What is ANF?

I am getting lots of questions and people lining up to try out the ANF Therapy to get get rid of their pain and alleviate their symptoms.

The most common questions are, what do they do? How long does it last? and then how long do I have to wear them?

What do the discs do?

Firstly, the discs work to: 

  • Restore the body's default mode of self healing by providing the frequencies it recognises as its own (normalising), and can utilise immediately.

  • Restores and regulates nerve signalisation clearing and opening up the communication lines of the nervous system (strengthening signals).

This results in:

  • Removal of pain and inflammation

  • Enhance production of antioxidants to neutralise damaging free radicals that are running amok in your inflamed tissue and body

  • Calm the overstimulated nervous system and local tissue to allow restoration to occur

  • Improve blood & lymph circulation- this helps with oxygen and nutrient flow

  • Restore function to musculoskeletal system- so you can do the things you want to do!

What if I have a chronic complaint?

A chronic complain is one that has been there for some time- whether you have had symptoms or not. It’s going to be a process that can take an average 5 weeks consistent treatment to restore your self healing ability. (This depends upon your individual condition).

The more consistent the use of the discs the stronger the response and quicker the body regulates and restores itself. (This is why the optimal way to treat using ANF initially involves continual treatment over 5 weeks).

Of absolute critical importance for this system to work to maximum potential is your commitment to following the rules! Primarily avoiding sugar (as its an inflammatory stimulator) and staying hydrated by drinking quality water every hour your awake as this fluid is the conductor of the frequency and also helps lessen the detox effect.

What should I expect?

When you first come in my goal is to remove your worst pain and inflammation- so i’m obviously going to address your complain, but sometimes where the pain is, the problem isn’t. What do i mean? Well this can be referred pain- so not the case but just a symptom.

You’ll notice results within 30 seconds to 20 minutes! 

It’s non invasive and it acts to normalise your body- using frequencies to help with reducing inflammation, pain and the effects and symptoms you associate with this.

If I told you that inflammation is the thing that is causing all of your issues would you believe me?The inflammation within your body has disrupted your system and is causing your lethargy, your stress, and contributes to illnesses.

Not convinced?

Honestly my background is as a Sport and Exercise Science degree and a Sports Therapy Masters degree, like you I was a skeptic, so I did my research and thought, ah i’ll try the initial course and see what its all about. I s**t you not, within 5 minutes of  having a treatment myself, my pain was gone… plus it hasn’t come back! 

What next?

There will be follow up appointments and homework involved because we want to support you thought the process as much as possible. Moving forward from there I start targeting the source of your systemic inflammation in the body by working with the limbic system, the lymphatic system, the cardiovascular system and the endocrine system.

Upon restoration of your body you can choose to maintain your body and health with using the antioxidant, energy and calming discs.

So far I’ve had awesome results and great feedback from my clients. It really is quick, like it works in 10 minutes!

It’s called the therapy that works when nothing else will… for a damn good reason… It works!

It’s a therapy that is used all over the world by therapists who want results with their clients, and the bonus is the effects will last for up to 72 hours!

What more could you want?

How is ANF Therapy different?

Medical bio frequency treatment dates all the way back to Royal Rife. In recent times there have been many versions of frequency treatment that involve machines- ultrasound, PEMF, bioresonance machines, all the way to power bands and other ‘stickers’. (More in another BLOG as to why electro frequencies are not ideal for the body).

ANF frequencies targets the nervous system directly- and is only allowed to be practiced by qualified therapists, who following training, will complete a thorough examination and assessment to locate the source of the problem, and then incorporate ANF Therapy into a treatment plan to work with the body systems at a cellular level and promote optimised health and wellbeing. The treatment is not simply an off the shelf option that can be purchased by anyone, this is a medical device and is utilised as part of holistic health care.

Every cell in your body has a specific resonant frequency- thats right every tissue, every organ- these are the frequencies that they work optimally at. Try a google search

If you want more science… then take a look at some superb TEDx talks- heres one on resonant frequencies, and one on quantum biology. (The ANF studies are in progress… but these things take time).

Resonant frequencies and Quantum biology

If you are interested in finding out more, or whether I may be able to help you- get in touch!

tracy@hybridtherapy.uk 📲 +44 7759 734787 Mobile/ Whatsap