serotonin and dopamine- feel better, reduce craving for sugar!

  2. Stop eating when you’re full and eat food that is in season.

  3. Exercise in the morning, outside, because leptin is higher… helps with weight!

  4. Get outside- take breaks form work and get outside, be in nature

  5. Watch the sunset to ready the body for melatonin release and cortisol suppression

  6. Wear blue blockers after sunset- supports melatonin release (a sleep hormone and the master anti-oxidant)

  7. Don’t eat after dark, artificial light increases reduces insulin sensitivity and digestion impairs sleep

  8. Turn off your tech… put down the smart phone and put on airplane mode at least an hour before bed- reduces cortisol

  9. Go to bed early, make sure you get at least 8 hours sleep

  10. Utilise black out curtains or wear a sleep mask- helps melatonin and leptin do their thing.