Invest in your health- now!

But it’ll be ok, right?

You’ll feel better tomorrow… it’s that hope that keeps us going… but will it really be better?

We’ve all been there. You get a niggle or an injury, or just filing a bit blah, but it’s ok, it’ll go. Well occasionally this may be correct… but does it leave behind an imprint? 

Well, basically the trauma that you go through as part of life’s ebbs and flows, affects your cellular biology. If you don’t get rid of the inflammation in your tissues, it stays there, and then next time you have trauma, guess what, it’s another layer… think about this picture and how it can build over 10, 15 or 20 years? 

That chronic pain you have, that is tissue injury. If you were an athlete, it would be like overtraining without sufficient recovery in between training sessions- your performance decreases, you ache and have pain, and your general mental and physical wellbeing is pants… then you are not listening to your body!

Believe me when I say, the UK health care system is awesome for acute trauma and putting you together… but long term ‘care’ is pretty much non existent unless you are filled full of medications to ‘moderate’ your symptoms, or leave you zombie like. Any one can mask symptoms, I mean the Pain gate theory explains how this works, think stubbing your toe and then rubbing it- pain reduces, right? 

But, getting to the cause the issue should be what your health care professional is trying to do! Why? Because this is the problem that needs addressing and not the symptoms. Do you ever think, why you got a headache? or do you just reach for the Anadin?

You gotta be smarter. You gotta be your own advocate. No one cares about your health, except you!

So invest in your health… educate yourself… seek out help… find a practitioner that can actually read between the lines and links ALL of your body systems together!!

This is why I use ANF… it’s not just the treatment, its about the methodology behind it and the world class assessment process!

#hybridtherapyuk #anftherapy #aminoneurofrequency #photobiomodulation #mitochondria #holistichealth #bebetter #upgradeyourself #wellness #healthoptimisation #lllt #redlighttherapy #pharmafree #chemfree #frequency #bioresonance#selfcare #treatment #betterisbetter