You are not a Label!

The diagnosis, the label someone has placed on you. 
The label that often identifies the symptoms but not the cause.
The label that often becomes your identity and negatively impacts you physically, mentally and emotionally.

Sometimes we need to forget this.

With ANF we look to determine the causes and contributing factors that have lead to this point.

So if we’re interested in that ankle sprain you had aged 10, or the concussion you got last month, or the shingles you had aged 30, or the tonsillectomy you had, or that scar you have- there’s a reason for it! 

It’s like Cluedo- finding who, what, when, where, why, how?

Allergies, asthma, acid reflux, eczema, premenstrual concerns, viruses, psoriasis, lifestyle, stress, environment, occupation, constipation, diarrhoea, medications... just some of the things that affect you. 

You are not a label. 

You are a product of contributory factors.

Change can happen.

Change is an active process as opposed to passive. 

Be the change!